Wow i watched princess mononoke and it was awsome! the characters go well and the plot is soo good! THe biginning was wierd on how then banished him from the village but when he left everyone in different villaged thought he was a samuri it was cool! then he went out on his own and saw san with the wolves and then like boom he fell inlove with her and the thing in his arm just kept getting worst and worst. then he got to talk to the town lady of iron town and it was wierd then san showed up and then the guy like got shot! it was so weird and he just walked out of the town with san on his shoulders and when he got to the gate he pushed it open by him self... WOW! Then san wakes up and the boy fell off the elk and a wolf startd knawing on his head.. ( I felt bad for the boy) but san told the wolves to stop and they did. san took the boy to the forest spirit's lake and put the boy there so he could go on with his fate as the forest spirit tells him and it was so cool how it brought the boy back to life and he just fell inlove with san even more! the war was making me sick to my stomach cause i'm an animal lover and I was just sick to my stomach. but the boy went to the town and saw it was attacked then went after the lady and san and then he ended up going after a boar wich had san but the mama wolf pulled san out and the lady shot the forest spirit in the neck (I was like Nooo!!!) and then the wound like didn't fase it i was like wow thats CoOL! and then it started changing and then the lady got up close and shot its head off I was like nooo thats so mean!! then the creature started looking for its head and then there was alittle romance and (I was like aw.... that was soo cute!) then they went after the monk and started searching for the spirit's head! they got ahold of it and then they both gave it back(there was even alittle romance here too) it was so cool! I liked the movie it was cool I wanna watch more ANIME!!!
Dark Angel of Souls · Sat Jun 11, 2005 @ 02:39am · 1 Comments |