...The Edelsteine Meme...
One question for every active god in the shop. It's a big pantheon.
Written by Perri Indiya. Feel free to share, but do not claim as yours. Why not write your own meme instead?
One question for every active god in the shop. It's a big pantheon.
Written by Perri Indiya. Feel free to share, but do not claim as yours. Why not write your own meme instead?
1. Destruction or Creation? Why?
2. What topic do you wish you knew more about?
3. If given the chance, would you be a kid again? Why or why not?
4. What's your favorite game meat?
5. What's the best material to make windchimes out of?
6. Do you prefer your shadow to be short, tall, or not there at all?
7. Do you ever dream in color?
8. What is your prefered body of water to swim in? River? Pool? Lake? Ocean?
9. Do you have nightmares that repeat themselves?
10. Do you prefer it to be bright when you wake up? When you go to sleep?
11. Can you be romantically in love more than one person at a time?
12. What's a good laugh sound like? What about a bad laugh?
13. Do you prefer to travel over mountains or molehills?
14. What is your favorite piece of music? What instrument do you hate to listen to?
15. Can modern medicne cure what ails you?
16. What would you name the new lunar sea you just discovered?
17. Do you like any storms, or do you wish they'd all go away?
18. Do we need to care for the earth, or fight to survive it?
19. What do you have a talent for making?
20. What is something you are two minds about? Why can't you choose a side?
21. What will happen after you die?
22. Do opposites attract?
23. Do you prefer to take care of others, or be the one cared for?
24. Do you like fast, straight rivers or slow, looping ones? Why?
25. What movie armed forces or army would you lead?
26. What animal do you wish you could ride like a horse?
27. What is your favorite astral body?
28. Do you like mediating disputes? Why or why not?
29. You're on a desert island and you get two things. One is love. What else do you need?
30. What's the best use of arrows in a movie?
31. Would you trade your voice for not needing to breathe?
32. What's the worse disease?
33. What assassinated historical person would you save? Which one would you let die in their place?
34. Can a war by just?
35. Can you see in the dark?
36. What is your favorite color of flame?
37. When is it okay to lie?
38. When would you choose not to speak?
39. Is schadenfreude understandable or just cruel?
40. Is it okay to convince someone of something if they want to believe it?
41. What is your prefered poison to die from? To use against someone else?
42. What would you do to get your heart's desire?
43. Would you rather donate your money or your time?
44. Does math make sense to you?
45. Do you have a favorite number? Why?
Now, choose your favorite question of those listed above, and then go to the main shop page here. In the fifth post, count from Gianfar - Knowledge, who corresponds to question two, to find the god you've chosen to serve. Offer them three more minions by tagging three friends to answer this meme. Who will they follow?
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