I cant talk in groups of people, I cant talk to girls easily, I get jealous of people because of how easily they can talk, theres a new kid that easily made a bunch of new friends and I got jealous D&, Also im not able to talk to [name deleted lol] for some damn reason which pisses me off, I always feel that in a groupd of people...the people in it would rather be talking to other people then to me, and to top it off...Someone was pretty much touching(or something) and hugging(I think) the only girl that I am able to talk to..which pissed me off......combime all of that...and thats what made me so emo/mad/etc
Lulz, I r so emo!......>.>;;
Having a crush on two people is bad Dx....I mean...I cant even talk to one of them.
Ah well, I should stop trying a move on. Shame...I really like her too =/
DX bah.....Well...at least the another one hugs me <3 Shes so awesome!