What I've interrupted my silence for is the beautiful people which have given me art for my avatar in the past few months. I created a thread during the 2007 halloween event to commemorate the vampire skins which I thought would be taken away from us after the even finished. Luckily, they weren't, but regardless, there were still some wonderful people who helped me 'capture the moment' as it were- I though this skin was the best my avatar had ever looked. 3nodding
So, without further ado, here they are, in no particular order:

I'd also like to take this time out to give a very, very special thank you to Endari for my birthday present. My birthday was recently, as of this writing, and as an extra special gift, he created this lovely piece for me:

Once again, thanks to all of you- I love art, in any format and almost any genre. Any art that I am give from this time forward will henceforth be placed here in my journal for all to see and browse as they will.
Thanks again. heart