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Zephr is a kind, caring little angel. She loves to see people smile, laugh, and be happy. In all ways you may call her a martyr, because in all aspects she is one. She can and will be far too trusting with people, and will defend ones that she doesn’t know. She is inquisitive and loves to speak her mind.
Biography: Zephr grew up in a world where there was purity. She was a resident of the planet known as Mana, and it was truly a beautiful place. When she was born, wings grew on her back, and people looked upon her as a being that was not human. She was not treated unkindly, or shunned, but people had a very hard time placing the young girl who had wings on her back. Until, of course, Adnai came to see her. Adnai was the Goddess of Light, and held in very high respect among the village that Zephr lived in. Zephr cannot remember their meeting very well, for she was young. She does remember that Adnai took her into her arms and spun her around, exclaiming that she was a very beautiful, very pure little girl. The Goddess of Light spoke with the confused villagers, and from that day on Zephr was regarded as a normal child. The Priests, however, told her that she was a gift from the Supreme God, and her wings would shed light upon anyone who wished it.
Zephr grew up knowing about her wings, and continually asking why she had them. But the day came when Zane, God of Darkness, disappeared. The lands and powers of Mana were suddenly unbalanced, and Zephr felt the call to go to the Capital -- where Adnai resided. Her journey there was short, and nothing interrupted her, but when she reached the Goddess of Light, she found her despairing and in pain. Zephr looked upon her and told her to take heart, for the journey ahead of her would be a long and testing one. She told the Goddess of Light to be strong, and to never forfeit to this shadow covering the land. Adnai looked at Zephr and gave her eternal thanks, and a gift. Taking some of her essence out of her body, she gave it to Zephr to keep. Zephr remained in the Capital with Adnai working to stop this shadow that laid over Mana. But when the entire world had crumbled, not even the angel could stop herself from falling into a sleep. A sleep that lasted her until another world called to her.
Two small knives, magic

Kade loves his little sister a lot -- and as a result, he tends to be a big worrywart about her. Regardless of that, he is a loyal, caring, and very trustworthy friend. He is a bit insecure about his strengths and weaknesses, but is a generally carefree and footloose kinda guy. You can count on him in a pinch -- he’ll have your back.
Biography: Kade did not understand why his father hated his little sister so much. When he was five years old, his mother passed away during childbirth. From the moment that she was born, Kade loved his little sister. His father, however, shunned her. She was blamed for the death of their mother, and shortly after Kade was enrolled into many military academies, boot camps, and martial arts classes. He was shipped far and wide, learning to defend himself and how to serve the military. All the while, his thoughts were on his little sister. He wrote to her often, and came home as soon and as often as he could, which wasn't much. All the same, he taught her how to fight, how to fire a gun, and other general things. The people that lived around them raised her, so she knew how to take care of herself and he didn't have to worry about that. His father was a well-respected member of the Krux Special Forces, and taught his son additionally, cutting off more time for him to spend with Cyra. His father wanted him to join the Special Forces, and he did so at the age of fifteen.
His time with Cyra was severely limited then, but he persevered in seeing her every now and then and spending as much time with her as he could. At the age of twenty, the Livians launched a full-out attack on Krux. He worried for his sister's safety, but his Special Forces unit needed to regroup. Forming a covert operations then, he recieved a report stating she was inside of the Xeo mines. She was due to be tortured, and then executed if she was not useful. Determined to save her, Kade tried to leave, but his comrades convinced him to wait. A few days passed as they got ready, but finally they stormed into the Xeo mines and overtook very few guards. Kade found his little sister, and his heart broke at her condition. She didn't seem to believe it was him, so he just swept her up on his back and began to run out, his Special Forces comrades helping him. Inside of the Livian camp, they found a trapdoor and entered, where a staircase led them down into some ancient, magical place. They were ambushed, and eventually Kade grew tired of dodging bullets and sword slashes. An ancient power engulfed them before he could see their demise.
He awoke in another world.
Martial arts, a handgun, and a sword.

Cyra is a beautiful person to look at. She is kind, loving and gentle, but she is also capable of radical changes. She has killed people, and she has turned her heart to stone. There is much that she has managed to do and she hasn’t. Generally, she is cautious, suspicious, and slightly happy. She isn’t relaxed unless she’s Around Kade, and constantly worries over him. Her mind is slightly broken, and she will hallucinate from time to time.
Biography: Cyra was born five years after her brother, in the town of Krux. Her mother died giving birth to her, and she looked like the spitting image of her. Her father, angry that his wife had died, shunned her -- and joined the military. Her brother was drafted and sent to military and boot camps, in an attempt to keep him as far away as possible from Cyra. Cyra grew up alone -- a steady income of money from her father's job keeping their house paid. She grew up, wishing that her father wouldn't hate her so much for being born. Her brother loved her very much, however, and didn't see Cyra for the same crimes that their father did. He came to visit her as often as he could, and he taught her all of the martial arts skills that he knew -- and what had been passed from their father. Hence, Cyra is an excellent martial artist. She also knows how to fire a few guns, but she isn't the best marksman in the world. Krux was a peaceful city, and most of the inhabitants are quite laid back. There hadn't been any wars in their times, except for when the Livains came.
They eradicated everything, and Cyra was lucky enough to survive most of the carnage. Her brother and father were away on duty at the time, so she tried to go to the nearest station to find out where they were -- but two Livians caught her. Knocking her out, she awoke swiftly to find she was inside of the old Xeo mines. The Xeo mines had been shut down because a new mineral in place of Xeo was used to power machinery. It was cleaner and more effecitent. It was now a prison, and she was tortured constantly by Livian guards in search for information. Anyone with a direct military contact was sent to the Xeo mines. Days passed, and she began to loose hope. When her last shred of hope was gone, and when she was on her deathbed, her brother came. He woke her up, and at first she thought he was a dream, but then she realized it was the real him. He carried her that night -- a twenty-year-old Krux Special Military Forces man -- into the heart of the Livian's camp. There was a plan to ambush the Livians that night, and the only safe place would actually be the Livian's camp. They found a strange building, and a trapdoor on the floor. It led them downward, where they were ambushed. Cyra was too weak to move from this strange podium they had wound up on, and finally her brother grew to tired to defend her. A stray bullet cut open her cheek, and she bled onto the podium.
And ancient magic sleeping there awakened, and carried them into a different world.
Martial arts techniques
Alternate Appearance:
Cyra (Other)

Appears fifteen, but is actually about seventy.
Rico is everything a soldier should be. She is a killer. She is cold, and she has no mind. She works mindlessly, and sometimes it appears as though she has no conscience or guilt over who or what she kills. She is far from corrupt, however, and has morals and sticks to them. She’s just a child, and although it may not appear that she cares -- she does. A series of drugs just prevents her from doing so.
Biography: Rico's mother and father were both brilliant scientists. Her father was also a soldier, and when her mother could not produce offspring, Rico's father decided to make a child for them. Rico is a Homunculus, or an artificial human. Regardless, normal blood could not sustain their new child, so they had to bioengineer a synthetic brand. It turned out to be a virus that was lethal to people, but only when consumed in great amounts. They kept Rico for a little, until she was discovered that Biohazard, a powerful private military company. They came to collect her for their own uses. When they resisted, both of her parents were shot and killed, and she was taken. Biohazard then took samples of her blood and diluted it into a raw virus, which could be used as a power-enhancer if the body could stand it. Rico was then trained in the art of combat, marksmanship, war, espionage, and murder.
She became a weapon in charge of Unit One, the strongest Unit in Biohazard's cell known as Virus. She is co-commander next to Cyrus, the boy whom seems to be developing feelings for Rico. As to her age, Rico has spent years and years in cyro-sleep, being awakened only for training and missions. She met her end when Biohazard wished to create Generation Two -- the children who would be more powerful and effecient. She died after many gunshot wounds, and then was placed in cyro-sleep.
Guns, martial arts, and a very powerful physical form of telekinesis.

Akita Katari
Younger, fifteen -- older, seventeen
You look at an assassin, and find that Akita is a perfect match. She is cold, calculating, distrustful, and killing people doesn’t bother her. She used to do it for a living. Her mind is somewhat broken, however, and she suffers from flashbacks, uncontrollable urges, and frenzies. If you try and approach her she will turn away. Stoic and antisocial are her middle names, most of the time. Only a rare few have actually managed her to stay still long enough to talk.
Biography: Akita's father left her mother the day she was born. Akita does not know why, but she lived with her mother in three years for a short time of bliss. She was happy, and nothing else mattered. However, Akito -- the Katari clan head -- found out of this half-breed abomination and sought to kill her. He did so, blaming Akita for his sister's death, Akita’s mother.. To repent for this sin, she had to enlist in his service and do anything and everything he bade her to do. So she became a deadly assassin, living in solitude. She was tortured, abused, and injured in many, many ways for many years. Akita has lived by pain, and is no stranger to it. When she was thirteen, Koji -- another Katari clan member -- met her and found nothing he could despise. A tentative love and friendship grew between them, and Akita begged him to go back to the way things were so he would not be hurt with this pain that infected her.
Akito discovered their bond, and quickly executed Koji for his crimes.
When Akita was fifteen, and on the day of her birthday, her clan was slaughtered. She was injured by Akito, and mortally so. He ran her through with his katana, but somehow she managed to live and crawl away. She fell into a sleep, but was surprised to find she could open her eyes again. When she did, she found that her wounds were still there, but she was alive. She has lived in torment ever since that day. She has turned into a vagabond, and has many enemies hot on her heels. She seeks answers to her questions, and is hesitant to unbury the memories of the past.
Katana, shuriken, kunai, chaka-based attacks, martial arts.
Alternate Appearance:
Akita (Younger)

Hotsuharu, “Haru” Arashi
Haru is bound to honor. He lives by the book, he follows the code, and he has memorized all the rules there are to being a shinobi. He is slightly flustered by “the Katari girl” and is a generally kind and nice boy. In battle be becomes steely and hardened, but he’ll give anything for his family, and he’s ready to lay his life on the line.
Biography: Haru was born into the Arashi clan, a very peaceful clan that only has interests to pass on the ninja arts from on generation to the next. Haru trained diligently over and over again, until it became a mechanical reaction. His main duty was to watch over the little ones in the Arashi compound -- a task he enjoyed. Everything passed by in tranquility and silence, and be began to suspect that his life would be this easy. No wars broke out in the country, and there was no need for shinobi. Being the easygoing fool he was, he dropped his guard and let the slow rhythm of life enter and ebb inside of him.
That was, until, the day that she appeared.
It happened in the garden -- in the section that branched off into the forest. The little clearing washed up with light, and a woman as beautiful as a Goddess emerged, dressed in what looked like their ninja garb. A demon wolf appeared after her, curled up on the ground with a teenage girl on its' body. The woman picked her up, and then beckoned Haru forward. With the acceptance of the clan head, he did -- and the woman gave him the girl. She told him to take care of her, and that the two would not be that far behind. The girl was injured and wounded, so she was locked up in the infirmary until her background story could be learned. She awoke, but Haru only watched as she was escorted around with an Elite Guard -- and her background was kept locked tight. She was accepted as part of the family, but she was firm and insisted her last name was not Arash; would remain a Katari.
Haru watched over her as the Goddess-woman instructed, and by the orders of the Arashi clan head.
A katana, shuriken, kunai, chakra-based attacks, martial arts.
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