A list of all of my orphan children! I misses them so much! |
So far I've had 16 orphans: (I will keep updating)
Miasma: He had dirty brown hair when I got him. *sniff* and he was holding a little girl by his side. *snrrrkkk* He liked to bite things. crying heart I MISS YOU MIASMA!! 
Damp Dan: He was in a box that said, "HALP." *sob* I-I'm sorry... I get choked up just thinking about him. He was just like Miasma with the twitching and grahing, and even the chomping problem. heart crying I MISS YOU, DAMP DAN!!  
Pinachle: He looks just like Damp Dan, silvery hair, but he doesn't bite... he sighs a lot, and I think he may be a little emo and/or depressed.... O_o;; Sorry Pinachle. I still love you. *huggles* Pinachle: *sigh* if you hug me you'll get the plague. I haven't yet got over it. *sigh* Yeah... well that's how my little Pinachle acts. Pinachle: You can't refer to me as 'little'... I'm driving a car. *sigh* And only parents call their children 'little'. You're not my family. *sigh* I don't even have a family! *sigh* what a great way to start the holidays. You: O_o Yeah. Pinachle is more of an individual than the others.. *gets bit by Damp Dan and Miasma* No! I love you guys too! Now get off my leg!!! I MISS YOU PINACHLE!!  
Renigald: He's awful cute. Picture: So far, he's a very violent individual. biggrin He gets mad easily because the other kids are mean to him. Jerks... yeah. He pretty much acts like me. heart I MISS YOU RENGIALD YOU CUTIE!!!  Funniest thing said to me by Renigald: I have a bunch of imaginary friends, but I don't think any of them like you, sorry.
Fisher: Picture: He's kind of like Shigure. He says stuff like, Maybe I should go home and cry in my corner. He says, smiling. And he says that the rats have better meals than he does. Then he proceeds to say, "But if I ate the rats, I'd have quite the meal!!" Random quote: The orphanage wasn't so bad... we did have that nice rat that would fetch sticks for us. I MISS YOU FISHER!!
Jo: She's always looking at the good side of life. It makes me sad to think of how she is so optimistic, yet an orphan. crying heart But it makes me happy to know I'll be there to help her!! =^w^= I like the fact that she has kitties in her lap! Kitties are so cute, ~nyah!!I just love all the other orphans. Once, she said this to me, and I wanted to cry: "Sure, sometimes the bigger kids beat me senseless just to steal and eat the lint from my pockets, but I can tell that, deep in their hearts, they mean well." And another one! crying "Anyone who doesn't love Shabby Meadows is just a huge sourpuss. This place is great. Getting adopted would be great, too. Hey, I'm fine with whatever." She's just too dang cute!! WOAH! Look at this quote: "Hey, call me an optimist, but I think the world will pretty much be perfect forever, starting... now." I don't know about you, but I think Jo was cuter when she was all roughed up.. crying heart But I still love her. I LOVE YOU JO! YOUR OPTIMISTICNESS WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN! crying heart heart
Mildred: I don't know about Mildred. He's just a regular kid. He's OKAY. I don't really know how he acts quite yet... sweatdrop heart Well... I know he likes to be overly sarcastic and joke a lot! heart Quote: "When it comes to orphanages, this place is like the Costco of air born respiratory diseases." ; "When I get adopted, I hope to have a hug-a-thon with my new parents!" Well.. At least I know he has high hopes for the future. He also wants to be adopted by a family of astronauts apparently.. sweatdrop heart I MISS YOU MILDRED!! CUTIE!
Tootie: She's really cute too! I like her hair, the little flyaways are so cute!! This personality wants to make you squeeze them tight!!! Quote: "Please, don't mind my nocturnal screaming. I don't wish to burden you with my night terrors..." and "I feel terrible for imposing on you. Can I offer you something in return? A clump of hair, perhaps? No? Well, suit yourself. " "Fish heads are probably too good for someone so undeserving as me..." She's still aweful cute!! =^w^= I MISS YOU TOOTIE!! crying heart
Buttercup: She's really cute! But she cries and that makes you feel really bad... crying But anyways, she's a nature enthusiast. She always goes on and on about racoons and such. (Haha. And such. I love saying that.) Quote: "I've learned to sleep with my eyes open." and "Mr. Raccoon lives in the attic. He controls the orphanage from the kitchens to the common areas." ; "Mr. Raccoon bit me once, but only because I disrespected him." She's still crying! It makes me sad... crying heart I MISS YOU BUTTERCUP!!
Gilbert: He's my last one. crying heart If they don't let me adopt any more I'm gonna' be MAD!!! 'Cause they shouldn't do that. I love the orphans so much!!  Well, he acts just like Tootie. Another one that apoligizes. But it's okay. I loves him so much! I'll miss him if I'm not allowed any more orphans! I don't even care about prizes anymore, but the orphans are so cute! I wish the orphanage was always open. crying heart Quote: "I hope my shabby clothes don't offend your delicate sensibilities. " and :You don't need to waste your time on a wretch like me... I'm sure there are plenty of bright, attractive kids to help instead..." and "I dearly wish I had something soft to play with... but how dare I ask for a new toy when so many less fortunate orphans have nothing but sand and toenail clippings to entertain them?" *SNRRRKKK* This is my last kid!! crying crying heart heart I'm gonna' miss you all! I LOVE YOU GILBERT! ORPHANS!! heart heart
Damp Dan: (again?) This one acts just like Tootie and Gilbert! =^w^= And I HATE how people are so mean to this orphan just because of his weight! I was on the forums and they were saying that he was fat and a homosexual! Well he's not!! GRR.  Look at him in his nice plaid! Adorable!! I'll miss you Damp Dan#2!! heart heart crying
Ragimuffin: Aww, look at this cutie! He acts just like Buttercup! ^_^ His hat PWNS!!! heart Oh, and here's a quote from him I haven't heard yet: "Ms. Cooper says I've developed an acute case of agrizoophobia. What does that mean?" (I, honestly, don't know what that long word means. sweatdrop heart ) Isn't he cute? heart heart Another Quote: "Mr. Raccoon always hangs out with Mr. Skunk, but I think he's a bad influence." *sniff* I MISS YOU RAGIMUFFIN, YOU ADORABLE MUNCHKIN!!
Fisher: Haha! It's Fisher again! But this time, he's a sarcastic know-it-all! But that's okay, because he's still very nice. 3nodding  Quotes: "Gruel is basically a thin porridge, duh! There are some fancy kinds, like Korean Jat-juk, but I'll settle for any kind." ; "I'm hungry for gruel! Maize gruel was once one of the main foods of Mesoamericans, did ya know?! I did!" ; "Some of the other kids are scared of Mr.Raccoon, or as I call him, Mr. Procyon Lotor." (He's reffering to Buttercup here... I can tell! xd ) "I know all about orphanages! Did you know that the first orphanages were called "orphanotrophia"? It's a fact!" ; "I bet you can't recite all the world capitols. I can!" I MISSES YOU FISHER#2! FILL YOUR FAMILY WITH INFORMATION ON USELESS SUBJECTS!! I mean... um.. I love you?? *OW* Dang.. it usually works..
Lil' Gaspy: He is also a nature enthusiast. ^3^ Quote: "Once one of us stepped on Mr. Raccoon's tail. We had to offer Billy in repentance. Poor Billy."  I MISS YOU LIL' Gaspy!! YOU ARE SO CUTE! AND YOUR NAME? ADORABLE!!
Um... for a while I'm going to stop going to the shelter to pick up orphans... it's not that I don't like them, because that's farest from the truth you can be!! Because I love those little guys! HANG IN THERE! I'm COMIN' FOR YA'!! But for now, I'm not going to get any more until I get on a less laggy computer. *sigh* It's WAY SLOOOOOOOOOOW. *pokes acaciablossom*
Welp, back to helpin' orphans!!
Harper: She's SUPER CUTE! And I love her hat....  She acts like Fisher#2... smarty-pants. She'll be the first person to invent and fly in a flying car I bet.... =w= *big dreams for my orphan buddehs* Random Quotes: "When I don't know the answer to something, I look it up! But that hardly ever happens." "We have four volumes of the encyclopedia at Shabby Meadows. B, F, D and T! I've read them all hundreds of times!" *sniff* Bye Harper! I'll miss your.. hat! And your cat plushie!! Hmm.... what else will I miss? Nope. Not your know-it-all attitude... I'm kinda' not likin' those kids... but oh well! Life goes on! heart Bye Harper! crying heart
AND.... my last one... crying heart ((I love them, yes, but I'm getting somewhat bored with them, and I always get the same one... over and over and over again.... what is this? My 4th box person? No, 5th! Whatever. I don' t know or care to look... =_=;; )
Scuppers: He is the one in the box.. and the car. He is kind' strange... space case, ya' know what I mean?? sweatdrop heart Quote: "I've still got most of my teeth. Can you believe some people just throw them away!?" ; "I'm so tired, but I can't sleep or rats might carry me away! I wish there was some way to get over my fear." "Any meal becomes more filling if you just add a little sawdust!" ; "This is the real world, huh?" ; "I stopped growing a few years ago." Bye Scuppers! heart heart Ani was right... he does have Near's haircut... sweatdrop
... I don't have much to say other than ... well... I don't know what to say, what am I saying?? (Too many 'says') Anyways, yeah.. that was fun! whee I misses them so much! (DUR) So yush. I don't think I'l be doing any more. *sigh* I get busy during this time of year... BYES.
Abstractic · Fri Dec 21, 2007 @ 08:20pm · 2 Comments |