(this is about my rpc charactor, not the real life me)My name is Shia. Im a 13 year old angel with a inner voice who is a demon. Im in 7th grade. I have long straight blonde hair and blue eyes with cat ears ^_^ My personality is hyper and nice (enless you get on my bad side) *note to all people who want to kill me* You cant kill me beacause im an angel so im already dead :{ I can only deminish (disappear) if i do something demonic. Im not a real angel yet beacause i have not passed my angel exam yet (im not smart at all) so you cant always count on me to act like one. i dont have a bf yet, i dont think dating humans is good for an angel. sweatdrop (plz dont ask about rl me i wont tell for my safety)
Me at angel form:

About my inner voice
Her name is Noa. She is also 13. She is a demon (real demon she passed her exam easy beacause she is smart) she has realy long straight black hair (not cat ears) Her personality is serious, emo, gothic, and mean (she takes over me if u get on my bad side she WILL kill you) *note to all people who want to kill Noa* She is a demon and already dead, but she will disappear if she deminishes from doing something angelic or if i deminish. She never tells me anything about boys so i have no clue if she has a bf or not.
Noa in full demon form (if u look at my pro. in her pic she is only half demon)

My family and i where seperated after my youngest sister was born. I dont remember much about the ones i was seperated from. My only current family is my little sister, Sasha. Sasha is a 7 year old angel in training(The youngest you can becme a real angel is at age six) She has long straight light brown hair with cat ears and she has a cat tail. Her personality is kinda angelic and kinda demonic (from noa) *note to all people who want to kill her* same thing as me^ She is to young to have a bf!
Sasha in angel form:

im tired of typing so look up my bffs: Shika (Ichigo is a kitty) my bff scence about third grade (her profile says how we became friends) Starxiez << (username) We were also friends scence about 3rd grade. Naryu (Naryu-02) My new friend (met in social studies) *Note to people who want to kill my bffs* YOU WILL DIE TOMORROW MORNING IN HORRIBLE PAIN I WILL HAVE NOA LAY A DEMONIC CURSE ON YOU! scream (these are only my friends i know in rl and have an account on gaia i have much more bffs in rl and gaia)