Kelsi was in a small carriage. She didn't want anything too flashy. It was a small white carriage led by two white-spotted horses. The inside was enough to fit at least four people. Back to the outside, the carriage was trimmed with a gold lining.
The young princess who had just been through a dark and intense moment had still been riding in her carriage. After a couple moments and pit stops later, she finally arrived at The Kingdom of the Hidden Lotus. A guard who had been sitting across her slowly untied her black blindfold. A bright light flashed, which made the princess wince with pain. "Owwiee... she muttered to herself as she took one step out of her carriage. A loud sigh escaped her lips as she took a big, long stretch and yawn as soon as she got out.
"What is this place?" she asked herself as she looked up at the enormously large castle before her.
Kelsi sighed once more as she decided to enter the castle. "Won't hurt to go inside, right?" she asked herself. The doors automatically opened right before her eyes. She thought that she had done it, but some guards had actually opened it for her. She sweatdropped as she hastily entered the building. She was followed by two guards which pretty much annoyed her. But anyway, they just brought her inside the castle.
The curious little princess stood in the middle of the whole room. She was a bit in awe as she felt like she was lost.
The young princess turned her head quickly as soon as she head the calming sound of a piano. She followed the relaxing tunes. Her feet left the ground and decided to fly over to the music. She hoped that she wasn't breaking any rules. She opened the door to the room which obtained the piano. The door made a long creaking sound which could be heard a mile away. She gasped at first and hoped that the girl didn't hear it. She peeked through the opened door and wished to sing or dance along with the music.
She thought about playing the piano now. She then played a couple of simple songs but then went to a new song that had just popped into her mind.
Kelsi began to play. It started of fast and happy but after a couple minutes, it became calm and slow. After several minutes she stopped to enjoy the beautiful scenery in the room.
As the the air princess sat in the room she had been stuck in, she decided to take a look around and enjoy the time here. She slowly made her way to an open window. She climbed up the ledge below it and sat down comfortably.
"Ah..." she sighed as she took in a deep breath of fresh air. "Just like back home..." she muttered to herself as she tucked the hair that was in her face behind her ear.
She sighed once more, not too loud to show that she was annoyed. Kelsi closed her eyes and wondered what her long-awaited Angelic prince would be like. He sounded wonderful as he was being explained to her by her parents. Even her brother would tell her strories about how the kingdom of angels began.
Kelsi opened her eyes just to enjoy the serene sounds of birds chirping and the tree's rustling against each other. She swayed side to side, making her hair follow behind her. She began to hum a song that was taught to her by her friends back at her kingdom called Love Sensation. It was a song that you think you'd hear at a club or something.
Kelsi hopped off the ledge and began to dance around. She closed her eyes every once and a while when she began to shake from one side to the other.She giggled about but continued to dance as nobody was really around. Who cares? Kelsi sure didn't.
After several minutes which seemed like endless hours to Kelsi, finally seemed to pass once more. Kelsi jumped back on her ledge and brought out her tarot cards. She fished it out from her stuffed pocket. It was her tarot cards the whole time that were poking her thighs. She has already developed bruises and scratches there. "Ow..." she muttered as she rubbed her thigh. She winced as she stoked her leg.
Kelsi then decided that she tell her future. Anyway, she was not doing anything really important now. She hoped that somebody would at least come to greet her. What would be great is even if she got see her long-awaited prince. Kelsi set out her cards. Eight random cards that she picked from her deck. She set aside the other cards and focused on her current ones.
She flipped the cards upside down and shuffled them. She then quickly removed four cards and turned over the other four cards she was left with. The first card which was on top has a picture of a lady on it. There was a heart border around her. "Hmm. The Love Card. Interesting! Love awaits me. Wonder who it will be with?" she smirked. The second card then had a windmill on it. "Okaaayy~ So we have the Windmill Card. Meaning that there will be a change of emotions. Oh gosh. Gotta be prepared for that..." she said to herself. She made a mental note of that.
"On to the next card. Don't wanna be to hasty~" she said as she flipped over the third card. "Ahh~ My favorite card~!" she cried as she examined the Health Card. It had a big red cross on it which looked very pretty to Kelsi. Kelsi giggled as she moved onto her next card.
Kelsi flipped over the last card and gasped as soon as she did. "Uhmm." she muttered to herself as she looked both ways and around the room like she was in trouble. "Oh my..." she muttered to herself. "Why'd the Double Card show up?" she asked. The double card meant that she would be torn between two people or be with two people!
Kelsi sighed once more. This wasn't her day. Kelsi kept her cards in a special case that her friends back at her kingdom made for her. She jammed it back into her pocket with care, so that she wouldn't get scratched or bruised anymore. Kelsi jumped of her ledge and tiptoed out of her room. She peered out of the room, just being able to peek through the slightly open door.
Nobody seemed to be there, so she went back to her ledge once more. Kelsi seemed to ignore the door and left it wide open for others to see what she was doing. She didn't really care anyway. She wasn't doing anything too important, right?

Tomomi just then realized that the room she was in had a bed in the far right corner of the room. She hopped off her ledge once more and approached the massive bed. "Fit for a princes~!" she cried as she jumped onto the soft bed. She bounced hard and ended up landing on the floor once more, so she just stood up and slowly sat on her bed with a giggle.
Tomomi then wondered if she had actually arrived at her school. "Hmm... I think this is my dorm!" she cried as she began to jump on her bed. "Sraw-be-rry-Hear-t~~" she sang cutely to herself. "I wonder if anyone else is in this huge school of a castle" she wondered.
So the air princess left her room and decided to go out for a walk. Tomomi's arch angel wings emerged from her back, making her look pretty angelic, but the sword and her ragged yet classy princess look threw the whole thing off.
Tomomi, or Kelsi as we say left the building and was glad that she wasn't lost. Tomomi had already been here for about a year but she had always been in the Cherry Clover Dorms. She never really thought about being in Strawberry Heart. All the rooms in Strawberry Heart were either pink or turquoise. In Cherry Clover on the other hand, all the rooms were either a ruby red or lime green. Tomomi knew the who school like the back of her hand but never really knew anything about Strawberry Heart. Strawberry Heart was only the dorms for the 'higher class' it was to be said.
Tomomi looked up at the sky then back down at the grass. She was in mid air. Tomomi then looked around her and noticed the 5 buildings surrounding her once more. "Ahh... Just like the old days..." she muttered to herself. She looked back at the Cherry Clover Dorms and spotted a tree that was just beside it. "Wow! My tree is still here~" she cried as she flew towards her tree.
As soon as she reached the tree, her arch angel wings closed and were hidden once more. A trail of feathers followed behind her. She climbed up her tree and sat on one of the brances. She picked an apple from the tree and took a big bite out of it. "Yummmmyy~!"
Under the tree was a boy who had seemed to already claim the tree. He looked up and didn't think to see a little girl in it. "May I assist you, ma'am?" the gentleman asked.
Tomomi freaked as soon as she heard the gentle voice that just filled the air with glee. "Uwaaa!" she cried as she dropped from the branch. The man who was said to be named Rio caught the girl in his arms and seemed to noticed that the girl's face was as red as a tomato.
Tomomi gasped as she almost fainted. She covered her mouth at first but then pouted in her mind. "W-who... Th-Tha..." she was speechless. 'Such a beautifu person...' she thought. The man put Tomomi down and took a bow. "My name's Rio Momoshiro. It's very nice to meet such a beautful princess such as you" he said as he gave her a light kiss on the hand.
Tomomi covered her mouth with her hand and nodded. She coughed once more to adjust to the enviroment. "Uhmm.. Nice to meet you.. My name... my name is.. Uh.. Tomomi! Yeaaaahh! Tomomi. But..But... you c-can call me Tomo,Momo, or uhmm.. Kelsi." she stuttered.
Rio laughed softly as he nodded along. "Kelsi is cute. Is that okay?" Tomomi nodded frantically as she thought, 'KYAAAAAHHH!He called me cute. And he's so cute as well~' Tomomi turned even redder when she thought that. Rio laughed once more as sat down.
Tomomi sat down beside him and tilted her head to the side. "Who i this guy?" she muttered to herself.