BABABA!!!!! what has that cat done !!!!! omg! a kiki on drugs! Sally Pocono said it herself! "i was walking down the street and this kiki comes with cigarette saying ,to me hey slut get out me way, not only that he had beer too! then he got knocked out and fell to the ground! FREAK!!!!" omg he had beer too how horrible what hppened to our dear kikis!!
 this kiki is charged with rape, drug abuse, and driving and drinking.
naurto and his friends
 naurto has been seen dancing with dude at club!!!!!!!what do have to say for self naruto?!?!?
"HOW DID GET THAT!!!!' ets see what others said
" its black mail time' THAT WAS............SCARY
Kakeriko · Sat Jan 19, 2008 @ 12:23am · 2 Comments |