Part 2 ~
Days passed, from puzzling to tiring, but a smile always stayed upon their faces. Casey seemed much happier now that she had been set free from the chains that held her down in misery. Andrew began to take care of Casey. To him her soul was always wandering off to peek into something else and learn new things. Curious is how you would explain her. Andrew would feed her everyday. Hed do much house work as did Casey and helped her learn new exciting things she had never known. Always sitting on his lap, Casey would wrap her tails around herself as Andrew hekd her by her stomach, back against his chest. All was fine. It seemed like depression was out of the picture forever. "You do know shes made for assassination Andrew. She isnt just a loving creauture-like toy." A voice laughed as Caseys eyes snapped and locked onto Master as he stood with a twisted grin. Andrews teeth were bared as his fangs were visible in plain sight, an angry sparkle in his eye. Master stood and grabbed at Caseys hair, "Come now, we must finnish your creation." He said softly. Caseys eyes began to water as she snapped away grasping her hands onto Andrews jacket pulling herself close to him. Andrew pulled her close and slapped Masters hand away. Master growled then began to laugh, "Whats so important? Do you need her to fufill some destiny? I will bring her back to her destination." Andrew held Casey closely in a comforting manor as he strokes his fingertips gently through her lush hair. "Shes here in her destination." He called. "What you plan on having demonic vampire children?" Master taunted with his howling laugh. "Whats comes, comes. She wants to be here." Andrew fought. "Being persuasive eh? Well then Ill be back." And in a snap he bcame a tainted figure that slowly disolved in a haze. Scratch marks appeared on Caseys arm. She yelped then fell to the floor wincing in pain. Andrew held her closely bandaging her wounds and sways her in his arms. "Its alright sweety, everythings fine." He whispered into her ear. Soon nightfall came and they layed together in bed. Andrew pulled the cover over his head and smiled pulling Casey close as they shared eachothers warmth. The next morning awoke Casey with the glare of the suns light shining in her eyes. Caseys head looked around then didnt see Andrew. He was already outside. She rushed out to him then jumped into his arms as he held her up, his nose nudged against hers. "Morning." He greeted. "Morning." Casey replied as they gently pressed their lips together and locked them then soon released and smiled at eachother. Was the day about to go well? No. Quickly Master appeared, "Im back." He laughed. Soon Caseys body was numb and her body was cold, her skin pale. She fell to the ground as Master picked her up. "You... If you hurt her..." He paused, then tackled him. Master teleported behind him stroking Caseys head, "ILL FREAKING KILL YOU!" Andrew shouted with rage. "Why are you so tense as I hold Casey?" Master carried her bridal style as she layed limp as if dead." Once again Andrew shot himself at Master... To be continued..