Bio:Anmaglahk grew up in the village of Suldanesslar and his teacher took him at the ripe human age of five teaching him the way of the Night Blade. A night blade was an assassin or atleast there name for it, he grew up being always the best at it to. His king actually used him personally on delicate jobs that many couldn't handle due to lack of training. But he was forced to flee his village after an attack, they dfeated the invader but he was sent to find the man and kill him once and for all. So far he has been evaded several times although he is gettin closer to his prey.
Personality: Uncaring to those not important to him, loving once you get past his hard outter shell, determined, driven
Strengths:Speed, accuracy, eyes like a hawk, very experienced tracker
Weaknesses:love when its not needed
Weapon: His one and Only Katana
Status: single his job requires it