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View User's Journal

One of many stories
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Chapter 2 Repercussions.

The day break sun glistened off the fresh morning dew that covered the ground. The air was fresh and full of a new days scent. In the meadow, by the edge of the wood, almost in its own secluded world, stood a cottage, where our unsung heroes lay thanks to some unexpected help. The sun's rays escaped through the shutters of the adjacent window. A cool crisp breeze could be felt whistling through as well. Marc lay on the bed, peacefully, unknowing if the events that had transpired were real or just a terrible nightmare. Regardless of what happened, Marc made a vow to himself, his dear friend and his brother; Torcher will pay for this….

*Before the first syllable of the last word could escape his blooded strewn lips, Blackout is holding Marc almost of the ground by his throat. "You've just ******** up, Marc." Blackout angrily said, lifting a shining hand to Marc's face. Marc's eyes wonder to it and back to Blackout's eyes which were filled with fury. "Now time to DIE!! HYA… No. GRAND HELIX!!" Blackout spins so rapidly a mild light powered shield was quickly set up to block an incoming attack.*

"No...mmmblackoutmmmm...I can't let you win." Marc started to violently shift around in his bed. Ruffling his sheets, tossing and turning even more vigorously with each agonizing second…..

*A magnificent beam of charged ionized photons shot forth from his mouth with full intent to kill. Epieon's eyes opened and not a second too soon for what seemed inevitable was quickly closing in upon him. ~ Not going to die. Not by your hands anyway! ~ He thought opening his mouth revealing once again his row of teeth. They began to glow red and with the same effect of Rho's Heavenly Light a reaction took place. He inhaled a vast amount of air which his glowing teeth heated into a plasma like state. "Divine Flame!!" A marvelous blue beam of superheated plasma was loosed from his mouth. It was so hot, so ardent that the top of building melted as it approached.*

Beads of cold sweat begin to form on his body and trickle down his frightened face. He clenched the covers, still while tossing and turning, he even started mumbling things…

*The two beams collided with such ferocity that the shockwave destroyed the nearby clock tower, blew out all the windows in every building for a two mile radius and heated the air. The temperature grew ten degrees, if not, more. *

"West Mill. Mmmm...no..." Marc tosses and kicks the covers off the bed….

*Larry...*sniff*...Marc...wake up!! *Sniff* I need help!! I-AHHH!!" A loose stream of energy tore through a vacant car right in front of Bee. It exploded send a large piece of shrapnel his way. Please!!" Cried Bee with a mucus-laddened voice. "Please get up!! Larry!! MARC!! AHHHH!!!!*

"Larry, Torcher, BEE!! AHHHHH!!!!!" Marc awoke sharply, in a cold sweat; panting heavily… panic was enveloping him like a dense mist. He jumped out of bed, ignoring the pain of his three fractured ribs and dislocated shoulder, and hurried to the door. His haste was in vain as he was greeted by a girl as soon as he swung open the door. She stood maybe a few inches shorter than him. She had long beautiful jet black hair that cascaded to her shoulder blades, with a single lock that came down the front of her face. Her eyes were a deep dark brownish color, so deep that you would think they were black. Her face was beautiful, she had true natural beauty almost to a flaw, and her skin was a perfect caramel shade that matches her ever so flawlessly. She wore a lime green leotard that hugs her curves tightly down to every detail. A pair of black jeans covered her slender, sultry hips and legs. A tight black hoody kept her body warm, which was cut off at her midriff. On any other occasion, Marc would've been delighted to have met this fine young woman, but not today. "Well I see you're finally up. You've been out for 2 days." She said while resting her hand on her hip and pushing it out seductively.

"2 days?! Damn!! Where's Larry and Bee?" Marc said trying to get past and look around her. She gently wrapped her arms around him and tried to restrain him. Then he collapsed to the ground.

"Calm down, they're fine, trust me. But you need to rest…." The mystery girl replied as she helped Marc back to the bed.

"Who are you? And where am I?" asked Marc as he sat down on the foot of the bed. As he sat down, he started to feel the repercussion of hypertension on his body.

"I'm Victoria Moore, but you can call me Tori and this is my mom's old house 30 miles south of West Mill…or what's left of it." Tori said as she flopped down beside him and leaned back on the bed, propped up by her elbows. "That's when me and the girls came by and saw you and your friend's half dead….so yeah what's your name?"

"I'm Marc Styler, but you can call me Marc, with a 'C'" Marc said trying to crack a smile but couldn't because even his facial muscles were sore. "So I take it that you were the one who wrapped me up huh?" Marc said examining his violet, bruised ribs and left shoulder. They were properly dressed and bandaged perfectly. "Thanks"

"You're welcome, Marc…with a 'C'. And my girls are taking care of your friends so just relax and recover." Tori said while sitting up straight and crossing her legs. She got up and walked to shutters and opened them, as she did Marc noticed the large, acrostic, lime green "G" on the back of her hoody. She slightly bent over and leaned on the window seal and looked out to the meadow and tree line. Marc admired her beauty from his bed, god he wished circumstances were different by they weren't and he couldn't risk to let his guard down.

"What's the G for?" Marc asked as he got up and joined her by the window. She just kept looking forward, the calm, cool breeze blowing against her face and went through her magnificent hair. Her one lock in the front swayed from side to side until it was hung on her perfect little nose.

"Girls…" she said in monotone still looking out. Marc looked at her with a puzzled look but then twisted to a regular look. He too looked out onto the grazing green meadow. "Marc…tell me something. Do you do it out of unselfishness or for the thrill?

"There is no thrill to me, Tori. And I can't say I graciously risk my life everyday for everybody…..." Marc replied still looking out to the meadow. Tori looked up to him, "But God gave me a gift and I try to do the right thing".

"Do you know why I like it out here?" Tori asked with her gaze still fixed to the beauty of Mother Nature. "The tranquility of this place is soothing, and sometimes that's the only way I have to achieve a serene state of mind".

Then an awkward silence fell upon them as they looked afar, wondering what their next moves were going to be.

However, on the other side of the safe haven, things were getting a little hectic. Though Marc had been out of it for 2 days, Larry and Bee were up and about the next day with little or minor injuries. Larry lazily laid on the couch, he had a bandage wrapped around his head from when he went through that wall…head first, and several band-aids on the areas that were pierced by Havoc's Ice shards. He had his arm over his face, and eyes closed but he was very alert regardless of his posture. Bee lay across the arms of the chair that sat almost parallel to the couch in which Larry lay. He had pretty much healed up, but still had a few minor scratches and bruises. He twiddled his thumbs in his lap with a hopeless expression on his face. The glass dining room table in the center of them was covered by blood stained bandages, and damp cotton swabs that had the strong, lingering smell of peroxide. There was a small flat screen television across from them that hung from the wall faced toward them.

I'm back. Oh and they ran out of Lifesavers." A feminine voice stated as she walked in to the dining room table. Bee's inquiring head turned toward her. The soothing, harmonic voice was followed by a very appealing girl. She was a few inches taller than Tori, about the same height as Marc. Her eyes were emerald green, the kind that give you an eerie feeling like she could see right through you…right to your soul when you gazed upon them. However she kept them hidden behind a pair of hazel tinted shades that she wore profusely. Her ebony hair was neatly braided, with cornrows that went straight to her back, then branched off and stopped middle way of her back with green beads at the end. She carried herself with the utmost of confidence, like she could have anything she wanted, and possibly could've. Although she had a much lighter complexion than Tori, she was still justified as a natural piece of work. She was athletic and very flexible, you could by her defined and toned muscles in her legs, they weren't bulky at all, but just right. She wore a snug black and lime green motorcycle jacket that fitted her tightly around her waist and chest but kept it unbuttoned at the top, revealing the middle of her chest. Her shorts were lime green with black lines that ran down the side and frankly hugged her hips quite well. They stopped right above her knees and on her feet were black Nike's equipped with white laces and a small emblem which read,"AF-1" in the middle of the last lace. This gorgeous, voluptuous beauty name is Jade Hartley. "Need anything 'else' Larry?" she asked sensually.

Larry removed his arm from his forehead and lazily looked over to the young mistress. He returns angrily to his restive position with blushing red cheeks and responds, "About time you got back."

"Hey, sis!" another girl came from the doorway on the other side of the room. She looked younger than her female companions and was a little shorter than Tori. She had ebony colored hair just like her sister but it was cut short around middle way of her neck and it was slightly curved outward at the ends. She had a well matured body and had her sisters' complexion. She wore a green belly shirt that hung almost invisibly from noodle straps, one of which was strewn to the side. Her black jeans were a little too long as the draped over and veiled her bare feet. The only thing partially visible was her toes. She had the same physique as her distinct sisters, only she was the shortest and youngest. She to her sisters is what Bee is to Larry and Marc. The willed, the determined, the innocent. Her name is Lea Hartley. "Oh, and hello Bee! I didn't see you there."

Bee looks listlessly over to the lively Lea and despondently retorts, "What are you so happy about?" She looks around questioningly and returns her gaze to him after she gets it. "Oh...West Mill. Sorry about that. You'll get over it."

Bee once again looks to her and glances away. "Lea. Shut up."

She walks close to him and barks, "I said I was sorry!" "Tori!! Get your sister!!"

Then a strong, effeminate voice echoed from the adjacent room. "Lea!!"

"Okay!! Cry baby." Lea retorted, immaturely crossing her arms and plopping down on the sofa near Larry's feet.

Larry raises his arm a little above his eyes and peaks over to Lea and Bee and then to Jade. "You. Girl." Larry calls out, looking in Jade's direction.

"Jade." She quickly corrects. "Yeah. Jade. Be a dear and get Marc for me will ya?" Larry asks rolling over lazily upon the couch.

"Your wish is my command, Larry." She responds and struts in a sultry manner.

"That girl. I swear. You know Bee?" Larry laments glancing to Bee who was still sulking.

In the other and room Tori and Marc rest upon the bed and start a conversation dealing with there lines of duty.

"So, Marc." She said stressing the C sound to toy with his name, "What is it that you do with the glorious gift of yours?"

Marc looks to the ceiling. He noticed a fractal on it chipping. The pressure from the fan below it caused it to fall and land in his lap. "Well Tori. Like I told you, I try to do right. You see, it's like force inside of me that I can let go of at will. I call it Hypertension."

She slides closer to him saying, "Interesting. Do go on."

Marc flusters slightly and continues. "With this power I can do nothing but destroy. Nothing good comes of it and really, I wish I had simple powers like Larry and Bee. Especially Larry, but most of the time it's what keeps us alive"

"Bee and Larry. Who are they exactly?" Tori inquires.

"Bee. Okay. Unlike us, he is more laid back and doesn't take much seriously. He may be the spitting image of Marc but its nothing like me, he is very uncaring but he's young. This stuff that's happened to our home is weighing heavily on his mind and spirit. I hope he comes out of it soon. As for Larry...lazy as hell and smart as hell. His power is superspeed, yet...he's lazy. Ironic right? He's not my brother, but rather a good friend. Larry intelligence is crazy. He came make a strategy so damn fast...he played me in chess one day right? I moved one time and he declares himself winner in ten minutes. In nine minutes he wins."

"Wow. Jade did that to me once. I think she can beat Larry." Marc looks at her and smiles. "Really? She that good?" Tori simply nods.

"So what exactly are the B-Savers that Larry talked about? You come up with that?"

Marc brushes that loose fallen fractal of his pants and looks to her. "The B-Savers are us. Just us three guys working together. That's all really."

"We call ourselves the G-Savers. Oh my god. You stole our names!" She said humorously.

"We were born first. Ha ha." Marc responds standing from the bed.

"Ahh, you name taker!" She takes a pillow and throws it at his chest.

"OOOOOOOWWWWWWW!!!!!" Marc cries as the pillow lightly hits him in his bruised chest and he falls to his already injured legs. Tori gets up and catches him before he falls forward on his stomach.

"Oh Marc! I'm sorry!" She cries and she takes his arm over her head and lifts him.

It's not your fault. It's Blackout and Torcher's. Those bastards."

Tori returns Marc to the bed with the utmost care. "Did you say Torcher?

"Why?" Marc asks. "I've heard you talk about them...but only in your nightmares. Who are they exactly?"

"Well they are part of T.D.H, the most brutal, hateful, loathful losers on the face of this Earth." Marc answered with the utmost disgust.

----------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------

Imagine Hell. It is a dark and desolate place. The decaying stench of a coal-like substance would fill your nostrils with every breath and quickly intoxicate and suffocate you to death. Even worse, there would be no way to escape it. You'd sew your eyes shut not wanting to see your new dilapidated fate while dreaming of a better place, or a better punishment. The ground is parched of moisture, giving it its mild warmth and dryness. The breeze that accompanied the desolate array had no true direction as it constantly switched and vacillated bringing with it constantly fresh cinders as if a tortured life was being incinerated in the distance. Because of that, if you were brave enough to open your eyes even for a second in this lowly pit, they'd inherit a reddish color to match with the smoldering environment. You turned around and around facing nothing but hot, dry, unbearable desert. Many paths unfolded, but they all led to infinity. Continuous agony, anguish and suffering only awaited thee. This is Amaterasu. No happy cloud hovered casually above the land of Amaterasu, the parallel world of which The Dark Heralds abide. Instead there was a sun, accompanied by another sun. Luckily for T.D.H there was a castle with many, many spires and levels jutting out even into the ground as if to root itself. The castle maybe the reason all life had gone on Amaterasu...

*What do you want?*

~ You know what I'm here for. ~

*Yes. My soul. A little more of it.*

~Close. Last time you had me do more than just show myself. ~

*No. I didn't. You promised me that you would stop. *

~ Foolish man. It's either you give part of your soul, or I can leave with my powers. ~

*Damn you Rho. If it weren't for him...I wouldn't have to live this way.*

~I need a vessel and you need powers. Your flashy skills and grand tactics won't get you anywhere. Not against you 'emperor'. ~

*He's no emperor. I am. Me...me...ME!!*

~With drive like that boy, you'll be emperor in no time. Heh. As long as you give me part of your soul, I'll give you my power. ~

*Good Rho. Feast if you must.*

~I will Blackout. I will. Heh heh. ~

"Blackout sir!" A lowly voice yelled. Blackout quickly opens his eyes, having an intense session of meditation once again intervened. The first thing he's greeted by is a gaudy white ceiling with a dusty futuristic fan that was oscillating so fast, it's path of rotation was altering drastically, almost off the hinges. Also behind him was a window that gave him an awesome view into the almost seemingly endless evening of the hellish desert and the two suns that christened the sky with their unbridled shining beauty. And lastly, he could see the veins and nervous system of the servant sent to fetch him. The servant was frightened by the sight of the many optic nerves leading from his temples to his eyes which siphoned pure energy into them. It was a horrific but mesmerizing sight as his optic nerves would rhythmically pump at the same pace as his heart. With an amazing three-hundred forty-five degree vision, he could see this all through a special skill he was in the middle of perfecting, at least until he was interrupted.

Blackout blinks, returning his eyes revert back to their normal state, and focuses his attention to a short pale man who was dressed in torn and tattered trench coat. He was one of his many appointed servants from his leader. "The emperor has sent me to retrieve you." He said in a low, uncaring manner.

"Oh really?" asks Blackout as he raised, turned to the edge of the bed and stepped off. Atop his pallid bed rests a wool comforter that billowed all the way to the white carpeted floor and beneath them was sparkling white satin sheets topped off with a satin pillow cases. Blackout continues until he stands before him and asks drowsily while rubbing his dry eyes, "Mmmm...What now?"

"If you don't mind me waking you Sir Blackout, The Emperor has sent me to retrieve you from your confines." The servant said shooting a glare into Blackout's eyes.

Blackout's index finger twitches in surprise but he continues the drowsy act as to not alert him. Afterwards, he pats him on the chest, smiling a bright yet malicious smile. "Thanks for waking me for him, my good man."

"You're welcome si...AHHHGG!!" Blackout releases a beam of heated photons through his chest and increases the force into an umbrella-esque wave that engulfs and vaporizes him. The only thing left were cinders and tattered trench coat strewn about the reinforced red walls and black floors. He clenches his fist and quips, "Nobody wakes me up. Not for the 'emperor' anyway. Heh. What a joke." as ashes loosen themselves from his hand. The ruthless Blackout continues down the seemingly endless hallway noticing the many age-trodden portraits lining the walls of the red carpeted hall. Below them were torches that lit the refined dressed yet horrifically old faces of the portraits. "Ugly." Blackout mumbled lowly as he walked past them, staring at each one individually.

He continued to a corridor that rivaled the size and area of the Grand Terminal in New York. Accompanying him was his teammates, Havoc, Hazard and last but not least, Torcher. They were all in there basic human forms as they too had all been awakened by a servant, albeit awakened fully after they killed them as well.

"Hello. Blackout." Torcher greeted half-heartedly as well as saying his name. Blackout smiles and responds cockily, "Fine Torcher. How are Hazard and Havoc?"

"We were doing great all until you two dumbasses flew off the handle! The leader of the B-Savers still breathes." Hazard barks with a soul-piercing glare, pointing a stiff finger at both James and Devonte.

"I almost killed him because I'm the leader. General rule. The leader is the strongest. Besides, you talked to Bee the whole time. You should've killed him!!" yells Blackout as his right hand illuminates.

"Blackout, shut the hell up because I had Marc until you came." Torcher adds vigorously.

"You dumb b***h!! He was going to kill you if his Hypertension didn't fail when it did. Oh wait, it didn't fail, he turned it off. He could've killed you!! And you Havoc!! You're ice!! You lost to a guy who can run fast!! I could've killed them all hadn't you losers got in my way!!" The quarrel grew so loud that all their words grew unintelligible and almost impossible to understand. So loud it angered...the emperor.

"SILENCE!! All of you!! You all sicken me!! Look at yourselves. Arguing like a bunch of babies. You are supposed to be my heralds. The Dark Heralds."

Blackout steps forth and bows on one knee. "We are sorry, master. But as you can see, my apprentices have gotten in my way once again and-Ah ah ah, stop. You let the B-Savers slip away again. Why?" The Emperor asked expectantly.

"I can explain-Silence!! You let them escape because of what you're all doing now. Quarreling. You fools!! What's more important? Getting the light crystal, or taking glory? Also, I'd expect more of you, Blackout, my old student. I taught you and this is what you do with your powers!?! MISUSE THEM!?! I OUGHT TO KILL YOU!!! All of you!! I gave you your powers and I can as easily take them back… You are nothing without me or your powers." The emperor thunderously spat as he rose from his throne, covered in a hooded black cloak.

"Perhaps I have given you too much freedom-no master you have--SILENCE!!! Do not speak unless spoken to!!" The Emperor spat evilly, glaring at Blackout, while his demonic eyes began to glow blood red.

Blackout clinches his fists and lightly punches the ground. "I'm sorry master." He said angrily through his teeth. "Please forgive me."

"Ha, that's what you get." Torcher whispers spitefully.

Blackout doesn't bother to return with a witty comment. He just kneels, his anger and hatred incrementing every second. ~You can't kill me. ~ Blackout thought to himself as he turned an eye to the throne which upon sat The Emperor. ~ You need me. I'm the goddamn... ~ He pauses.

A toothy leer makes itself visible upon the visage of The Emperor as Blackout falls to the ground, grasping his head in agony.

"Hey!! What's going on!?!" Torcher asked running toward Blackout. He's blown violently back by an invisible field.

"LET THIS BE A LESSON TO ANYONE THAT THINKS ABOUT DECIEVEING ME!!" The emperor declared with a powerful, staccato voice.

"AAAHHHH!! HELP ME!!! PLEASE!!" Blackout begged as he squirmed, still holding his head in the great agony. A trail of blood began to run from his nose and a blood vessels in his eyes burst.

"Blackout!!" The rest of the team yells simultaneously. "C'mon man! Get up!!"

Then it stops. And he lies there, motionless, as if dead. Hazard and Havoc run to Blackout and stand over his still body. "Torcher! Get over here quick!!"

"Wha...Blackout." He recovers to his feet and rushes over. "That could've been us. He used the Mind Crush on him. I wonder is he okay?" Hazard said half-mindedly, leaning in closer.

~ I didn't want to have to do that to him. ~ The Emperor thought as watched the team circumvented around Blackout.

"C'mon you all. Let's take him back to his room." They proceed to do so leaving The Emperor laughing triumphantly behind them.

"You see...Blackout. You can't beat everyone." Torcher quipped.

"Yes...I...c..c...can. I'll..k...kill him one day." Blackout almost unconsciously promises.

Back in the foyer sits The Emperor watching the empty floor with a thought.

~I can never resurrect my true army with these nomads fighting the B-Savers. But I can't let myself be known to them… at least not yet. If they don't beat the B-Savers...I don't want to have to kill them and give there powers away. My last team had that problem. I shall see how my next mission plays out. ~

----------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------

Back at the cottage...

"They will pay dearly for what they have done and caused… I swear on every fiber of my being." Marc coldly declared as he stared promisingly out of the window. He clenched his fist tightly and the veins in his already injured arms begin to swell.

Tori slowly placed a soft hand on Marc's tightly clenched fist and caressed it gently. Marc looked over to her. His eyes met hers and were powerfully intertwined. She saw that Marc's eyes were filled with rage and malice, and he saw that her eyes were filled with sorrow and concern. Marc felt his tension slowly loosen and his malevolent fist unraveled into an innocent palm. "Marc, I understand how you feel really, but to have your heart filled with rage and malice is not the way to be."

"Bee has told me that… But I don't know any other way. Tori, they have waged an unshakable war against us for some time now… One that will never end until one of us is.…" Marc said deeply gazing into her voluptuous eyes. He quickly looks away before falling any deeper into her beautiful sorrowful eyes. "It's a cruel fate that I, Larry and Bee share and must endure…."

"You don't have to endure it alone Marc." She replied with a heart felt smile. Marc smiled weakly in response, and then took a deep sigh in relief. "You have allies now"

He looks back to her and responds, "So enough about me, lets talk about you." He struck a slight interest in her story to divert the attention from him.

Tori looked away from Marc and stood up. She turned her back to him and folded her arms insecurely; she stroked her arms as she did tentatively as well.

"What's wrong Tori?" Marc inquired in a concerned manner.

"Marc my life is a haunted by a checkered past and a destiny that chases me even to this day. No good will ever come of me." She said as she began to stroke her arms, as if she were cold and shivering. Marc noticed this immediately and got up to comfort her. Whether it was the opportunity to get her to like him or another simple guy move, he embraced her within his arms and rocked her softly.

Tori continues, "Marc, we have been on the run for a long time from T.D.H." in a very saddened state. Tori put Marc's arm down from around her and turned around. Her eyes were full of tears, her face was burdened with guilt and then one single tear began to roll down her soft, caramel cheek and fell upon her bright leotard. "Marc, I am the reason why West Mill was destroyed and I'm the reason they are relentless."

"What? What do you mean----Hey Marc, Larr-Wohhh …Is something wrong?" Jade asked as she walked in on them. Tori turned her back and wiped away her tear with her jacket sleeve. Marc looked at Jade with wide eyes.

"Oh, Hi I'm Jade!" Jade said happily grabbing Marc's hand with both of hers.

"Umm hi, now what about Larry?" Marc replied as he slowly but surely released his hand from Jade's gleeful grasp.

"Oh he just asked me to get you but I don't know why though." Jade said while slightly looking over Marc's shoulder to Tori. "Tori you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine, let's go." Tori stated as she walked past both of them sternly and into the other room. Jade and Marc exchanged looks before swiftly following suite.

They enter the adjacent room that Larry, Bee and Lea are in. Marc looks over to Larry who was returning his look through his arm. "Marc good buddy. Take a seat. You too Tori."

Marc takes a seat with the help of Tori and asks, "Yeah Larry. What is it?"

"Wait Marc. Tori, isn't there a way to restore all of West Mill City." Bee instantly looks over to Larry and shifts his sight to Tori who does nothing but hunches her shoulders.

"Oh you don't know? This book here says otherwise. Read it Marc." Larry holds out the books with his other arm as to not let any light strike his tired eyes.

"The Diary of Light. Tori, what is this?" Marc asks, turning an inquisitive gaze to her.

She responds quickly, "Where did you find this? This is the reason why T.D.H is after us now. If they got hold of this, they could---Hey Tori." Marc interjects, "What's the Light Crystal?"

Tori snatches the book from Marc, walks over to Larry and removes his hand from his eyes. "You read my book?"

Larry smiles and nods affirmatively. "I just read it all when you and Marc left. All 256 pages."

Tori responds, "You didn't move from this couch!!"

"Correction. When I first came here, I saw that book in the shelf over there. It read it when I sent Jade to get you. Nice book by the way."

"Tori. Is this 'Light Crystal' the reason that T.D.H destroyed West Mill?" Marc asks rising from the chair.

"HOW DO WE GET IT!?" Bee yelled as he quickly shot from his chair and ran over to Tori.

"What is it?" Asks Marc.

Many questions were thrown at Tori at once so she answered reflexively with, "IT DOESN'T EXIST!!"

"If it didn't exist, why would T.D.H be after it?" Marc reasons as he walks closer to her.

"This thing, this book… this power of which it speaks of has sparked many wars before our time and caused the deaths of many. This very thing is what killed my family and it took my only brother from me. This thing is called The Light Crystal." Tori forcefully informed while holding the book up in her left hand shaking it fiercely.

"Why do they want it so bad? What does it do?" Marc inquired with pleading eyes that pierced through Tori like daggers, and this was something she could not bare. She turned away from Marc and looked away.

Jade had seen enough so she finally spoke. "Hey, why don't you guys back off? It's not like we wanted this to happen!" She said as she shoved Marc and walked so close to him, they could share breaths. Much to Marc's surprise he flew back a few steps before catching his balance. Jade had a determined look on her face, one that Marc returned with a subdued expression of anger. "What a way to show your gratitude for the ones who saved your asses."

"No Jade, that's enough…." Tori said to Jade, who was now directly in front of her. Jade just simply rolled her eyes at Marc and walked outside to the porch and sat on the white railing. However, she and Marc never stop exchanging their death glares as she walked by.

"What is with that girl?" Larry said now sitting upright on the couch, slightly slouched with his arms on his knees. His head was bowed but he slowly raised it, revealing a relaxed face. He glanced at Lea who just looked natural and shrugged her shoulders.

"Tori, please this is not the time to hold anything back." Marc pleaded as he rested his hand on the book near hers. "Just tell me everything ok?"

Tori looks over to Lea whose expression obviously read, "No." and then redirects her attention to Marc who expression simply read, “You can trust me."

"Okay Marc. Here goes." Tori said before sighing despondently. "For as long as I can remember, T.D.H has been after it because of its properties. The Light Crystal can grant one wish of revival to this thing known as, 'The Neutral.' They want it because it will revive anything, whether it's a city or an army. The leader of T.D.H wants to revive this army of his and reign upon this place called Amaterasu."

Larry quickly shoots up with a question on his busy mind. "Amaterasu. That's the Japanese sun goddess. Ah ha. AHAHA!! This is a joke and more importantly a drag. Amaterasu?! Get real. There is no place on Earth called Amaterasu and it doesn't exist in another world. Are you sure you're reading that book right, or are you just illiterate because if so, we have a job to do."

Marc looks over to Larry with a demonic glare. "Larry, real fast, do me a favor. SHUT THE HELL UP!! This is the only lead we have and you knock her opinion off like that?"

"This is bull and you know it Marc. This place doesn't exist. Like I said before, get real." Larry retorted lying back upon the sofa and placing his forearm over his eyes.

Marc sighs and rolls his wrist, beckoning Tori to continue.

"Like I was saying...within in Amaterasu is a temple. The Light Temple. The Light Crystal has to be there to be activated."

"Why does it have to be activated?" Asks Marc, raising and lowering his hand like a diligent student.

"Because it's to make sure it doesn't fall into the wrong hands. Only 'The Neutral' knows the password so only he should activate it. Now, where was I? Oh yeah. I don't know whether or not the Light Crystal exists, but I haven't seen it. This book from my parents has it in great detail, but I've never seen it."

"How do we get it?" Asks Bee as he walked over to her.

Tori sighs and responds dejectedly, “I don't know. It doesn't say. All it tells us what it is and how to work it. If it will make you feel any better, I promise you we will find you a new home okay?" Bee walks back to the couch, plops down in it and folds his arms.

"Wait. Blackout. He could control light. Do you think he could be it?"

"Impossible. He's not the neutral one. He can do that because of the beast inside of him. Like Torcher's black dragon gives him pyrokinesis."

"Oh. Tori, Larry's right. This crystal doesn't seem to exist. But if it didn't exist, why would they search for it? What makes them so sure it exists?"

"It was shown before the leader of T.D.H. Now he wants the power he saw for himself. That's how. I assure you it exists. Truthfully, that's the reason you're all here. We need you guys help."

"Whoa whoa! Time out." Larry interjected as he sat up once again and look with surprise. "So you girls brought us here, stitched us up and cared for us, just to set us up for this? I don't think so. Besides, I don't feel like getting caught in your war. Too much work."

"Marc you're the leader. What do you say? I mean, you'll be helping me and stopping T.D.H. Please?" Tori begged.

"Let me make a quick call..." Marc said whipping out the reminiscent celly. He pressed the numeral three and put it to his right ear. It didn't ring but rather the operator responded. *The number you have dialed has been disconnected.*

"Did you get him?" Bee asked. Marc responds pressing the number again, “Wait. Hold on. Something isn't right."

The ominous phrase was repeated. *The number you have dialed has been disconnected.*

Marc's eyes ran about the room in panic as he tried a third time. Denial then overtook him as he looked into the hopeful eyes of his younger brother Bee. "*Noo.* Uncle Asher. He must've got caught in the explosion." Marc said falling back into the chair with a downcast gaze. "He..he didn't make it...." After a long pause, he tells Tori, "Okay. We're in ."

"Damn." Larry complains silently. He then continues full voiced, "Okay. Because you have this knowledge, T.D.H will try to capture you or else take only the book. We know this because they have the time and most importantly, opportunity. They will strike within three days for they know we don't heal very quickly. We have to ambush them, you know, trick them out."

"Good plan Larry. Will we need anything?"

"No. All we need is a little brain power and a lot of luck. Got that? Now for right now, all we do is wait. Marc, go inform Jade of the plan."

"Marc, Thanks. Really this means a lot." Tori said with a brightened smile.

Marc nods and walks out of the house to the porch to inform Jade...

----------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------

Back in Amaterasu...

~ If anything, they've found the location of the book and Larry has formulated a plan. Damn him. But still, everything is going according to my plan. Now to initiate Part One. ~

"Where are my Heralds of Darkness? Torcher, Havoc, Hazard!!!" The Emperor beckoned loudly. Within minutes they return, rushing back to the throne, from resting Blackout in his room.

"Listen very closely... See what just happened to Blackout? Don't let it happen to you." The Emperor said, shifting promising, yet threatening eyes to each of his lowly subordinates. Havoc and Hazard slightly bowed their heads and looked away not want to gazed upon his eyes, but Torcher's eyes remained locked with his.

"Yes master." Hazard and Havoc timidly respond, Torcher just looked at him. He then boldly asks, "But why have you summoned us my lord?"

"Your next mission of course. Do not inform Blackout when he awakens. In two days, I want 'The Diary of Light' in my possession. This book will give me all the info I need on my item. Do not fail me!! For if you do, the consequences will be dire... Oh and Torcher..." The Emperor beckoned, focusing his scarlet eyes upon Torcher specifically. "I'm leaving this one perfectly in your capable hands. I trust you won't let me down?"

"No…" Torcher stated.

They walk along the hallway and bypass Blackout's room. A weak voice calls to Torcher who slips past the bunch to answer it. He enters the white room and notices Blackout lying on his bed in the same fashion Jesus was hung on his burdenful cross.

"Torcher." Blackout bellowed lowly as if dying. "What is T.D.H? Is this what T.D.H has become? Us!! Taking orders from a fool? We should be searching for the Light Crystal, not being ordered around by this dumbass."

"Blackout. Dude. Get a grip. I don't like it either, but I have to do it. This guy, Friezell, is your father, not mine. You go ask him."

Blackout turns an eye to him. "He's not my father!!" he hissed tiredly. The veins near his eyes bulged and pulsated quickly and he turned his now evil pastel eyes toward Torcher. "My father is dead!! And besides, the only reason you're hear is because he has that little b***h you call a sister under his tyrant thumb!!! Remove yourself from my sight!!"

"Don't ever bring her up again; she has nothing to do with this!" Torcher rose from the rickety, squeaky wooden chair leaving the armrests in cinders. His anger was starting to show through the raw heat accumulating from his body.

The veins and nerves near Blackout's eyes and temples began to writhe as energy traversed through them.

"This kid here. Who does he think he is? I should be the leader of this bunch. Not that foolish... I must calm down. I can feel Rho's anger in my soul. We will have our time soon anyway. In due time." A haughty, toothy smirk arose upon Blackout's face as he closed his eyes to rest his body, mind and soul.

"Oh and another thing, the next mission we go on you wont be a part of. Leaders are strong, they don't cry." Torcher taunted. "Get your priorities straight….the maybe I'll let you back on."

----------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------

Night has fallen upon the outer city area. Back at the cottage, Marc, Larry, Tori and Jade are up strategizing tactics for the next inevitable attack. Larry and Bee sat in gym shorts, which in this case, have to double as pajamas. Tori and Jade are dressed similarly in green noodle lace tops and black wool pajamas.

"So what's the tactic Larry?" Tori asked sitting down on the sofa beside him, placing two cups of coffee, one black without cream and one brown with cream on the glass top table.

"Okay people. And thanks for the coffee." He sips his creamed coffee and blows out the steam that was trapped in his mouth. "The house. It's too small. We have some leverage though, because we know it better. Marc, once again, you must fight Torcher. You're the only one who can-what about that guy, Larry? Blackout? He beat both me and Torcher with just his legs."

"What?" Larry almost gasps as he starts back. "Impossible. He can't beat you both…. Can he?"

Marc nods affirmatively. "Well, yeah pretty much, but he caught me when I was worn out from Torcher though. He can also control the power of light."

"Photokinesis huh? Man oh man. I need time then. He really beat both you and Torcher using only his legs? Well looks like we have an X-factor. Jade, do you girls remember ever seeing or fighting anyone like that?"

"No. It's just been those three that who control thunder, fire and ice", Jade stated.

"I'm guessing it's his beast. The correlation between beast and power stands out though. Epieon gives Torcher his pyrokinesis; Rho gives Blackout his Photo kinesis and so on."

"Wow, smart boy" Jade flirtatiously complements, as she shows a devilish smirk.

Larry looks to her and raises his eyebrow in appeal. Jade noticed this and began to feed off of it a little more.

"So Larry what gives you your powers? Do you have an abomination inside of you too?" Jade inquired trying to pick with Larry's mind and to see just how smart he was. He gently sat his coffee mug down on the table and slightly chuckled.

"Well naturally I have very quick reflexes and muscle movement, but to achieve my god-like speed I have to convert my raw aura energy into an enzyme that super-metabolizes all unneeded chemicals in my body for my entire body to use. That keeps my muscles loose and impervious to friction and cramp. I call this level one. Level two is that my nervous system gets a major stimulation when this happens. By doing this it accelerates all signals throughout my entire body. Level three is painful because if and when I need it to, I can just convert my aura to cellular energy, so my body becomes like an overheated machine. In that state, my reflexes are so fast, they border precognition and my body heat breaches 150 degrees. So to answer your question, no I'm just your average Larry with a few tricks up my sleeves." Larry informed the others, showing off his supreme intellect with pride.

"But Larry what happens when you, you know, exceed your limit?" Tori asked

Larry smiles as he gets to show off his intelligence more. "It's kinda complicated see---His particles will become too unstable and your atoms will all smash and go into a thermonuclear reaction after which, your body will discharge the energy in the form of an explosion, right?" Jade interjected while filing her nails. She just looked up and shrugged her shoulders with the expression "What?" written on her face. Marc and Larry were in total shock at her response, she had just unfathomably explained something that even the great Larry couldn't. Tori expected that much of her companion and just continued sipping her coffee calmly.

"Yeah…something like that." Larry simply said as he sat back in shock. He couldn't believe it, he had just been outsmarted by a girl, and the thing is…. he liked it.

"Marc. I have a question. How did this fight begin? Not the last few, but just this one in particular." Asks Tori, before cautiously wrapping her index finger tightly around the handle of the cup as to not burn the top of her finger.

"I don't even know. We were following my uncle Asher out because every night he'd leave to go somewhere. We'd ask him and he'd just say, 'Oh here and there.' So we tracked him to a crowd and then we lost him, but we met with T.D.H. instead. It was like they knew we'd be there."

"Oh." Tori simply replies. "Well I know there was one before this. Tell me how the previous one started."

Marc takes a deep breath and goes on to say, "Well Tori. It happened like this. A year ago, we were at the base of the waterfall in between the South Mill Construct and West Mill City..."


* xxx *


Marc and Torcher stood above a rather gaping cliff and behind them was a waterfall that, to the untrained eye, fell gracefully into perpetuity. Havoc was on his way, riding a trail of ice he further creates whilst skating along it and Hazard rode through clouds he'd converted into cumulonimbus clouds. At this point they could not convert to their full elemental forms. The B-Savers were also at a loss as their skills were not yet developed.

Marc, of course, recklessly led the first assault on Torcher with a heavily thrown punch to the face, sending him flying to air. The bold move caught Torcher totally of guard, but Hazard and Havoc quickly countered by advancing on Marc knocking him into a lone tree. Larry and Bee arrived late but surely and swiftly backed Marc up. With a blurry of punches and kicks, Bee and Larry forced Hazard and Havoc back to another ledge and further to the edge of the chasm. Torcher returns unnoticed and went to punch Bee but Larry caught on quickly and kicked him straight in the air toward the cliff Marc was on. Marc realizes this opportune moment and grins powerfully as this is the perfect time to try his, at the time, unpolished Soul Grenade that he hadn't half mastered yet. He boldly, yet stupidly leaps out into the chasm trying to cross paths with Torcher. Once above his flying adversary, he slammed his hands together and unfolded his palms out in front of him. The thought of death didn't cross his rabid mind. Only a simple prayer. ~ Please God work!! ~ With a closed eye, fervent cry, he calls, "Soul Grenade!!" A bright greenish-white sphere manifested in front of his palms. Its conception met with much praise as Marc cried, "Yess!! Now HA!!!" as he forced it out toward Torcher. He winced his eyes shut and was slightly forced back by the recoil of the blast. He prayed his Soul Grenade would work for he knew it'd propel him back again. Slightly death-defying, slightly...ingenious.

"Wha...Whoa!!" Torcher glanced up quickly, catching in his sight Marc's Soul Grenade which was no less than six feet away. He recovered just in time to contest the attack with a blue fireball that he quickly produces from his left hand. Wrong choice. The two powerful attacks collided and cancelled each other out producing a shockwave so forceful, it fiercely blew Marc back to the wall of the cliff and Torcher even deeper into the gorge. The blast created a dense plume that somewhat shrouded Marc and Torcher from each other. Torcher landed in an area unreachable by Larry. Bee could try him but he only scoffed lightly at the fact as he realized if Torcher were to move, he'd fall to his quick untimely death.

"You think its funny Bee!?! Okay, watch this!!" He extended an open palm and threw it to a tree. From his palm shot a fireball that hit a tree perched atop another ledge on the side of the other cliff. It cracked loudly as it gave way under its own weight and came crashing down with thunderous cracks and a slam. A small bridge was open from cliff to cliff as well as a way to jump to Bee and Larry. Torcher stepped upon the tree and jumps from it to the same ledge Larry and Bee stood upon.

"Oh s**t! I'll be back Larry. Handle these two for me." Bee said, charging headstrong at the obviously stronger Torcher. He leaped in the air and cocked his fist back behind his head only to do negative damage to Torcher as he simply thrusted a heated palm to his open chest. After being knocked down with massive oppression, Bee shook it off and charged at him once more only this time harder.

"Bee! Don't be stupid!!!" Larry yelled, efficiently holding back both Havoc and Hazard who could not compete with his abnormally high speed. They each exchanged blows. For a while it seemed even, but Larry came to the conclusion that Torcher was toying with him and could, in this case, turn up the heat anytime. Torcher dodged Bee's short armed punches and short legged kicks with playful simplicity. Bee wouldn't hold down Torcher for long and even he knew this. He left Havoc and Hazard looming dangerously over the edge of the cliff. Even worse, they were holding on by their irregular sense of balance and the back of their heels.

Larry dashed to help out Bee. Now things were complicated for Torcher. He had to use all his strength to dodge Bee and the lightning limbs of Larry. ~ Damn. I can't handle them both! ~ Torcher contemplated backing off. He crossed his arms across over shoulders and yelled, "Nova Sphere!!" A shield of compact azure heat waves enveloped him and as he threw his arms open it expanded outward effectively knocking Bee and Larry back to the edge of the seemingly bottomless cliff. They quickly recovered and stood their ground, with a adrenaline driven pants and breaths, ready for more.

Torcher walks upon them and asks, "So, you two ready to die?" while forming a whit hot fireball in his hand.

"Not today Torcher!" Marc yelled running along the tree to the other edge of the cliff.

"No. NO!!" Torcher rests his hand on the tree which subsequently started to incinerate.

Marc leapt once again into the air. Torcher shoots two fireballs at him which he deflects with his wrists.

"No!! Nova--" A powerful fist meets his words. Marc's right punch was so hard, it propelled Torcher into the rocks that lined the cliff on which they stood. By that time Hazard and Havoc had caught up to them again. Havoc extended his arm and a pure light blue beam erupted from his palm, instantly freezing everything in its path, including the whole cliff side and incidentally Marc's feet. Hazard took the initiative by his fist glowing with raw electricity and ferociously attacked Marc with a barrage of super charged punches. All Marc could do was wrist shield himself as the onslaught was then intensified even more as Havoc entered as well. "Dammit, Marc!" Larry runs between Hazard and Havoc and utilizes a jumping spin-kicked. He administers it to Havoc's not glass, but ice jaw from his blind side. Continuing with left over inertia, he extends his other leg and connects with an oblivious Hazards nose, sending him flying into the rock cliff.

Walking up to him slowly with a questioning smirk, Larry inquires to Marc, who trying to break his feet loose, "How do you get us in theses situations my good friend?" Marc only shot a glare to Larry and looked at the ice which returned his glare with his annoyed reflection.

"Larry, how about you shut the--Here, let me help you out." Larry interjected as he formed two orbs of aura in his hands and shot them at Marc's feet shattering the ice in millions of tiny shards.

"Thanks." Marc exclaimed joyfully, "But what would've happened if he blew your legs off?"

"It won't happen." Larry lazily said before tightening his leg muscles and leaping off to find Bee once more. Marc just looked at him with a puzzled look and yelled while flailing his arms, "So you're just going to leave me here like this?!?" Larry, then simply yelled "You'll survive. You always do" Marc turned his head back to the two remaining Heralds who were now recovered from the earlier blows dealt by his right hand man, Larry.

"Just you Marc?" Havoc questioned, extending a rather sharp icicle from his upper wrist. "C'mon. Without Torcher, ya nothing to me." Havoc rushed in and tried for a stab, but Marc gracefully side-stepped and notices Hazard running up behind him. He grabs Havoc's arm and twisted it, causing him to face Hazard. Once again Marc pulled of another tactic. He used Hazard body as a shield against Hazard's electrified punches. Havoc yelped in distress as he was painfully electrocuted by the highly executed assault, and became slightly incapacitated. Marc lifted his leg and kicked Havoc onto Hazard which caused them both to lose balance and tumble to the ground and bicker. Marc stood over them with a triumphant smirk, cupped his palms in front of him and quips, "Seeya. Soul Grenade!!"

However, much to Marc's surprise, an adjacent blue fire beam flies from the hole beside them and quickly dismisses the Soul Grenade by deflecting it away. Marc's eyes sprained on an anonymous figure but he quickly made out who it was…. ~ Torcher…ah crap. ~ Marc thought, looking into the hole, noticing a small light that grew in brilliance. "He's powering up. Time to go!!" He grabs a nearby vine and swings out into the chasm below him.

Torcher exits the cave, hair ablaze and a smug look of disgust on his face. He was humiliated at the fact that these amateurs could keep up with him or possibly even…no he couldn't bring himself to even begin to think about it. He looked at Havoc and Hazard who lay upon each other. A nerve in his temple bulged from anger as he barked, "Get the hell up you two!!" Bee and Larry showed up from the other ledge across from where Marc was standing.

"GET UP!! NOW!!!!" He said walking over them.

Torcher gritted his teeth at the sight of the trio and reverted out his hands out, he concentrated his energy to his hand and rapid burst of fireballs erupted from his palms. Havoc and Hazard followed and let loose their blast of air-cutting icicles and lightning currents. The ballistic barrage of fire, thunder and ice rained hard on the waterfall behind Marc as they missed repeatedly.

"Bee!! How did you get over here?"

"Larry. I flew!! I mastered my power!!" Bee yelled in excitement. Not a good move.

"NO you dumbasses!! Shoot where he's going to be, not where he's at!!! You know what, shoot at them." They then turn their sights to the other young unaware heroes, Bee and Larry.

"That's good. How'd you do it?" Larry asked.

"Larry. Your cheek. You're bleeding." Bee informs. Larry doesn't notice until he looks back up to Havoc who was forming another ice spear.

Back on the cliff Havoc takes notice. "Did you see that? His reflexes didn't activate."

Torcher grins. "He can't react to something he doesn't notice. Keep this in mind Havoc."

"You just had to yell didn't you Bee?" Larry asked running along the edge of the cliff.

"I didn't know. Whoa!!"

"Okay, let's just go now." Larry responded as they took cover behind huge boulders and massive oak trees. Lower your head Bee! Now move!! Move!! Larry instructed, almost like a general under fire. Small bits of rock and bark were sent their way but it didn't deter them at all for they knew Hazard, Havoc and Torcher were aiming to kill.

"Oh no. No where to go!! I don't want to return fire and risk you Bee." Upon those words, Marc swung in beside them

"So where were you guys? You had me worried?" Marc stated between attempts of firing back small, weak aurora colored orbs of energy.

"We were looking for yo-AH!...we figured it wouldn't take too long." Bee replied as he narrowly dodged a lightning wave, while trying to fire crimson spear shaped blast.

"See I knew something like this would happen, how did you guys get me to do this?" Larry griped as he lay on his stomach behind the dead oak log with his hands over his head.

"What's wrong Larry? Scared? Ready to go?" Marc asked ducking and returning fire every time the opportunity presented itself.

"Let's go then. Ready Bee?" Marc grabs Larry and Bee's arm.

Torcher calls for a cease fire, once Marc had finally stopped his assault. "You think they're dead. Torcher?" asked Hazard as he discharged the electricity.

Marc surprises them by jumping from level to level until he reached the summit of the cliff with his companions in arm. From there he let go of his comrades and they proceeded swiftly back to South Mill.

Before proceeding into the city, Marc turns and victoriously responds, "Thanks for the practice but we have something way important to do, so we're just gonna go now. Peace!" His brother Bee also adds his little quip by sticking his tongue out at them. Afterwards they dash away.

"They got away, Torcher…again. This is the second time." Havoc ridiculed as he stepped beside Torcher, placing his arms smugly behind him.

"Until the next time… sayonara, Marc Styler....." Torcher retorted with an evil smirk of delight. A column of light lowered upon them and rose quickly leaving not a single trace of T.D.H. behind.


* xxx *


"And that fight was easy, Tori." Marc said as the thoughts returned to him. "A little too easy. That's probably why there leader called for that guy. Blackout."

"Good fight I must add Marc, but people. Listen up. They could strike at any moment. We need a plan."

Jade chuckles, look in Larry's direction.

"What's so funny Jade?" He said raising his coffee and sipping a little of it.

"Nothing...nothing. Just...Larry you of all people missed the basics."

Larry looked over to her with a look of wonder. "What are you talking about?"

Jade smirks, and pops the noodle strap in a prideful, flashy style and moves a single braid behind her ear. "First we need to brief their possible strategies. It's four of them. If they enter the back, two will be in the front. If they come from the ceiling, one will enter the front and one will enter the back to cut us off and the two from the ceiling will move in on us. Truthfully, all we can do is fight."

"Wow Jade." Larry says after sipping the rest of his coffee. "No wonder Tori calls you smart."

Jade's cheeks flush as she responds, "Just like you, I make the plans for our team too so yeah. Thanks."

"Enough with the flirting." Tori interjects. "Marc, Jade's right. All we can do is fight at this point. And from what I've heard here, fighting them is just about futile."

"No…forget the house" Marc said calmly. "We have to take this fight to them. Do something they won't expect."

"Marc. That's perfect!!" Larry said placing a congratulatory hand on his shoulder.

"No it's not, how will we know how to prepare?" Tori ask looking expectantly to Marc.

"That's the thing. We don't. We never do, they attack relentlessly with no warning anyway. That's why we need to take this fight else where, you know hold them off long enough for us to retreat and relocate."

"NO!!" Marc said, raising fiercely from his the chair. "We cant back down from them! Especially not now, that's exactly what Torcher wants!" Marc interjects furiously rising from the couch.

"Marc!! We don't have time for your egotistical drive!! That's what got us it this spot in the first place!!!" Larry snapped back as he too rose from the couch.

Jade then works her magic. "C'mon Larry. Just calm down" She tells him softly, even rubbing Larry's forearm, fearing an altercation would follow.

Marc did nothing else but sits down and clenches his fist tightly. "So that's it……. We run like cowards? "

"For now Marc. It's our only reasonable option so far." Tori said putting one arm on his back rubbing it softly and the other on his tensed fist once again caressing it.

"Okay. Then are we set now?" Larry said sitting down along with Jade on his left arm.

"Whatever." Marc said as he got up and walked back to his "room" that he had slept in for the past two days. As he walked off, Tori was left on the couch puzzled, but just sighed and walked in the opposite direction towards her room. They stopped halfway through the room and looked at each other before a faint smile appeared on their faces, then they continued their stroll to their respective rooms.

Larry and Jade were left on the couch all alone. Although Jade was just about groping Larry's arm, she had been watching the whole thing. "I wonder what that was-" she stopped it mid-sentence she noticed that Larry was sleeping peacefully and soundly, even after an argument. She smiled as she slowly got up from the couch, making sure not to disturb Larry's peaceful, much needed slumber. Jade put a green blanket over him and kissed him goodnight on his forehead.

~Goodnight Larry, sleep well because we need you…. I need you. Just please be careful…..~ She thought considerately as she entered her room, worried of the near future.

----------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------

It was now high noon in Amaterasu. The desert even cracked under the immense pressure and heat of the powerful, ambient suns. It did not affect our protagonists, The Dark Heralds in anyway though as they rested inside of the intimidating, almost unapproachable dark tower. In it, Torcher was contemplating his next mission...

“This mission is getting to me.” Torcher griped as he leaned against the hallway's wall with his mahogany hued hands in his pockets.

He turns his attention to a flickering light down the hall. It inspired his question but he held it in. His next assignment and what happened to Blackout was all he could think about. It may be loyalty, it may be fear, but what The Emperor did to Blackout was something he did not want.

~ Jesus Christ man. I'm trying not to turn out like Blackout and have my mind...can't think about that. ~ He lifted off the wall and rubbed the bundles of tiny hairs that laced his aching chin.

“The Emperor made me the leader of this crew.” Then it came to him. “You know what? We're going now. Right now.” He turns to his right and walks briskly down the narrow red hall toward Havoc's room purposely passing Blackout's.

"Havoc, Hazard.” Torcher called with authority walking into the room that contained both Havoc and Hazard. “Gather the elites. We're making the move today.”

Havoc and Hazard glance at each other and then back to Torcher. "But what did The Emperor say? I believe he said tomorrow." Havoc replied, rising from his brown wicker chair.

"Let's try not to piss him off. Okay? Besides, I'm tired of waiting. We all know Larry knows what we know."

After an elongated sigh of exasperation, Hazard asks tiredly, "Okay. Let's get do. When do we leave?"

Torcher turns his eyes to a crooked wall clock and responds, "In fifteen minutes. Meet me out in the desert with the elites.”

"What about Blackout?" Havoc inquired, walking to the door and looking out to Torcher who was continuing down the hall. “He's valuable you know.”

"He's not going…." Torcher said as he exited the room.

*I'm in-charge now.* He thought to himself with a devilish smirk.

----------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------

It is exactly 1:00 a.m. Eastern Time. The moon is now looming directly above, shining its silver light upon the other half of the world. The insomniac Tori enters the den and notices Larry enjoying a wonderful slumber under the green cover Jade provided him. He hadn't even rolled, nor was he snoring. Basically, he was quiet as a church mouse.

"You're indeed amazing Larry. How do you sleep so peacefully under these conditions?" She asked continuing to Marc's abode.

*Mmmmm, Jade...fluff my pillows...fluff it good...mmmmmm...thank you...*

"Talking in your sleep huh? Sweet dreams Larry. Sweet dreams." She said grabbing 'The Diary of Light' from the glass top table.

She enters Marc's room and is hit with the aroma of sweat and musk. The room was humid and filled with a vapor that tasted redolent to salt. She looked to the floor and noticed Marc doing one-handed push ups and from what she heard, he was on eight hundred seventy-five and counting. She watched as his tightly toned biceps and triceps flexed when he went up and then down again.

"So Marc, pushing your limits again?" She said sitting upon the bed in the same spot as before.

"Yeah...876...You know what it do...877. Just trying not to flake off...878. Why aren't...878 you sleep? 879."

"I can't sleep,.. just too much stuff to think about."

"890. Enough of that." Marc rose from the floor after another bout of push-up and continues, "So tell me about your brother."

"Well, you and him are similar in many ways." Tori places one leg over the other and places her hands on her shin.

"Oh really?" Asks Marc, taking a seat beside her.

"Driving, strong willed, egotistical… shall I go on?" Tori jokily asks.

"Wow. Just one question. What happened to him?"

Tori was reluctant to answer. "It's ok. You can tell me."

"...Marc, he just disappeared… I've been trying to search for him too, as well as being on the run from T.D.H." She sobbed, fighting back the tears.

"Don't worry, I'm here and I promise I'm not going to disappear ok?" Marc said placing a hopeful hand on her shoulder.

"Thank you Marc. Now put down your arm. You're a little musky." Tori replied with a sniff and a warm smile.

“Think you're funny now huh?”

“Well you know. I try. Heh heh.”

*Ring* the doorbell rings, ruining the moment. To top it off, it occurred at 1:15 in the morning.

"Hold on Marc. I'll be right back." Tori said laying the book on the bed, rising from it and exiting through the door.

Tori continues past the couch were Larry was. He wasn't there but the light in the bathroom was on and the door was closed. He must've had to pee. Tori paid it no mind and continued to the door. "I wonder who this could be at this hour of night. If it's my aunt coming to check on u

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