Urinetown's the end!
Swift and burtal punishment-
No need now to pretend!"
-Little Becky Two-Shoes ((a.k.a. my stage name))
Waz up!!!??!?!! Im doing a awsume play called Urinetown. Guess what it is about......well, obviously!!! Its about Urinetown!!!! Yes, what a horrible title, but the show is great!!! Im in it for the Willow's Summer Theater Camp 2005 and i get a fun, to me, part! My name is Little Becky Two-Shoes and I am one of the 'Poor". We are the low-lifes of the play that have to pay to pee, because of a horrible water shortage. And becasue were so poor we have to use coins, nickles, quaters, and pennys. And we wait in line to go to the bathroom or the Public Aminity, and we can only go there. If the police catch you going elsewere such as the pavement, jars, behind a tree, etc. they'll take you to Urinetown....
"They'll box you up and ship you out
And call it Urinetown!
And its awsume, we get to rebel against 'UrineGood Company'((your in good company...lol.)) or the UGC and kindnap Mr. Cladwell's, the bad guy in charge of the operation, daughter Hope. Bobby, the hero and main guy, leads us in a revolution and pretty much....doesn't really go well for him, anyways....but its awsume. I get to sing, dance, sing by myself....oh, boy cover your ears!!!!
And yeah....enough of my rambleings....bye!!