Well I sure do. It was in one of my first school RPs. Do you remember that?
I wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t. It was so long ago.

Remember the fun and the laughs?
I sure do. We goofed around a lot, huh Inu?
Raine was so clingy-huggly too. Adorable and sweet too. I never minded it though. So much fun, so much love.

Hey Inu, remember when we became sisters?
I sure do. Started out innocent then went to twincest. I didn’t care. It was so much fun. How could I ever mind that?

Hey Raine, remember when you became my Koala bear?
I sure do. You even drew art to prove it. That’s completely right, Raine-chan. You are indeed my adorable Koala bear

Hey Raine, remember when you made me cry?
I certainly do. You made a notification that you would die by February first, but guess what? You made it through do that transplant. I cried still with tears of happiness. Remember when you made me cry again? You came back feeling depression afterwards. It hurt so much to see you like that. I didn’t want to see you like that. Pain is always so overwhelming when I see a friend suffering.

Hey Inu, you made m cry to. Do you remember that? It was multiple times too.
We were role-playing through PM. You made me cry. You weren’t yourself. You were suffering from depression too. You didn’t show up for days. You said everything was all right. You made m cry again when you went away. You lied as well. You were in a coma for so long. Your RL friend made me cry for two days too when she told me you were dead. When I got your text in class I broke down. I feared it was a joke, but at lunch I heard your sweet, yet dry voice. Anger and hatred came from me towards your friend. In the end everything was okay

But now you’re both gone again. You both left without a trace. You both left without saying anything? When will you come back to me? Am I being selfish? If I am then I don’t care. I want my precious friends back. So much pain and loneliness I feel within this heart. I worry about you two so much with each passing day. When will you return?

Can we be together again?