Donaters from the past
1.Yunacat ~butterfly mandilla and lots more thats my best friend heart
2.Untogether mess~300 gold heart
3.Tiffo 1234~ 500 gold 234 tickets and ink heart
4.XGunsXGoXBang!X ~ 500 gold and flowers heart
5.-Squeam-~1k heart
6.kandykitty12~100 gold heart
7.Preppy n Pink~1k butterfly dress and charcole cat tail heart
8.Brandon_The_Dude_-Blah-~1320gold heart
9.slapthatfatcat2~800 gold heart
10.Raina Aurelia~789 gold heart
11.RoboticBuffaloWithLasers~5550 gold heart
12.x h i m e m i y a x~white bun bun plushie heart
13.Corneh Chip~4k heart
14. imbrininglight_to_life heart heart
15. H0t_-Em0-_Rape heart
16. Lunacy_fringe22~500 gold heart
17. Autopsy Song~1k heart
18. lulz brawling with Lucas~enchanted trunk heart
19. wolfalchemist2000~allot of stuff i love this guy heart heart heart
21. Tiffo 1234~2k and a dragon thing
22. Ultra_eternal_night ~400g heart
23. ~bought from my shop ^^ heart
24. rubypinkangel18 ~500 gold and blue headgear heart
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Welcome to my twisted world
Nothing much just silly stuff
Life is full of an everchanging enviroment you can alter it and destroy it but your future is already set in stone