~The_ Goddess _Athene~: 100G, Holly Pin
~The_ Goddess _Athene~: 110G
~The_ Goddess _Athene~: 65G
1Cent Blues: 60G, sunflower bouquet
Alias Enigma: 100G
anime1star: 65G
Avendra: 75G
Avendra: 85G
AzurexLight: 100G, Holly Hairpiece
AzurexLight: Buttoned Down Fauna Skirt
Bare Nakied Ladies: 75G
Blood_Lust_8912: 100G
Blood_Lust_8912: 75G
bunnylein: 125 Bachelor Credits
Captian Toshiro Hitsugaya: 100G
ChibiSugarKawaiiGumDrops: 65G
Chitowngal: 100G
Chocoiste: 50G
ChristallineBlack: 125G
Crimson_Akatsuki: 60G
CrystallineBlack: 100G
Demon Artist Hoshi: 60G, 2 items
Dora Lupin: 100G
Dora Lupin: 60G
Dosteikke: 100G
Dr_LoveSick: 100G
dulce_love: 60G
emocutie94: 60G
Eufelia: 65G
evanescencefanatic: 75G
Falquan: 65G
Frozen Claw: 100G
Glenn0: 100 Bachelor's Credits
-Hamusandoichi-: 100G
Haruhime7: 65G
HavocSword: Dead Rat Hat
hawknelsongurl94: 100G
hotsteppin: 125, 2 starter shirts
HunnyNut66: 60G
HunnyNut66: 75G
invisible_bat: 100G
Kaori Fallen Angel: 100G
Katherine C: 65G
lady_Chikara: 65G
lolly501: 100G
lykoranda2: 150G
MayLing2: 65G
maymay2: 60G
maymay2: 65G
MiniMooffinz: 100G
MiniMooffinz: 100G
MiniMooffinz: 150G
Mister Tender: 75G
Mr DeMers: 60G
Nanzu-Chan: 60G
nanzu-chan: 60G
nanzu-chan: 65G
Nanzu-Chan: 65G
nanzu-chan: 65G, 5 inks
nanzu-chan: 75G
Niqus: 500G
Niqus: 75G
Nojiko-Chan96: 65G
Nuit Lu: 60G
Nuit Lu: 60G
O BagassE: 100G
o O BaNaNa SpLiT O o: 150G
o O BaNaNa SpLiT O o: 60G
o O BaNaNa SpLiT O o: 65G
princessbutterfly1212: 100G
punk-princesss: 75G
QuEeN UrSuLa: 100G
Quester Giver: 100G, Spirited 2k7 boots
Rhapsody xxx: 60G
Rhapsody xxx: 75G
Ro-reru: 65G
Sanokun711: 75G
Silverbullets3721: Masterpiece
slipknotfinatic: 75G
sLoW_goLfBaLLs: 200G
sLoW_goLfBaLLs: 75G
Snipso: 60G, 20 Credits
somexcallxmexmissxpanda: 60G
Spiral Holic: 100G
Strawberry Truffle: 100G
Telal Kashshaptu: 65G
Toxic magic: 70G
Vampire_Dancer: 75 Bachelor Credits
vashy13: 75G
Vivi246: 60G
we_are_twins: 60G
we_rock_bananas: 80G
x_J A V A: 100G
x_J A V A: 65G
x_J A V A: 75G
X-x-X-dd-X-x-X: 100G
Yuki_Ann_Kitahory: 100G, 50 bachelor's credits
Yuki_Ann_Kitahory: 60G
All Donations:
.~Crazysnowgirl~.: 95G, 2 inks
[ DorkiiFull ]: 60G, red crown
[ DorkiiFull ]: 75G
_KiLL_D_ProM_QueEn_: 1177G
~The_ Goddess _Athene~: 113G
~The_ Goddess _Athene~: 145G, L Blox
12chobit07: 100G
Alla Zul: 100G
Anime_Atomic: 200G
Arieslady: 100G
ArtsyPanda: 2 Tops worth about 800G
Aureon: 100G
Avendra: Black and Gold oversized banglets, tile, 46G
AzurexLight: 70G
AzurexLight: 80G, dead rat hat
Baller_Dog: 300G
Blood_Lust_8912: 100G
Blood_Lust_8912: 100G
blue_foxy_neko: 121G
bunnylein: 200G
bunnylein: 95G
caffeinegirl23: 100G, G Shades Yellow
chibi - warrior: 200G
Chikuso Jigoku: Chubbi Chicky
Crystal_Nightfall: 100G
cute4ever and ever: 106G
Dora Lupin: 100G
Dora Lupin: 100G
Dora Lupin: red tribal Torso Tattoo
Draco Demonyo: 75G, Magic mountain Orb
Dragon - tis me: Lovely genie silver arm bangle
evanescencefanatic: 100G
evanescencefanatic: 75G
Evergreen Acid Rainbow: 163G, 5 event items
Falquan: 110G
Falquan: 110G
Falquan: 110G
gaarascool98: 108G, 40 Tokens
Glenn0: 1500G
Goddeehzs: 150G, 25 tokens
HavocSword: 50G
I Am Ver Bored: 1000G
i Rawr u: 50G
IceAngelx13: 20G, Kunai
jakeloj: 100G
Kibou-chan kyuuyo: 300G
Lil-Mizz-Wicked: 33G, Soot Face Explode
Lisica-chan: Lovely genie gold arm bangle
lykoranda2: 100G
lykoranda2: 200G
lykoranda2: 200G
mamakittler: 1000G
maymay2: 100G
Mika25: 100G
MSh3pard: 101G, Nike Sparq Shirt
nanzu-chan: 100G
nanzu-chan: 100G
nanzu-chan: 60G
Nanzu-Chan: 60G
Naturally Beautiful: 300G, 25 tokens
QuEeN UrSuLa: 200G
Rhapsody xxx: 134G
RhapsodyxDreams: Flower Ankle Bands
-RPG- Emman: 75, red sports cap
S3XY_Boi_4_life: 50G
Sacrificed Apple: Lovely genie gold bangle bracelets
Sailorstar18: wig
Sanah Sierra Hayame: 100G
sLoW_goLfBaLLs: 110G
Snipso: 50G, 2k7 Candy, Holly Pin, 5 inks
Snipso: 80G, rhinestone flipflops
Snipso: White Belly Gem, 10G
Spiral Holic: 2000G
Stabberry: 4-leaf clover pin
Tani13: 175G
Teh_9: 100G
The deadly memory: 30G, 15 tickets, 50 tokens
The_Queen_of_Hearts1212: 53G
tkspimp13: 100G
-Tonwe-: 190G
Toxic magic: 100G
treeko lupe: 111G
treeko lupe: Lovely Genie Silver Bangle Bracelets
undead-DR: 248G
Vampire_Dancer: 500G, Morgana's Hat, Baby Chicky
x_J A V A: 100G
xblizzyx: red tribal bottom tattoo
xxdisturbedrocksxx: 132G
xxdisturbedrocksxx: 159G
Yamachi: 105G
Yuki_Ann_Kitahory: 50G
Zaylana: 50G
Completed Dream Avies: