Historical Vampires
Through out history, People have done strange and weird things. One of the earliest recorded examples is Gilles de Rais, a French martial, he was known for his cruelty, cannibalism, sadism, and assorted sexual perversions. He was eventually tortured and executed. Elizabeth Bathory was know for he obsession with the blood of young virgin girls. Most died shortly after working for her. She killed in the pursuit of beauty after being convinced that it has youthful properties. Fritz Haarmann was a German Mass murderer that was Known for biting his victims on the throat. Vlad Tepes was the warlord prince of Wallache, a region in Romania. Also known as Dracula and Vlad the impaler, Tepes was known to torture his captives and impale them on an array of spikes. He was the historical model for Bram Stoker's Dracula.
Tying together Music, Genius, and Insanity
 Not Quite Fire