Dionysus, god of wine.
Dionysus is one of the oldest gods, even though he was treated as one of the youngest. according to most accounts, Dionysus was the son of Zeus and a mortal named Semele, princess of Thebes. Zeus disguised himself as a mortal and had an affair with Semele. Hera found out when she was six months pregnant. She told Semele that Zeus was not who she thought he was. Semele asked Zeus to reveal who he really was. HE resisted, knowing that no mortal can look upon him and live. eventualy, he did show his true form and Semele tuned to ash. Fortunately, Hermes save Dionysus by sewing him into Zeus's leg. Three months later, Hermes delivered Dionysus, making him the twice born god. Hera was still angry and had the titans dismember him. Rhea, Zeus's mother saw what they did to her grand son, so she put him back together. Hermes hid Dionysus by turning him into a goat and hiding him with nymphs. when he grew up, he invented wine.
Tying together Music, Genius, and Insanity
![User Image](https://i622.photobucket.com/albums/tt310/Lightwater2520/MUSTYES.jpg?t=1253411382) Not Quite Fire