Well I saw Iron man this weekend and all i have to say is that its Good, and for those of you who haven't see it....its good and I won't spoil it for ya.
wink Anyway So when i went to go see iron man i went with a bunch of my friends like (using nick names for everyone since some don't like there name etc.) Ira, Kay kay, her sister, Max and his brother and then another person i don't know to well. And as everyone knows i have a crush on Max the one who went with us.....Well I finally got the guts to ask him out and I'm happy because he said he would but he couldn't because of his parents, they don't want him having a BF right now. (which im perfectly ok with) and like i told him how i've liked him since Freshman year and he told me he has too. so like yeah i'm gonna wait for him to be able to have a GF and when that time comes i'll ask him again n.n
Also another reason i'm happy is because i entered this Chalk thing at my school, its were you show them an art picture referance and you draw that same picture Larger in chalk on the ground....I'm almost done with it and i should be by tomorrow.
Its of this picture...
![User Image](https://tn3-2.deviantart.com/fs24/300W/i/2007/311/d/0/The_Forest_of_Illusion_by_PrincessYoshi.png)
I'm gonna take pictures of the chalk one tomorrow so i'll post them when i get them uploaded n.n