What do you write when you feel bipolar?
Like the whole world is out to get you, but you feel completely safe.
Like you just want to die, but you strive for life.
Like you could never feel better, but your life is a tragedy.
Like you want to cry and smile at the same time.
Like me.
Someone please let me know how I'm supposed to feel.
Throw me a lifeline before I drown in this whirlpool of emotions.
Because really, I'm not sure which way is up anymore.
I thought things could only get better from where I was.
I guess I was wrong.
Or maybe not.
Maybe it's just my imagination and I'm making everything much worse than it actually is.
Someone once told me the best thing to do in these situations is to write my feelings.
I wish they would've told me what to do when you don't know how you feel, because I'm lost.
Like the whole world is out to get you, but you feel completely safe.
Like you just want to die, but you strive for life.
Like you could never feel better, but your life is a tragedy.
Like you want to cry and smile at the same time.
Like me.
Someone please let me know how I'm supposed to feel.
Throw me a lifeline before I drown in this whirlpool of emotions.
Because really, I'm not sure which way is up anymore.
I thought things could only get better from where I was.
I guess I was wrong.
Or maybe not.
Maybe it's just my imagination and I'm making everything much worse than it actually is.
Someone once told me the best thing to do in these situations is to write my feelings.
I wish they would've told me what to do when you don't know how you feel, because I'm lost.