Alone is being left behind in the rain
Alone is an unknown person working their way out of your concious body
Alone is all the resentment of unnatural causes pushing down on you
Alone is having people hate you for your past
Or being judged before being known
Alone is crying a river of poison formed from the hatred of people you thought loved you
Alone is being left to die in the woods
Alone is falling off of your high horse with no one there to catch you
Alone is being abused by the ones you loved
Alone is being forgotten by your friends
Or being left, and filled with hatred in an unknown world
Alone is drowning in a pit of unreachable emotions with no life preserver
Alone is having the ones you love forget your birthday
Alone is having no one you know believe you about the truth
Alone is getting your heart shattered into a million pieces
Alone is knowing that no one loves you
Or being left behind
Alone is havinng a nightmare with no one there to console your throbbing mind, and questioning everything you thought was right
View User's Journal
A Little Bit Of Everything ;D
I like to write about poetry, camp songs, and sometimes people in my journal.