This is Jessie. She was my daughter and my heart. She passed away today on June 4th. She was about 2 years old. She was a black and white panda bear hamster.
She was the first pet I bought with my money. The date was January 7th if I'm not mistaken. She was the toughest pet I have ever had in my 13 years of my life. She was just like me when I think about it. She hated to be touched, she was smart and fierce.
When we took her home she chewed through the cardboard box that they gave her and hissed at us if we even thought to get near her. Her and her sister Chelsey(also deceased) even fought in their first and second encounter. But even if Chelsey was at least twice the size Jessie still won.
She warmed up to use eventually and started to play with us. We lived like that until Chelsey died(sorry no picture avalible). Even through my mourning and crying me and Jessie got closer and closer. But unfortunitly she fell into the same sickness as Chelsey. I don't know what it is but I think its a stroke. Anyway the past few days I have been spending time with her until she died...I love her and I will miss her.