I feel comfortable saying I do not believe in God. I will say this before I say anything. I think Christians are bigots. I know that is stereotyping, but they are. ******** this old way of thinking, Suppressing as this nation is regressing. A strike against conservative, I don't believe we should shelter media and everything from "F" bombs, and gays, as well as anything "that is unchristian." Gay marraige, But I believe love is love as it is and people should be able to do as they wish. And people should be subjected to freedom of speech. Another strike against conservatives are their Religious Values. I don't believe anything should be Christianity based, this is only my opinion because I consider myself confused about religion, unsure if I'm Agnostic, or Atheist. I don't know what I believe or if am aware and I even care. And even though I am not a fan of Christianity, it is our National Religion and should be NOT be banished from schooling systems. Anyone who decides to come here has their freedom of religion, we should not lose our freedom of religion for theirs. Discrimination against anything opposing their nation "under god." Also, this is a contradict to I really don't believe in mixing Religion in political systems or education, as immoral as it is. Theocracy gnaws at me, I loathe it. It should NOT NOT NOT NOT be intertwined. God created us, blah bullshit is not a biology lesson, where is that going to get us? Where? A good career? Nah, I don't believe that is an extensional knowledge of our creation, and evolution may be wack, but it's a lot more valid than "God created us from sand and girls are from boys elbows, and god can make water into wine then walk on it!" How do you believe that over mammals and animals alike evolving and compromising around environmental conditions? I think evolution is the only explanation for why I have nipples and a tailbone, and whales have thumb bones. special note to religious extremists who think science is the devil's distraction: the whole "if we evolved from monkeys then why do monkeys still exist?" is a completely idiotic argument and you need to go back to school... Survival. Something Jesus throws at you, doesn't teach you. As well as liberals. Who receive Federal checks. Oh oh oh oh and another thing... If God IS real, then how come he discriminates those who don't love him even if he says he doesn't? I'm not going to go into all that, but another thing, WHY PRESSURE SOMEONE INTO A RELIGION, I'm not telling you "God doesn't exist." Organized religion is a big old bullshit game of dungeons & dragons that's just gotten way out of control. Allah and God are the same thing (a figment of your imagination) but this is only my opinion. I'm telling you this is my 'philosophy', if you will. It's just something to preach. While most people should practice what they preach. I'm guilty of this, to the minor things. How can I find comfort in a god that judges me? God will let the millions burn in hell because they cant believe in his religion, eh, so to be fortunate in after life I have to believe in something even if I don't? I can't prevent the fact I have no faith. Also Christians are HORRIBLE at practicing their own religion and what they preach. Worshiping the lord without religion is a ******** taboo. What, is it something to believe in to make yourself sounds like a good person? Then why are you breaking the commandments? Why are you discriminating? Christians are peaceful ---- my a**. Christians have become so askew asking forgiveness for everything they do, aware that indeed what they are doing is against their "policies of religious morals." Yet they say to themselves... "I can ask for forgiveness, it's a free ticket to heaven." It's a disgrace. As from the song Sadist by Elysia "Your claimed religion is stretched so thin. Your morals are just drawn from a book. You pick and choose which ones you want and never take a second look." It seems people determine which rules of their religion to obey, I mean, we all have free will. Ohh and (not sure why the font randomly changed) but, are you aware of how many religions are practiced? How are we certain which one to believe and sacrifice our whole lives to? Also, also, also.. I don't believe a God should be so pious as to say they "died for you." now humanity must live the way HE wants you to, and you must all be modeled perfections, free of sin as he wishes you to be. I follow laws (the important ones.), and I pretty much do what my dad asks, but asking a religious "God", "Can I follow your commands and live for you?" Where is the fun in that? Free will is amazing. I'm going to hell for writing this.
Our society is slipping backwards. I consider myself conservative mainly because I believe you work for what you earn, as well as vise versa. I do not believe in equal rights. Well, sure I do, I mean, racial, ethnic equals rights.. But Welfare and other aids ******** fascinate me. But like I said. If you are homeless, chances are it is because you are a lazy scum who has no profiting skills and budgets his money towards cigarettes. I believe that if you work hard you should be rewarded, otherwise.. You need Liberals to cover your lazy a**, and classified as a lumpenproletariat, I know that's a bit of a big word, but it in a nutshell means the lowest class. Feed the homeless! Well, I understand that we shouldn't let people starve, but what are they doing to feed themselves? I suppose I am heartless. Not sure.. Oh well. Everyone is subjected to equal opportunity and education, it is what you make out of it what your rights are determined BY your efforts. But when it comes down to it, no matter how you got there; your own fault or not.... if you need help then it should be given to you, but maybe by an agency or nice people. Oh well. And I guess after brandon complaining I had to add this because I forgot, and I truly think that children, or young adults even deserve free healthcare, ect. Because your parents basically suck, or can't take care of you, isn't FAIR, that's a whole different situation. As on the Liberal side, I suppose they have it in their minds of how government should be run by the the society, I agree with this to an extent, but isn't it obvious that citizens are impotent to the structure of government, which puts me at more of a contraposition with this issue, also at note, our way of life shouldn't be determined by simpletons. I think that we would all be unsatisfied either way. There is such a diversity of people that we truly will always have someone who bitches about how things aren't preciously what that person wants. Anarchy is a bit out of the question, that would be pure insanity. I believe the idea is honestly, the most amazing yet.. I just don't believe our society could handle it, and with chaos in the hands of their own responsibilities, people would be killed left and right, there would be no beliefs.
Money changes everything. This is true. I believe that the world would be better, but what would we strive for? Sure we would have everything for free.. but, well, who would spent their efforts and hard work into paving the roads? Who would make those delicious McNuggets at McDonalds? Money is a good way of keeping the world rotating and that's why I ♥ it and I want as much as I can get. Back to the government. I've noticed a lot of people use our president as a scapegoat for their own financial issues. I believe we have more important things such as health care to take care of rather than you being incompetent of managing a job as well as your money$$.
Also, also, if you know a thing or two about the American Government, you have at least HEARD of checks and balances. Which means basically it isn't the President sitting in a chair making massive decisions, it's mainly the branches determining the laws, legislators, and over all decisions, sure I understand the president is a key role, and VERY important within the political system, but after such knowledge I've come to find he is a bit of a "puppet", if you will, after the checks & balances. But that is just my opinion! I as well think you should think for yourself, don't always do what to government tells you to. Question it all. I guess fanaticism... and in this form of humanity has become fundamentalists. Our society's apathy will never get the best of me. The fact that more people vote for American idol than for the president makes me want to vomit.
gay marriage isn't politics, it's the government sanctioning discrimination against a massive chunk of our population, denying them equal rights and upholding its idea of a religiously sacred ritual. Abortion isn't politics, it's the process of removing an embryo or fetus from the womb, a process the female body does naturally sometimes hundreds of times in her lifetime.
A subject touched in my Law Studies class was Abortion, this was a brawl in the classroom.. Apparently I'm Pro Choice. I will defend for others who are pro choice. We aren't saying "Hey let's have a baby to kill it!" It's not like that at all. And it doesn't make you stupid to have sex. I mean, when you're married are you suppose to double wrap? NO. Let's see you do that, and it's not wrong to not want kids. We don't all have to love children. And some of us want to be independent and don't want the responsibility, does this mean no sex? No love? Isn't sex apart of love in away? Not always in the case of someone my own age, but people in general, including adults? I want a child more than anything, so I mean, that's a different story all together. Sometimes mistakes happen, embryonic stem cell research is a big controversy, I believe in it. A woman is free to do as she wishes with her body, as well as your "baby" developed no sensories or anything until it is a fetus. It's non human, there should be no remorse. I'm not completely heinous though I believe it WILL develop into a living thing, and it's still bad to kill, but the whole "You could at least put it up for adoption." vowge is always there, no, You ******** CAN'T. I know it would be wonderful to give this kid life, and give it a chance.. But... Did you know adoption centers are overcrowded enough? Most seeking parents do not adopt after the child is an infant certainly a teenager has no hope. This child is most likely to become uneducated and as harsh as it is probably wish he was never born. This isn't always the case. That is stereotyping, but we are over populated. And have you heard of shoving a coat hanger up yer c**t? It happens. Women push themselves down the stairs too. And the famous stories of someone having a baby and leaving it in the trashcan. Some children are unwanted as sad as it is, this should just be prevented. There is also the famous, if a woman is raped issue. I stand for that. Also, there is a bit of a money issue. I can honestly say if I was pregnant now, I really would have to drop out and take care of my child. I know a lot of people don't agree with me, but I think dropping out of school would be the most heartbreaking thing for me considering I wish to pursue a career, I never want to be asking the federal government for help. There is also the huge "idea" everyone thinks they are original for thinking..
"You could be killing the next Einstein." Well of course, bare in mind you could be killing the next Jeffery Dahmer, as cool as he may be, he was still sick. But on a more serious note. I believe everything happens for a reason, and if these babies were meant to be killed, then that Einstein was not to be here, and this world was suppose to be set as is.
"Make love, not war." Are you a ******** slut? And unaware of diseases in the first place? I agree that unnessecary war is, well, unnecessary, but lets take iRaq for example; there were weapons of massive destruction; or believed. Honestly I can not tell you why we're STILL there but I can say that we started off for our own safety and I'm thankful that we aren't going to be invaded. I think anyone who is just Anti-was doesn't really know anything about why war is here, or about the dangers of not if we need to. God forbid someone sends weapons of mass destruction over, you know.. mass... destruction, if you though 911 was scary then mass destruction is taking a lot more people! but you know also God Forbid just sending men trying to protect us risking his life ..for no reason. Which I believe once wasn't true but now has become ridiculous. This reminds me of the Cuban Missle Chrisis, JFK handled that well but I mean Russians, sad to say are a little more reasonable then Alli Alii Allahh's.
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I hope you get ******** dead.