As the summer day goes by
As the summer days go by,school is on the way i can't wait for this day to come by, how i miss my friends, and my teachers, the subjects, and classes i enjoyed in life. It seems that soon it will end as they say school is school, but it's different only one year left of middle school crying how ill miss it and then 4 years of high school it sounds so long but its so fast as time goes by then you'll notice that everything went by so fast it's like a dream how u put up goals in life and surpass them but there will always be another goal to pass in life i wonder what is so special about humans us and the world why is it we are so different than other species is it the fact that we are more intelligent or is it that u cannot live forever like in the movies, i wonder sometimes about these things of course im not the only one but who knows as scientists say the world will end in 2012 that as only in a few years the world isnt so great but as i live i will enjoy life to the fullest i will always enjoy life to the fullest.
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