DON'T U DARE READ THIS ALEX sigh I doubt you would anyway...
I thought Alex was nice and cool but humph......(Kai and julia you will know what i'm talking about and I DOUBT ALEX WILL BOTHER TO READ THIS) sigh....I wanted to say "Im srry" for being SORTA MEAN lately.......BUT YEAH HE CALLED IT A THING AND HE DOESN'T SEEM TO INTERESTED IN THE GIFT HE IS BEING SOOO MEAN AND UNGRATFUL !!!!! HUMPH I EVEN SOLD SOMTHING I TRUELY LUVED TO GET HIM THE GRUNNY SHIRT AND HE NO ACT NICE SIGH.......I THOUGHT he WAS cool and nice......sigh...........BUT NOW I KNOW THAT HE REALLY DOES HATE ME NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES HE SAYS HE DOESN'T HATE ME !!! GAWD emo i'm SOOO SAD RIGHT NOW!!!!! i'm better and I concluded he is SORTA NICE AND SORTA COOL ^~^ I FORGIVE HIM NOW^~^