Omg i just got back from one of my dad's stupid parties.
Omg i HATE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Everybody there is always drunk!
The only sober ones were me, Maggie, and her boyfriend.
And they just graduated so theyre not really interested in me.
The entire time i pretty much just sat and watched everybody get wasted.
And my dad gets all mad and pissy just because i didnt sing kareoke with a bunch of his frineds.
And my dads not even supposed to drink, so I get very upset when he does.
And on the SIXTH i have to figure out who i want to live with for the next three years.
And i dont plan on being stuck inside a house where all everybody does is IGNORE me!
So my plan is to go back to 50/50
Even though my mom might be a nut case, im willing to go back to living that way JUST SO I DONT HAVE TO MOVE TO WASHINGTON.
The only reason why im not moving with my sister is only to be with the ones who truely love me.
My friends.
Yes. I said it.
The only reason why im here. Living in this god for saken desert!
Is just so i can get through the day thinking at least some people care.
Here come the tears.
God. What is wrong with me?
And i really, TRUELY hate telling my friends what goes on in my life.
Some have had it so much worse, so i just keep telling myself 'you dont have it that bad. just get over it!'
And thats the reason why i always let people trample all over me.
Ive never stood up for myself.
But ya know what? No. Not anymore.
So what if Christina was there last night with her daughter.
I could care less if she thinks im a irresponsible brat.
Im not going to put up with it. And for that case, i wont put up with my dad taking her side.
From now on, im only going to live with him every other week.
I can either stay here, or move to Washington.
And i choose to stay. But not for him.
For ME this time.
And im sorry for whoever read this. I know you shouldnt know about what goes on with me, but im just warning you. If they think 'Well, your mom is a crazy nut case, and your dad is an unfit father, then who else do you want to live with?'
And if it all comes down to that, then...
Looks like i'll be seein you guys next summer.
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My Journal biznatch!
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Community Member
You shouldnt stay here, if your going to be misserable. We all want you to be happy. Even if that means to move away. As long as your happier than you are now.