It's not fair
About 3 years ago, my parents bought a summer/vacation house near Yosemite that had animals on it. Those animals included a peacok, and 3 adult scottish highland cows; before we bought the house the peahen they had just had eggs and they hatched but the mother and all her chicks but one got eaten by a fox. That one eachick that was left was intrusted into one of my parent's closest friends because we couldn't take the chick back with us to the city, but our friend had a few cats, they didn't eat it but we think it was streesed out so much that it just gave out. Last summer we got a new peahen, and she just had some eggs about a month ago and they just hatched yesterday, they're gone. And we don't know where they are sad but it's too late for them, something has probably already eaten them. It's not fair, every time we get a new batch of chicks they all die, and there's not very much we can do for them.