Today I think I'll rant about "individuality"
Y'see, based on what people think of individuality is that it is you
enjoying things that other people don't.
That is far from what it really is.
Odds are good that no matter who you are, where you are, and what you like,
there's someone else out there with the same ideals.
Individuality is in fact you "personality", appearance, and what makes you you.
A lot of people tend to fake their personality to make them seem "cooler" or
more "normal".
The whole idea of that is completely pointless in every way, shape, and form.
If people weren't slaves to what other people thought of them, the world would be,
at the very least, slightly better.
You should never have to go against who you are, what you believe in,
and what you think is right just to seem "cool"
As for attracting the opposite (or same) sex,
if you have to change what you believe in, he/she isn't worth it.
You should find someone who allows you to be you, and not "you".
Well, apparently my minds just crapped out.
There was more that I had to say, but it just went poof bye-bye.
So, until next time: Stay in drugs, don't do school, and always always;
listen to your grandparents.
-Brought to you by A Group of Hippies Attempting to Save the Whales-
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