Weapons:Claws and Poison/Dark powers.
Personality:Shy and quiet,but resistant when needed. Cares for everyone except for humans,who will need a bit of warming up to.Will fight for anyone and anything she cares for,or things that can't defend themselves.
Bio:Shashu grew up as a western dragon pup in the mountainous regions of Russia when she was very young. Due to numerous wars,and the slaying of most of her kind, there was a mass exodus from the mountains,each dragon finding their own roost somewhere far away. Shashu's family headed to the highlands of Ireland,where she dwells today. During this journey,many of her kin died off from extreme fatigue or just plain emotion.( Didn't want to run anymore. >//<; ) Shashu and only a few of her older brothers were left. As she grew,she was raised by them,taking on the arts of fighting. When they came of age,they left her,seeking their own new roosts and families,leaving her to her lonesome.
As she grew up more,she had few travellers come to meet her. She was unintroduced to the human kind,and was intrigued by them. She began to delve into the art of transformation, trying to dig deep into the campfire stories of the Elder Wyrms long ago. Having only half completed what she set out to achieve,she could only take on a slight morph of a human figure,leaving her disformed and still heavily feared by many. Growing older still, she would sneak into Irish villages to learn more of the humans,only to be shunned moreso. Now,she still wishes to 'become' human, but watches from afar with a certain disdain,not taking pride in being a dragoness.