Ahem... but anyways, not much has been going on 'cept for the fact that the school year started again and we've been having quite a bit of new patients coming into the office. The funny thing is that working for a doctor you actually get to notice a few funny details about people.
There's really nothing funny bout them I just named em that way so deal with it xd
Funny detail #1: During the summer our "clientele" diminished. I guess due to the fact that many people were taking vacations instead of getting injured.
Funny detail #2: Now that school has started our patients are picking up, which in translation it really means "more people are busting their a**es at work (too bad for them but it's awesome for business!!)
Funny Detail #3: People are freakin' liars!!!! They will either lie about their pain and try to be "macho" and tough it out or completely exagerate the whole situation. Which no matter what the heck they end up saying is still gonna get me in trouble someway or the other!!!
Funny Detail #4: In general if you're working for someone else (meaning your not your own boss) then you most have realized that your boss is a petty SOB, who couldn't give less of a damn bout you or your financial situation. So if it's that time of the year and you're supposed to be a getting a raise try not to get your hopes up or expect a big fat check next time you get paid. Ha guess what? You only received a 50 cents hourly increase! And they have the nerve to tell you this so happily as if you just wont the lottery!! **mumbling curses**
Funny Detail #5: Phone and telemarketers are an invention of the devil!!!! The first one wont stop ringing and the later just doesn't shut up! (no matter how many times you tell em they got the wrong number and Sarah So and So doesn't live here!!!)
So basically that's it for now. If you actually read this "Thank You" if you didn't then I'm basically just talking to myself in which case you should really stop eavesdropping into my conversation!