today was, to say the least, interesting. To me it seems like the school this year has a more detached feeling to it... Surprisingly I still have to get a lot of stuff together for the classes, and we even have some homework already... (which i'm working on right now actually...)
the people haven't really changed all that much, except a few of them got taller (I think I did too- otherwise munchkin is shrinking! xD) and some got more tan... also Josie looks very good this year (yup danceline was good to her! ^^), and Taylor's outfit today was wicked cool! >.< (thought the leg warmers were an excellent accessory...) I was just plain happy to see Jenna again, and Krin's outfit was cool, too! ^^ I was also really happy to see that Sam is back this year! but apparently she skipped a lot of classes last year at school in Arizona, so she's not in any of our classes...
*shuffles papers* *looks at schedule* hmmm... we still have to sort out the bumps in the band seating arrangement and get our music and such (can't believe we're playing FRIDAY already... wow... so excited! >.< wink ... Biology was interesting- its a new teacher this year (and the first thing dad asked when I told him about her was "Was she hot?" xD) who sounds like she has quite the colorful resume (with the cool little accent over the "e"...) and so it should be interesting to see how it goes... Spanish I don't think I'll do as good in because I kinda have a pet peeve against the McGees (like she freaking wants to build a WALL out of field rocks... stare can't stand them... they're true full-blooded townies at heart, so they act really weird when they talk about their house in the country... O.o) and she talks incessantly in spanish that she knows we don't understand... =/ like Zondervan better... phy ed was rather boring (got our locker combos and such... ironically my locker number is 214... xD)... Lit/comp was as could be expected... I think that that'll play 2nd to band in my fav rankings because I like Ms. Stalnaker (lol have an "in" sorta with her...) and just the class in general... =] then Geometry Plus... ack. I was the last in line to get some papers so some weren't there (also had to pull up a spare seat because all the regular ones were taken) so turns out I didn't get what I needed... (and Zach M. kept glancing in my direction and kinda smirking.... stare *suspects ploy*) so after class I had to talk to Mr. Schultz (lol it has a 't' in it... the music director doesn't.) to get the packet (turns out there were extras... *glares*) and to correct the number that he had put in for my book number...
I know i have some really high expectations to live up to this year because all of my cousins (on my dad's side) went through MACCRAY, and they did awesome... like all but 2 of the art examples on the cabinet are from a "Shell P", who's my cousin... and her brother, Mike,(he's the rocket scientist one who's working for a company that makes space parts for NASA... o.o) and a bunch of my other cousins were really into mathematics and stuff so in geometry Mr. Schultz said "You have some big shoes to fill."... xD whole buncha others, too...xD I'm sorry I seem to be bragging a bit... oh well. rolleyes
anyways back on subject. after geometry was art, which was rather intimidating because, except for about 7 of us, they were all upper-classmen... o.o I really wish I could've had just a semester of art, and taken computer literacy for the other half... *sighs and shrugs* oh well... cry and to end the day, we have american history, which was rather interesting. we had to ask a whole bunch of questions to the person we were partnered with, and then had to relay that information via memorization in front of the class. xD rather fun, actually, except that I think I spoke too fast... *shrugs* its all trial and error....
and so goes my day! ^^ now tonight thankfully I don't have anything (still have to establish a study schedule...) except to make supper (chicken patties and some noodles or something...), sort laundry (dad needs socks and underwear), do homework, and get the rest of my stuff together... ^^ we shall see...
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