And now, Twilight has officially replaced it! HA! That's what the stupid movie producers get for making Robert Pattenson (Edward Cullen's movie actor) die in the 4th Harry Potter movie! He's smexy and now Harry Potter's whole dang legacy is gonna be replaced by the Twilight legacy! 'Cuz I'm pretty sure we all know that Twilight is even MORE popular then Harry Potter and it's sad because Twilight hasn't even been around half as long.
But that's just how awesome it is! Yay! Go Stephenie Meyer! You've created one of the best vampire book's series ever since Anne Rice! And just like with her vampire movie adaption, "Queen of the Damned", I think "Twilight" is gonna be just as successful as that movie.
I am a proud YAOI fan! Haters? I laff at'chu!

WalterxHenry YUS! heart

WalterxHenry YUS! heart