Artur Konrad
The Avoided Sun
Stance on War;
Where Mikael leads I follow.
Weapon of choice;
A machinized sword, shrouded in mystery... ((Hilt Detail))
Artur is an enigma - a philosopher king whose true motives and beliefs aren't known by anyone outside of his own mind. He walks with confidence and conviction and is a very sociable and polite vampire, both quick-witted and amiable. He often smiles and does not hesitate to laugh at the jokes of another, but there is an unshakable feeling that all of this is just a facade. Only two things are known about Artur for certain. The first: he does not tolerate torture -of humans, of vampires, of animals- in any form. The second: He is loyal to Mikael until the bitter end.
Artur was born into in the bitter arctic wastes of Serbia, the region of The Russian Empire that was ruled more by nature and vice than it ever was by the Tsars. As a whelp he witnessed the tyranny of the Bolsheviks, who sent "Agents of Christ" to their homestead in the night, while Artur and his father were out hunting. He returned to find his mother nailed to a chair, her skin flayed open from the front and her entrails spilled across the floor. There was garlic stuffed in her mouth, and a cross driven through her heart.
His father looked from his wife to his son. He did not speak for many minutes. Artur did not cry. "Go to Leningrad," his father said, before taking their lone hunting rifle and stepping back out into the darkness. Artur has not seen him since.
Artur did not resent his father for abandoning him. Instead, he did as he had been told. Artur went to Leningrad, and spent many years there drinking off wild dogs and drifters. He joined a traveling theater troupe and learned the ways of Men and swords. He was run out of Moscow after fifteen years in the troupe, for he had not aged a day. He returned to a life in the shadows.
In 1960, Artur befriended a delusional scientist - a man who claimed he knew how to transform matter at random. For two decades he visited the scientist at his isolated home. The man would talk feverishly about electrolized matter and sub-spontaneous transmutation and Artur would listen without complaint. The man enlisted Artur's help in his "lab" (his cellar) as a handy man, and he paid well. After the third decade of friendship the scientist named Alexi expressed his wish to adopt Artur, for in the addled man's brain Artur was still a young man -one without father or family.
Artur accepted, and for many years he stood loyally by his adoptive father. Alexi never mentioned Artur's ageless complexion, nor questioned why he never went out during the day. He only loved him as his son, and sought to teach him all he knew.
1995. Alexi wakes Artur up in a panic, his near 90 year old 'father' sweating heavily and out of breath. He tells Artur to take the prototype that he has been developing, and leave Russia. He kisses his son on the forehead, and wishes him well. Artur holds the man's thin and frail form tight to him, and for a single moment is tempted to weep. He does not question Alexi. He takes the prototype and escapes through the cellar's window. As he flees the KGB forces entry in Alexi's home. They know what he has been researching, and what he has developed.
He remembers the sound of those gunshots.
On New Year's Eve of the new millennium, Artur was lured into a trap which led to him being cornered by ten fire-armed men. They asked him what was in his duffel bag, and then told him to hand it over. Apparently The Prince found the event amusing, and intervened at the last minute so he could boast of the deed. Artur pledged a blood oath to Mikael; The Prince, sensing that Artur was thoroughbred, invited him into The Avoided Sun.
Anything Else We Should Know;
The sword Artur carries is Alexi's prototype. Through his research, Alexi developed a pseudo-sentient weapon that can both shift shapes and conduct varying units of energy based on its surrounding environment. It has the ability to adapt to certain conditions, as well as repair itself (so long as its core [the hilt]) is undamaged.
Artur treasures this sword more than himself. He has the knowledge and experience to maintain and repair the basic components of the sword's core. The problem is finding the parts.
Artur regards humans as humans regards animals. They have souls, they feel pain and feel love. He respects them and their contributions to the world -their struggles and their achievements- but just as a human would not throw their life away to save a mouse, Artur will not step into the line of danger to save one.
He particularly respects those humans on which he feeds, and appreciates their sacrifice.
I am played by; Bayne Tarrok
Community Member