Day One: I'm scared, they inject a strange liquid into me every day...I'm eating more meat than usual...
Day Five: I escaped! Strange how it was so easy...maybe they released me? Ether way, I'm glad to be out, I reached a lake, I will hide here for a while. I had to swim down a river to get here, and to my luck, there was much mist to hide in.

Day Seven: I made a skirt out of weed I found, I'm deathly hungry...I seem to only be able to eat meat...I think I saw something in the lake...should I leave? No, there is enough food here for me to eat...and it becomes easier each time I got hunting...

Day Eleven: I got attacked by something...it left three claw wounds on my chest...though it stopped bleeding quickly...what did those people at the lab do to me? My hair turned white recently...

Day Fifteen: I found a large talon near me when I woke up, but I wasn't harmed, so I used the talon to make a halberd. My hair if becoming feathery, and my wounds already healed...On the bright side, I was able to make a better weed skirt, but because it's summer, there is no reason to make a shirt.

Day Twenty-Two: There was a village near the lake, and they spotted me, they reacted horribly and tried to kill me, I barely got away, when I felt that I lost them, I found myself in a plain, and found out why they reacted the way they did, my legs...they were covered in white feathers, and my feet turned into that of a birds, now I know where that talon came from...I fear this will be my last entry...

Day Thirty-Five: The tranfomation competed, I cant right well wit my mouth, Im sory to pepl reding this. My intolect is amost gone, I desided to stop righting entrys, sory...

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