hello near, far, & everywhere.
well im pretty bored right now! rolleyes
yup yup. umm....
well im in Anchorage.(for those of u who no where its @)
being very dorky. i no.
k here is more about me.
-i love 2 swim
-im reading a book called Heart on My Sleeve
it is a very interesting book.
-right now im listening 2 Now That We're Done by Metro Station
-i miss my peeps (Nila,Fisa,Feo,Sushi,& more) cry
-dont wanna go back 2 skool!! UGH
-my sista is a big dork!(BUT i love her!) yay! lol
-this is sssssssssssssoooooooooooo random! lol but thats okay
-u dont have 2 read this. im just wasting time. yup thats wat i do.
-i cant wait till Christmas & SUMMER!
-im gunna write everything wit a z at da end from now on.
-YAYZ! hehez! kkz.
-wellz thatz howz uz canz tellz thatz imz veryz boredz
Thanksz forz readingz myz journalz. ITz wasz veryz randomz.
heart Kiaz
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w/♥ Forever&Always
I wrote your name in the sand but it washed away, I wrote your name on a piece of paper but I threw it away, I wrote your name in my hand but I washed it the next day, I wrote your name in my heart and forever it will stay<3

w/♥ Forever&Always
I wrote your name in the sand but it washed away, I wrote your name on a piece of paper but I threw it away, I wrote your name in my hand but I washed it the next day, I wrote your name in my heart and forever it will stay<3

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![]() simple little wish Community Member ![]() |
simple little wish
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Acck you know all the way in the starting arrow (seriously rolleyes it should point up, duh and in this case i am not telling u that i'm scanning, I'm telling you if u need to look back to what i mean, anyway i found the perfect emote cry but, it's to late now(I'll never tell u which emote it was, I'll never reveal my idiotic and not good power twisted mwaaa haa haa
Anyway( moved on to next topic razz eh heh ehh heh heh just like you random random random random random random(that's it scream what am i doing, i wanted to tell you that we placed second in Mind a mazes, but noooooooo i blabber on about random random random random random ( that's it i'm leaving this comment as it is scream )
Warning:brain may be exploded by idiotic comment in nine...eight...seven...six(come on, pretend like it's a real countdown) four... three.two.. one BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM KSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH well u can open your eyes now, rolleyes it wasn't your brain that exploded it was my fingers from writing this looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong that's it totally long story short<Long comment arrow (well, i see the use of this arrow xd So happy like i discovered something-_-fine if u don't get it, arrow is pointing in the direction i like^_^Anyway(haven't u noticed, i used a lot of Anyways acck gonk gotta stop,uhh i got it xp moving on-_-,stayin cool>turning to short comment kay
Okay, i was totally wrong about Gaia having bad emotes,very wary now eek . they won't send spies to come get me ninja I'M SORRY VERY BIG MISTAKE crying crying crying crying crying PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that's it BYE-BYE talk2hand (i'm waving bye^_^ kay(sheesh stare I Didn't even finish)