Some stuff is older, and some is newer. I apologize in advance for some of the qualities of the photographs, I am in NO way a professional photographer. razz
Most of this stuff has either been given away, or is in a gallery somewhere.

This piece was titled "Lady Death" and is one of my earlier pieces. Charcoal on Charcoal paper, it is still incomplete. I am hoping to finish it by this halloween.

"Elmer"- Wood, copper, plexiglass- This is a piece I did while still in high school. Although it has tons of detail, this picture does it no justice. (Every scale is individually carved, and the spines on the back were cut from the same piece of copper.) The name comes from my wonderful mother, who called it the first thing she thought of when asked by a professor when I first started college. The name stuck, and that was that. smile

Another one of my sculptures, this is entitled "Ridiculous Ideals". It is made of copper wire and glass seed-beads, with lace along the back. All of the beadwork is done on very fine copper wire to make it hold its shape. The piece is aptly named because of its HUGE bust and tiny waist (measuring about 9 inches in diamiter), and goes to show how the ideals of what a woman should look like today are unattainable and ridiculous. The Idea was to make a garment beautiful enough for someone to want to wear, but impossible for any woman to ever fit it. The lace in the back is 9 yards long, and is capped off by beautiful silver beads.

This one is another favorite of mine, using line to suggest form rather than to outline it. It is entitled "Rose On Table Still Life", because that's exactly what it is. Sharpie on Bristol, 18x24 inches.

This artwork hangs in my livingroom. It's title: "Six Feet Of Practice Space". Because it is six feet of experimental guash painting on butcher paper.

"Indestructable Houseplant" started as a joke. It stand 4 feet tall and was made with sheet metal, chicken wire, duct tape and cardboard. It was presented to my mother for Christmas as "the only plant she couldn't kill".

This one you may have seen in the art arena. It is entitled "Ken On A Smoke Break" because that's exactly what it is. Another large drawing, it is charcoal and pastel (for the eyes) on a warm charcoal paper. I didn't have an easel, so I started drawing it on the back of a pizza box! XD

"Uni"- This is my one of my "Uni" prints. This particular series is an etching with only the horn colored. Pieces for sale, email me for details

"Conch Shell" -Charcoal on paper- This shell is one that William owns. Drew it for writing class to show texture. The background was an afterthought and is supposed to resemble sand and water.

"Sound Sunset"- This is a study I did of a sunset out my livingroom window. It was particularly gorgeous, with the colors too vibrant for words. Charcoal and pastel on paper.

"Bottle Still Life"- Charcoal on paper, Bottle study for class. Very plain, very basic, but my first study of glass! biggrin

Sumi Ink on watercolor- This "Angel" was a model in our life drawing class, but she wasn't very nice. So when we were told to put her on an imaginary background, this was the first thing that came to mind. The piece is about two feet by 3 and would look great on the wall. (Image for sale, contact me for details)
So yeah! That's my stuff. Hope you enjoy! If you have any questions, feel free to PM me. biggrin Thanks for stopping by!
Later Datez~
Everything here is done by hand, original work, and is owned by me. Any reproduction or profit of or from these works is completely illegal and anyone who does so will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. ...And that's a promise.
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