The air is cool
The mind is still
The man is a fool
He ran towards the lord
Targeted be them all
Stabbed by a sword
Down the man went
The guards have done it
Their job they were sent
It seemed lost
All were confused
It was needed at all cost
For the man's plan to thrust
The spear into the lord
With the villager's trust
Instead he went afar
Toward the heaven and the skies
They all look toward the North Star
Shining to his brilliance of strength
His courage
For all he's gone through the length
Of taking all this fall
For the villagers never lost hope
The lord's long drawl
Shall never be spoken again
This shall cause the final uprising
The once fallen man to sustain
His mighty soul
Will once be reborn
And all shall win for their justice and take their toll.
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