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Gabby-chan's Amazing Journal
This is my awesome journal! I may rant, advertise, or post my fanfictions! Just read, comment, PM me, look at my profile, or send me a friend request! hehe! just have fun!
Chapter 1
Chapter 1-”I am Dating James Potter.”

In a lone compartment on the glorious Hogwarts Express, I sat with James Potter. I had out my copy of “Quidditch Through Ages.” James sat across from me staring blankly out the window. I looked up from my book every few moments to check if he was ok. Suddenly, a small grin crept up on the side of his face. I began to grow scared as his face, along with his grin, turned slightly to look at me. My eyes wide, I waited to see what would happen next. It happened so fast. If I would’ve blinked, I would have missed what happened. James hopped up from his seat, wand in hand. It looked like he was going to come at me. I closed my book quickly and was prepared to use it as a shield. James had now moved to the seat right next to me. I put my book down, and his arm shot up in the air, and suddenly onto my shoulder. After all of that occurred, I could finally blink. It took me a few blinks to comprehend what just happened. I placed the book to my side and stared up at James. Though we were sitting, James still appeared taller than me, though I was quite tall myself. His hazel eyes had small twinkle in the pupil. Something told me, he had some type of plan to this situation.

“Ummm…James….” I began slowly. I was still staring into his hazel eyes. He brought his hand up to shake out his untidy black hair. “What was that?” I finished more quickly. I waited for him to answer, as his arm was still draped around my shoulder. I removed it promptly. “You can put that back, when you tell me what the bloody hell was the reason for your last few motions.” I said to him, a bit of anger in my voice.

“Well…” He said through chuckles. He sounded like a school girl. What was it that he was hiding? I asked myself. “That was just my way of showing some affection to you, Gabby. Why do you have to suspect something is wrong.” He moved is arm back to around my shoulder. I giggled softly and blushed a light pink. Suddenly the compartment door opened and entered the moment killer of the hour. Sirius Black, James’ best friend. Behind him came, Remus, Kat, Peter, Alex, and Liz. So instead of one moment killer, it was six. James moved his arm from around me and scooted far away. Obviously, I hadn’t told my friends that James and I started dating over the summer, and of course James hadn’t told his friends either. Everyone filed in and sat down. Sirius promptly settled himself between me and James.

“Why hello Gabby love, and James. What brings you two here…in this compartment….alone..” Sirius said, a mischievous grin on his face. I didn’t like the way he annunciated that sentence. My blue eyes filled with slight anger as I glared at Sirius. He now had his arm around me. I was prepared to slap him on the top of the head but Liz beat me too it.

“Leave her alone!” Liz scolded. Liz was one of my tougher friends. She was the one all last year that helped me keep Sirius and James in line. Though this year was even better, seeing as Kat, Liz, Remus, and I were all prefects, so if we had to deliver some arse kicking, we could definitely do it now. Though I would doubt I would give my own boyfriend detention. I smiled at Liz.

“Thanks for that Liz.” The other part of this was, Liz and Sirius had been dating since 4th year, but Liz broke up with him after O.W.L.S. because she was tired of him flirting with all the other girls. I felt kind of bad for him, but not so much. I glanced over and saw that Alex and Peter were in a deep conversation of God knows what, but it was obviously making Alex laugh her head off. Remus and Kat were also chatting about being prefects this year. Both of them had been taking quick glances at Sirius and James, and were obviously wondering what they would do if they tried to commit any kind of pranks this year, and frankly, I was curious on that one as well. Sirius’ arm had been removed from my shoulder, and Liz was busy scolding Sirius that if he wanted to get back together with her, than he had to learn to control his flirting habits. She smiled satisfyingly when he became silent. All of a sudden, the compartment grew quiet. I stared around at all the couples. There were Alex and Peter. They had feelings for each other, everyone knew it, but they were too chicken to admit it to each other. Remus and Kat were the same way. I took a small glance towards Liz and Sirius. They used to be a couple, but I could tell there was still some chemistry. I looked over at James, who had his head down. When he felt my eyes on me, he looked up. I gave him the I-think-we-should-tell-everyone-were-dating-look. He nodded his head, and I stood up. I felt everyones eyes on me I looked back at James, who still had Sirius at his side. I walked over by James, and I pushed Sirius out of the way and onto the floor. I sat down next to James, and I forced my hand into his. I gave him another look, and we both knew it had to be this way. We stared down all of our friends, Sirius on the floor. I let James take the floor, I am sure him being the man, he wanted to tell everyone.

“Ummm…” He began sighing. I heard a gulp escape from his throat. “Gabby and I are dating.” He finished. He turned to look at me, and he smiled. I looked down waiting for their responses. Remus, Kat, Alex, Peter, and Liz erupted in claps and cheers. Sirius was on the floor, looking as stunned as I was. Again, the compartment door swung open, and in came the Head Boy and Girl, informing Remus, Kat, Liz, and my exit. I stood up a little to quickly and exited the compartment. I was still stunned on what had just happened. Immediately after we exited the compartment, Remus, Kat and Liz attacked me, well mostly Liz.

“When were you going to tell me your were dating James!!” Liz cried angrily. Remus was patting me on the back.

“Good luck with him Gabby. At least it will be easier for you to keep him in line. I am not sure what you can do about Sirius though.” He said semi-comfortingly. Kat gave me a small smile, as her hand was intertwined with Remus’.

“Nice wrangle Gabby. If he ever hurts you, Liz and I can kick his arse.” Kat said her smile getting bigger. After all these complements, my face was a bright pink, as we entered the prefects compartment.

I sat in our original compartment, James at my side, his arm around my shoulder once more. We were all dressed in our Hogwarts robes. Kat and Liz, were wearing their Ravenclaw robes, everyone else in Gryffindor ones. Alex and Peter were sword fighting with there wands, Remus and Kat were talking about the classes they were taking this year, and Liz was lecturing Sirius on his prankster plans this year. I turned to James and he was staring at the floor. I tried to pick up a small conversation with him as the train slowed down. We were almost at Hogwarts.

“So James, of course you are number one favorite to become Quidditch Captain this year, and you’re obviously gonna keep me on the team right?” I said giving him a sweet smile, and fluttering my eyelashes. James looked up from the floor and smiled.

“Of course. You’re a wonderful Seeker. Obviously were going to have to replace one of the Beaters, the Keeper, and two of the Chasers, seeing as they were 7th years last year. Once we get to school I will decide when we’ll hold tryouts. Because obviously were gonna have to win the Quidditch Cup again this year.” James said, that last part a bit loudly so that Kat and Liz could hear. Liz and Kat were beaters on the Ravenclaw Quidditch Team and ever since James and I came to Hogwarts, Gryffindor has won the Quidditch Cup. Liz looked up from talking with Sirius, and gave James a look that said Shut-up-now-or-I-am-going-to-hex-you. James chuckled and a wide grin came onto his face.

“How do you know that we won’t win this year!” Liz and Kat said angrily at the same time. Alex and Peter stopped their sword fight and now was looking at the Quidditch rivalry.

“Well I don’t care if either of you guys win. Maybe you should just let Hufflepuff win.” Alex said laughing. Kat, Liz, James, and I shot Alex dirty looks. But Alex just laughed with Peter. Both of which didn’t play Quidditch because they were too clumsy. Remus wasn’t likely to tryout for Quidditch, because he would probably miss a lot of practices like he misses a lot of school. Sirius was already on the team as a Beater. That was another reason the team was so good, because James and Sirius were so good together. The discussion of Quidditch seemed to desist, as the Hogwarts Express rolled to a stop. Many students were already gathered in the corridors of the train. All of us in the compartment stood up. James found my hand, and squeezed it comfortingly. I smiled as we exited the train. We all climbed onto a
carriage together and made our way to the castle.

Everyone was seated in the Great Hall getting ready for dinner. The first years had just gotten finished sorting. There were seven new Gryffindors, two girls and five boys. Dumbledore had just finished his speech and the food appeared on the table. Kat and Liz were at the Ravenclaw table, talking, eating, and laughing. James and Sirius were stuffing there faces with food, and Alex and Peter were pushing away anything that resembled meat. I wasn’t too hungry, so I just nibbled on a few items. Dinner rolled through quickly and then we came to dessert. I grabbed a bowl of pumpkin pudding and ate slowly. I looked over and noticed James and Sirius were looking at me and smiling. I began to grow a bit worried.

“What are you guys grinning about?” I asked cautiously. Sirius and James’ grins grew bigger at my cautious curiosity.

“Nothing….” They said in unison. It appeared they were looking at something underneath the table. I titled my head to try to get a good look at it but I couldn’t tell. It looked like some kind of parchment, but I couldn’t see clearly what was written on it. I finished my pudding and glanced up at the sky. Well it wasn’t really much of a sky, it was the ceiling of the Great Hall, bewitched to look like the sky. Right now, the ceiling was dark, a few stars visible, and clouds scattered everywhere. I looked back down at the table. James and Sirius still had smiles on their faces, but the parchment had vanished. I rolled my eyes.

“Seriously, what are you guys up too?” I said again, my voice straining a bit. Sirius and James exchanged looks.

“Are we up to something Prongs?” Sirius said still grinning.

“No I cant say we are Padfoot. Right Moony, Wormtail?” James said chuckling. There goes the silly little nicknames, that I will never understand. Remus and Peter looked up, smiled and went back to eating. Alex looked over at me, and I knew that she knew they were up to something too. I just ignored it, and finished eating. The plates then cleared away and Dumbledore gave his final speech before sending everyone off to bed. Remus and I had to lead our first years to the common room, as does Kat and Liz. We marched out of the Great Hall. Nervous first years behind us. I was a bit afraid that I left Sirius and James alone, but I was hoping I could trust James. I walked with Remus, and was tempted to ask him what was up.

“So Remus,” I began. “What the bloody hell was going on in there?” I gave him a look that said you better not lie to me. He looked at me curiously like nothing at all happened. “And don’t give me that look. I am not stupid, I know something going on. What was up with that parchment?” I said matter of factly. He looked at me for a moment before staring back at the floor.

“If James wants to tell you, he will. But I am not going to be the one that…..” His voice trailed off. “I have said to much. James will tell you…maybe….” Remus seemed a bit shy. His face was flushing a light pink.

“Whatever….” I said rolling my eyes again. We arrived at the Fat Lady’s picture.

“Password.” She said sharply.

“Chocolate Frogs” Remus and I replied at the same time. We walked through the arch way into the giant common room. The fireplace, already lit, shined off the maroon and gold walls. “Ok first years. Boys dormitories on the left, girls on the right.” As the first years lazily walked up the stairs to the dormitories, James and Sirius arrived in the common room laughing there heads off. Alex and Peter right behind them, laughing as well. I rolled my eyes, for the third time in the last hour.

“What is so funny…wait…do I want to know?” I said cautiously. They continued laughing. Alex and Peter hugged awkwardly, Remus gave me a shy wave, and Sirius followed both of them to the boy dormitory, Alex to the girls dormitory. Now James and I were left in the common room by ourselves. I stood rocking back and forth on my heels. I could hear Sirius’ laughter echoing off the walls, and into the common room. I went over by the fire and sat in my favorite spot. It was like I never left. James followed and sat down right next to me. He let out a long sigh and turned towards me.

“So, glad your back?” He said giving me one of his beautiful smiles, ruffling his hair at the same time.

“Of course I am.“ I said brightly. He grabbed my hand and kissed it.

“I am glad too. And you know what’s going to be better. Spending the year with you.” He said sweetly. It was a bit corny but sweet. I could sense our faces were closer than they were a moment ago. We were moving even closer every few seconds. I could feel his breath on my lips. My lips were millimeters from his, before I heard a loud chuckle and clapping. I looked up to see Sirius.

“Wonderful performance lady and gentlemen.” He said arrogantly, still clapping and chuckling. My lips pursed together in a grim, my forehead wrinkled, and my fists balled up. I felt James place his hand on my shoulder, and my anger lessened. I took in a deep breath, and I let it out heavily. I got up from the couch and over to Sirius. He stopped laughing and looked scared of what I might do to him.

“Its alright Sirius, I wont hurt you……” I said, before frowning. I reeled my leg back and kicked him hard in the shin. “Let me rephrase that. I wont hurt you, that bad.” Though it didn’t feel like I used much force, Sirius was on the floor clutching his shin. I turned to James who was laughing. I felt very satisfied. “Good night James!” I said smiling sweetly and waving. “Good night Black.” I said coldly. I exited the common room and climbed up the dormitory steps, smiling about what almost happened, me kissing James Potter.

Misses Prongs
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  • User Comments: [1]
    Community Member

    Sun Jun 14, 2009 @ 01:37am

    Haha, nice Gabby, nice. I thought you would want to kiss James Potter. I sure as hell would, hehe!

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