this is how it started...
click here to see
this is how it ended up at the end of today....
click here to see this one
yeah. i get board during class ^-^'' last year i even used to draw my own avi out of boardo, see....

and if u dont know the shing on my avi's arm ish Swup whee heart but hes somewhat cute by himself ^w^

aww... and now for the best part, my cute kitttie blaugh heart

This one is Merry, the oldest of them.

This is Lussie ^w^ shes flufy
and about the look, she made that face when ever i toke the camra out gonk

This is Delila, she has been givin the right to be called "my p***y and my protecter"! xd
This cat follows me aroundeverywhere i go and attacs any other cat that crosses my path! now thats ..... kinda creepy ^~^ ((btw shes siting in my lap as i type this blaugh ))
than theres Molly but i could never get a goodshot of her, every pic came out blury so i will have to keep tring!
ok well thats all i got for now, see everyone on Sunday! blaugh
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