Book 2 - rorrim- plus path
main: sumomo is walking down the street so is seth and so is nagano nd lilium as they stand in the same blvd but on different streets
and then suddenly the crystal lights up and shows a path they can only see
sumomo : the crystal
seth : it is showing me
nagano : my path to help
lilium: hatashi, i must not hesitate
lilium ,seth , nagano and sumomo : i must follow my destiny ..
main: they run in four different directions as it goes back to hatashi at home as he looks tired and just woken up
hatashi : mmm...where is everybody ?
main: it cuts to sumomo side as she runs towards the park and goes into a tunnel but the light goes into the wall
sumomo: huh? this cant be right it shows me to go this way but i cant , its just a wall
main: she touches the wall and her hand goes through she then looks amazed and slowly goes in as she ends up on a small field as a big tree lays in the middle
sumomo: unbelievable ..
main: it then cuts to seth who follows his to an abandoned warehouse
seth: hmmm?..looks like this is where my path ends
main: seth enters the warehouse and suddenly a crate falls behind him as he dodges it he sees death flow by him and then itcuts to nagano who is walking into a dark ally
nagano: well it looks like this is where i have to go
main: he walks forward not looking back as a dark entity stalks him from the walls behind him as it cuts to lilium who was going to the roof of a building as her path goes up to the edge of it
lilium: i must go up ...
main: it turns back to sumomo who goes up to the tree and touches it and suddenly she is in a different room around corpse as she looks around and sees a sort of puzzle on the walls around her
a voice : welcome to the tree of paradox figure my riddle and gain my koledge and strenght fail and you will forever be trapped within me as you slowly die of starvation and fall into madness like the rest who tried
sumomo: WHAT!! .. no you cant hold me back !
main: she said angrily as she punches the walls of the tree
voice: you cannot brake my walls only way out is if you can answer the riddle before you
main: it cuts to seth who is face to face with death himself
seth : im guessing your what im here for
death: very observant child , now beat me in a game and claim your prize
seth: ok so whats the game and whats the rules
death: thats the beauty of it there are no rules but one and the game can never be said for to gain your prize you must beat me in a game you have no idea your playing
main : a hook flies by and almost took seths face off but he evade it but it cut his cheeks
death: game on !
main: it cuts to nagano who gets deeper into the ally and suddenly a demon falls in front of him as he falls back onto the ground
demon: well looks like you dont deserve this strength i hold , your to weak and fragile with fear to bare this
nagano: No wait!! ..i need this to help my friend , im strong just give me the chance to prove myself
demon: fine but there is no turning back kid
nagano : im not afraid ..
main: chains hold nagano down as he is held in the air and the demon looks upon him
demon: fine but to want this you must be strong enough to survive
main: it goes to lilium who is on the roof of a building looking at a relic floating and glowing
lilium: that must be it
main: she goes to touch it but the she is then stopped by a voice it was angeils
angeil : what do you think you are doing child ?
lilium : i need to get this in order to help my friend
angeil: you dont want that will ingulf your very existance into a world of darkness to forever be lost
lilium: but i must be there for my friend , if i dont do it he will be lost in 28 days
angeil : but is it worth losing yourself ?...
main: lilium looks lost in her decision as it cuts back to sumomo who is panicking
sumomo : this doesn't make sense
main : sumomo looks upon the wall to see that some of the words to the riddle has been scratched off
sumomo: how do you expect me to beat this riddle when im only getting small details that aren't really clear
the voice : many stood here days trying to figure the riddle that it drove them to hunger and soon they lost there sanity with there humanity some to anger and those driven by anger took their anger on the riddle that damned them to be trapt here and sccratched the words upon it
sumomo: Damn!! .. how do you expect me to this !! im not gonna end up like these corpses that lay before me im gonna get out of here
main: cut off to seth who is running around as things try to kill him
grim: your pretty quick on your feet child your almost a challenge for me but a little difficulty never stopped me before
main: a crate pusher comes to kill him as rushes him but he runs up a wall and flips on top of it and then a crate falls down on him but he jumps off as the crate smashes and a bunch of metal pikes fly out and stab down on the floor he layed down on him as he rolls ti the side to see death before him
seth : ( mind ) can i beat him when i dont know what to do to win
main: it cuts to nagano who is still chained up as the demon looks at him and starts devouring his flesh slowly
Nagano: Ahh!!!!! What are you doing!! Ahhhhh!!!!
demon: ( ripping flesh and shirt as blood splurges on to the demon ) im giving you the strength you need child but only the strong who survive may weild this rare gift
nagano: Aaaahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!
main: it cuts to lilium who is having a eye to eye with angeil
angeil: well do you really want that?...
lilium: i know i may lose myself but i rather lose myself than lose my friend
angeil: you really care for this friend of yours but i cant let you take that demonic thing in your posession
main: he picks her up and puts her on the edge of the building
angeil: why are you so calm
lilium: because wont let me hit the concrete
angeil : what makes you so sure ?
lilium: i have faith in you
angeil : well you hardly know me and this is what you get for putting your faith in strangers
main: he drops lilium as she looks shock as she falls as it cuts to sumomo
main: it shows a saying on the wall spelling out ( i reaveal my self in the d-- , i will blend -i-- the night , i ------ in the darkness , but ---- in the ----- )
sumomo : what does it mean i reveal myself in the d , i will blend i the night , i in the darkness but in the the what ?!!
main: she punches a wall and tears as she sits by a corpse
sumomo: i dont want to die here.. not here ...
main: she looks aside of her as it cuts to seth who is running as his back gets slashed by the reapers scythe as he gets hit by a car
seth sad mind) no..i didn't see it coming...
main: he hits the floor and slowly gets up as his leg is messed up he looks at the reaper
grim: its over you can't hardly move , it was fun but as always i win ... sadly you couldn't beat me in my own game
seth sad mind ) his own game.. thats it !!
main : a bus was coming fast behind seth and then it cuts to nagano who is half eaten
nagano: Ahhhh!!!!!! ( mind) i cant hold on the pain .. i can ..hardly hear myself scream
main: as he ribs gets broken his tender meat gets ripped up till his heart is seen as it pumps fast
demon: ah there it is ..what i was looking for im amazed you survive this long
main: the hurt starts to pump slower as nagano eyes slowly start closing
nagano ( mind ) no..nooo ...nooooo!! ...i cant die ..i cant ..hatashi needs my help..he ne...
main: his heart pumps a beat and holds a second for the next as the creature infects his with a virus that spreads through the veins and blood vessels in an ink black the heart suddenly dies
demon: poor kid ..he almost made it too , if he just held on a bit more ..
main he drops nagano to the floor as it cuts to lilium who is falling
lilium: is this it this the end ...if it is i promise i will not let the devil take you hatashi even if i have to fall from the heavens and burn in a pit of fire
main: as the floor was closer and she closes her eyes she felt at halt as lilium opens her eyes she sees the floor as her nose tips it lightly as angeil holds her by an arm
angeil: you have a heart of pure i will give you a greater power from the heavens ,this demonic strength is weak and wont be of any help to you
main : lilium smiles as he takes her to te roof and destroys the demonic entity as he blesses her with a great strength as it cuts to sumomo who is looking as her shadow
sumomo : i get it ...i think i figured it out is it my shadow
main: a small creature lands on her shoulder
creature : you are the first to figure the riddle i am shade i shall aid you from now on my strength is yours but may i ask how di you figure it out
sumomo: i am sumomo and i didnt ..heh heh ..i guessed , but how do we get out of here ?
shade: what do you mean? you was never trapt
main: the tree aint around and they are under the tunnel
shade: so no one will be able to see me and i can always be with you i shall desguise myself as your bracelet
sumomo: ( mind ) i did it ...
main: it cuts to seth who starts to take a step as the reaper looks shocked
seth : the game is not over ...
main: he starts running towards the reaper
grim: (mind) impossible he cant run in that condition and yet he runs towards me but even with that effort he is falling into his end
main: the reaper runs at him with the scythe as soon as seth was close the reaper slashes but seth jumps out the way as the bus behind him hits the reaper
seth :
grim: well played young one ..redeem your prize
main: he touches seths head and gives him the abilities he needs as it cuts to nagano who is dead on the floor
main: his finger twitch as his heart pumps and then pumps again as his eye open with dilated pupils and then a sudden eye change twice as his eyes return to normal and his body regenerates
demon:heh ..guess he hanged in there
main: nagano gets up
nagano: im alive but i ..i swore i died ...demon! am i the same as before
demon: no! ...your better
main: nagano smiles as it cuts to lilium who is found with small wings
angeil : your now an A. I .T my child which mean your an angel in training , i will prepare you and make you better to harness and control your abilities so you will see me in the afternoons here and we will train got it
lilium: yes i do , thank you
angeil: and remember no demon should know of your angelic power lets just say a demon will destroy you if it gets the chance
main : angeil disappears and lilium looks determined as it cuts to hatashi who is looking in the mirror with no reflection
hatashi: sigh...i wonder what happened yesterday at school i cant remember what happened after the football field
main: in the mirror was hatashi but more evil and dark as the reflection answers
evil hatashi : i remember i was there
hatashi: wha!! ahhh!!!
evil hatashi : shut up !!
hatashi: ok..
evil hatashi: look at me and listen
hatashi : ok ,,
evil hatashi : i want to get out !!!! stop holding me back!!!!!!
main: he blasted hatashi and swipes his face hatashi freaks out and screams as sheena comes in
hatashi : Ahhhhh!!!!
sheena: whats with the screaming !
hatashi: i was attacked by me and
main : he pointed towards the mirror as sheena looks at it and sees nothing
sheena: ok your just losing it
main: hatashi looks again to see that there is no reflection
hatashi: (mind ) what just happened ?
TO BE CONTINUED...........................................................
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