amber: i have had such an influence on crystal!
kurama: what did u do amber?
amber: i didnt do anything *pulls out paper* crystals having a dance party!!!
kurama: wow....that is odd...
amber: *smirks* and i got asked to it by about 20 boys on the way here.
kurama: stare what did u say?
amber: "no" u idiot! its girls choice anyway!
kurama: *blushes* well then who are u asking?
amber: *stares at him as if hes missing something*
kurama: *relaxes* r u---
amber: yes im asking u!
kurama: oh, well then sure!
amber: *shakes head* ur so dumb sometimes..
*l8r at party*
*kurama/amber walk into crystals house*
kurama: good evening.
kyrin: uh..amber, whats with the--
hiei: did u have a fight with a fabric store and loose?
yusuke: *bursts out laughing* it does look like u stumbled through ur closet in the dark!
kyrin/crystal: *bonk their heads* be nice!
amber: *sniffs at them* no. its the best dress in keinly's line of clothing actually.
kurama: i told u they would laugh.
amber: oh watever! ur semi-formal tux isnt exactly that amazing.
kyrin: would u guys shut up, other people r coming!!
*peeple come*
amber: hey jake, adam, john, matt, alex, *narrows eyes* david
hiei: just how many guys do u noe?!
amber: chris, antonio, brendan, kendrick, cameron, colin, andrew, matthew
yusuke: amber, wth?
amber: ryan, will, four foot eight, drew...DREW? ugh, EJ, jacob, DJ---mph!
kyrin: *clamps hand over ambers mouth and points at kurama, whos giving her the death glare* shut up!
kurama: *relaxes a little*
amber: *pushes kyrin off* ok ok, jeez... OH HI JAKE!
yusuke: will she ever learn?
kurama: rolleyes let her have her fun...
kyrin: r u sure ur ok?
kurama: *stares at blonde girl* uhhhh...... *snaps out of it* oh um... ya ya im fine
hiei: *sweeps kyrin off feet and kisses as a distraction*
crystal: thats wrong. thats just plain wrong! dont they know thats unfaithful?
yusuke: one thing u learn about kurama and amber. all is done. all is forgiven. all is forgotten.
crystal: weird but ok... i guess
kurama: so angie, how are u this evening?
angie: *flips hair and bats eyelashes* oh, im fine, just a little cold..
kurama: oh well here! *puts his jacket on her* better?
angie: oh yes, *bats eyelashes* im much better now.
kurama: *uncomfortable* um ok... neutral
amber: *twisting hair* hey jake sup?
jake: *eyes brighten* hey amber! im fine u?
amber: *squeals in mind* im good. so? y r u at crystals party? dont u have math league 2day?
jake: no, it was cancelled, and i thought "well y dont i go and c wats happening 2nite w/ amber" and i-- uh um.. redface
amber: its fine jake. hey i love this song! *pulls him onto dancefloor* comeon lets dance!
jake: sure!
*low plays: wit does apple bottom jeans {jeans} boots wit da fur {wit da fur!} an the whole club waz lookin at her! *jake pulls amber 2 the center* she hit the floor! {she hit the floor!} *amber/jake drop* next thing u noe, shorty got lower lower lower lower lower lower lower! *jake/amber gradually drop**
kurama: *looks at them disbelievingly* come angie. let us dance!
angie: oh cool! i luv the tango!
*kurama/angie start tangoing bumping a/j out of center*
amber: o noe he didnt!
jake: *hugs her from behind* did he just start a dance off?
amber: *narrows eyes* dangit kurama!
kyrin: ooo he just started a dance off!
hiei: so lets give them some competition!
*hiei "accidentally" bumps a/k out of center*
kyrin: oh! i luv katy perry!
*hot n' cold plays and kyrin and hiei dance very hiei/kyrin-like*
yusuke: a dance off huh? well i want in!
crystal: (now on sugar rush (all yusukes fault)) COOL! LETS DO THIS!! *wearing sasha outfit*
*hot hot hot plays and yusuke takes off his shirt*
crystal: *blushes a little but smirks* arrrrrrrribaaa!
yusuke: *thinks: 12 packets of sugar + dr. pepper = AWESOMENESS!*
all but c/y: o.m.g!
amber: this deserves a 2gether song!
*all dance in while we go 2gether plays*
*song ends all sit panting*
amber: that was fun wasnt it jake? jake? *looks and sees jake making out w/ his roller coaster ex* well that went well.
kurama: *tries to get away* angie plz, would u stop trying 2 kiss me?
angie: FINE! if thats how u want it!! *storms off*
kurama: *sighs and sits near amber* i didnt know u liked rap!
amber: i dont. just that song.
kurama: oh. did u have fun?
amber: ya except 4 the abandonment part..
kurama: jsyk, ill never abandon u.
amber: thx kurama.. *kisses*
yusuke: *2 crystal* hows ur head?
crystal: *groans* how much sugar did u say?
yusuke: 12 pax.
crystal: UGH!
kyrin: ur a good dancer hiei! and did u hear wat amber said abt u?
hiei: most likely something that she says regularly. that stupid--
kyrin: no. she said u look hot in trunks.
hiei: SHE SAID WAT?!?!!
kyrin: that u look hot in trunks.
(this is the closest i could get srry)

hiei: i-i redface im gonna go barf now.
kyrin: *sighs* whatev. u noe its true.
hiei: thx. *kisses her*
*a/k,y/c & k/h all kiss.*