1. Paen
2. Rhys
3. Kaoru
4. Vixen
5. Akio
6. Kyo
7. Requel
8. Vandal
9. Kegan
10. Feral
What would you do if...
Q.1 woke you up in the middle of the night? -
Well, at the moment, probally lift up the covers to let him under. Anyother time...Beat him with a pillow. 8D
Q. Number 2 asked you to go out with him? -
80;;....-slaps him- No! NO! Bad! grabs squirter bottle-
Q. Number 3 walked into the bathroom while you're showering? -
"Whatthehell? Since when do you know how to unlock doors? Dx< I have boobs! BOOBS! GetoutbeforeIthrottleyou!"
Q. 4 announced (s)he's going to marry 9 tomorrow? -
08...My.--My poor poor Kegan! RUN AWAY! -Covers face from the mayhem-
Q. 5 cooked you dinner? -
Woo! 8D 10 more cavities, here I come!
Q. 6 was lying next to you on the beach, sleeping? -
A beach at night?? -shrugs it off- I would probally play with his hair and give him boobies made of sand. XDD
Q. 7 suddenly confessed to be part of your family? -
0 o? Really?...-b-but...Uh...-Mind fizzles out- F'ckin sweat!
Q. 8 got into the hospital somehow? -
Pro'lly his daddy. D< Stupid p***k. -Goes to deliver flowers- Good thing he heals fast~
Q. 9 made fun of your friends? -
XD Well... That makes sense. Kegan is like me...and I make fun of my friends. XD Plus~ It's an easy task. -high five-
Q. 10 ignored you all the time? -
-Shrugs- Aaaand this is any diffrent from normal? > <;; Kitty has a bad attitude.
Q. Two serial killers are hunting you down. What will 1 do?
Paen? Save my a**! XD He's the one person who pro'lly would. -cowers behind him-
Q. You're on a vacation with number 2 and manage to break your leg. What does 2 do? -
"Uh...Oh...Hmmn...-Contemplated what to do- I don't have a phone....You don't have a phone...THis isn't good, D8......Where's Az! -Leaves to search for him-"
Q. It's your birthday. What will 3 give you? -
Pfffft. XD My entire wardrobe in a bow to be thrown in a pit. THEN; Shopping spree! Woo!
Q. You're stuck in a house that's on fire. What does 4 do? -
....Really? My hopes lie in Rhys to save me? D;....-Sighes and accepts fate-
Rhys: -large sinister grin-
Q. You're about to do something that'll make you feel extremely embarrassed. What will 5 do? -
"-Pulls of pants to try to make it less akward but fails-...Well...I tried..OH WELL!"
Q. You're about to marry number 10. What's 6's reaction? -
Kyo: ^////^ How sweet. I- I Hope you are forever happy. -Goes to look for Mi to tattle-
Feral/Ruu: D< !! WHAT THE-- !
Q. You got dumped by someone. How will 7 cheer you up? -
"Hmmn... -hands muffin- As much as I was expecting it... here, have a muffin. Stop crying."
Q. You're angry about it afterwards, how does 8 calm you down? -
Poof into a his Serval sef and sit in my lap...XD Or claw my leg.
Q. You compete in some tournament. How does 9 support you? -
A big ol' banner and a t-shirt! Kegan's my little cheerleader! -highfive- XDD
Q. You can't stop laughing. What will 10 do? -
"-Grabs large apple, turning it over to inspect it- ... - Launchs it at her head- "
Relationship part
Q. Number 1 is all you've ever dreamed of. Why? -
.... -Opens mouth to talk-... BAHAHAHAHAH! -wipes tears- Must be those eyes~ ;D Kekekekeke~
Q. 2 tells you about his(her) deeply hidden love for number 9. Your reaction? -
-Whips out squirty bottle- D< WHY ARE YOU SO BAD! What happened to Mr.Faithful, you beast! Your not Vixen! -Rips off mask to reveal Kaoru- DX You too! BAD!
Q. You're dating number 3 and introduce him(her) to your parents. Will they get along? -
..... -Facepalm- XD;;; I think they might feel a bit intimidated. My dad might hit on him. XD
Q. Number 4 loves number 9 as well. What does that mean? -
LEAVE MY KEGAN ALONE! Shoo you evil b*****d! - sprays the b*****d be-gone spray- Why do you torment the innocent?!
Q. Will number 5 and 6 ever kiss? -
No. JUST--no.
Q. 6 appears to be a player, he breaks many hearts. What do you do? -
BAHAHHAHHAHA...Kyo a pl--.... HAHAHAHAH...KWAHAHAHAH..ha..hehe.. Uh-- I guess bop him on the head~
Q. You had a haircut and 7 can't stop looking at you. What goes on in your mind? -
'What? D8 WHy are you staring!....Stoooooop! -throws mental breadstick- DX -covers head-
Q. Number 8 thinks (she’ll)he'll never get a girlfriend (boyfriend). What will you tell him(her)?
" Awww... You'll find the right person.. -pats- Just don't try and eat them "
Q. Number 9 is too shy to face you and confesses you his love by sending an e-mail. Now what? -
"Kegan...Uh..>Don't you have enough trouble with Gabe and Nathaniel?" "...." "That's what I thought. XD"
Q. You spot 10 kissing number 1. How do you react? -
0 0... -Laughes a** off- Feral is your type, huh Pae Pae? Pae:-Growl- I don't like anyone. Feral: - sniggers- I beg to differ.
Friendship part
Q. Could 1 and 6 be soul mates? -
... As long as it wasn't intimate. D: They be cousins. XP
Q. Would number 2 trust number 5? -
I don't see why not. XD Vixen trusts everyone for the most part, and Akio's a good guy.
Q. Number 3 wants to go shopping, will 7 come along? -
Hahaha. No. Requel shopping? DUN THINK SO.
Q. Number 4 is bored and pokes number 10. What happens after that? -
"-poke-" "-pokes harder-" "-POKE/Growl-" "-POOOOOKE-" "I'll eat you." "..."
Q. 5 and 1 are forced to go back to school together. What study will they pick?
Pae: Night School for Chiropracty! Or however you spell it!
Akio: History of Music.
Q. If 6 and 3 cooked dinner, what would they make? -
Brothers....Vampires...They kill food, not make it. XD
Q. 7 and 9 apply for a job. What job? -
Chefs! requel's good with knives and Kegan likes food! XD
Q. 8 gives 5 a haircut. Is that okay? -
...Heeehhee...Akio's pretty hair... I feel bad. XD
Q. 9 sketches what 6's perfect girlfriend should look like. Will 6 be happy? -
Kyo: D; -whimpers- B-but... Kegan: Wha- what wrong? - looks at picture and become sad- -both cry-
Q. 10 and 8 are blushing while they talk. What is their conversation about? -
... Uh. Kitties? XD -Both are Cats-
Q. 1 accidentally kicked 10?
Actidentally? There is no such thing.XD
Q. 2 sent 9 an e-mail that was meant for his(her) girlfriend(boyfriend)? -
BAHHAHA. Pooooor Kegan. I mean, Vix isn't very dirty... But to Azurin? Virgin Kegan !
Q. 5 and 6 did a work-out together? -
Makes sense. XD They're both toned.
Q. 6 noticed he wasn't invited for your birthday? -
D: I must have misplaced the invite! -rushes-
Q. 7 won the lottery? -
. . . . Lucky b*****d! LIKE HE NEEDS IT! Kestral gives you all the money you'd ever need!
Q. 8 had quite a big secret? -
Uh...He's falling for the one in his arranged marriage but is still in love with his servant? XD No secret there though.
Q. 9 became a singer? -
PFFT! -Throws Kegan infront of a crowd- Kegan: -shiver- ...-passes out-
Q. 10 got a daughter? -
. . . . . .-Epic fail- Seriously? D: -bops him- Name her kitty! XD -Is hit-
Q. What would 1 think of 2? -
-Brother's look at each other- "We're brothers" "We're brothers." -simutaniously-
Q. What would 2 find weird about 3?
That he enjoys killing humans. -shudder-
Q. How would 3 greet 4? -
"******** b*****d! Give me Kraycia back...growl-"
Q. What would 4 envy about 5? –
Nothing. Rhys is a b*****d. XD
Q. What dream would 5 have about 6? -
A dream where he didn't get him and his brother confused.
Q. What do 6 and 7 have in common? -
Erm...Not much. 8D They are both pretty quiet?
Q. What would make 7 angry at 8? -
. . . . . More money than he has??
Q. Where would 8 meet 9? -
0 0 Uh...uh... A character conventon! YAY!
Q. What would 9 never dare to tell 10?
That Kitty is a cute name. ROFL Feral: -Flings Apple again-
Q. What would make 10 afraid of 1?
Besides the fact that he is a vampire? ;D
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