I dont even know anymore.
Why do things have to suck so bad?
A little note ahead of time, so I dont get flamed:
This does not concern everyone. I know I said all, but it only concerns those who actually do it.
For one, why dont the majority of people "get" gay people?
I mean, whats not to get?
Take away the nasty stereotypes, and were just like "you".
We live our lives, we love.
Our love is the same as "straight" love.
I mean, just because we dont have a p***s to fill our hole to have babies.
That argument is lame.
Most straight people, the majority of the time theyre having sex, they try to AVOID having kids.
Condoms, day after pill.
You claim its all about the "naturalness" of being able to have kids.
But then you avoid it, and only have kids when youre "ready", or want to have kids.
If youre all about the "naturalness" of being straight, then why use condoms?
That defeats the purpose of your KIND.
Yes, kind.
How does it feel to be singled out, and put into a group and labeled?
Hurts? Well that isnt even half of what we have to deal with.
You wonder why were so defensive, seem to be angry at the world?
Dont look any farther than yourself.
You make it this way.
You VOTE on our love.
YOU make it so we cant marry the love of our lives.
Its not your place to say who we can or cant get married to.
Giving us dirty looks, commenting on us.
We can only take so much.
And people then wonder what happened to that nice girl they knew in high school.
The people around us, mainly, the ones with sticks so far up their bums, religiously righteous in their own mind, thinking its their job to make ours miserable.
Thats not what OUR God teaches.
Yes, OUR God.
I believe in Him, love Him.
And thats what he teaches, love.
Thats His main commandment.
I just wish his followers would actually do what he wants us to do, LOVE, and not JUDGE.
Thats his place.
Ive had to deal with people ever since high school trying to "deal" with me, "figure" me out.
I was nothing to deal with or figure out before they knew I was gay.
It was simple, I was a nice, fun-loving, care-free girl.
Not to say Im not anymore, but I know that my light has dwindled over the past years, due to being hurt by close friends, family members, even strangers on the street.
All because Im gay.
My rants are what they are because Im mad, and I dont see why they feel they have to treat me the way they do.
Do they get pleasure out of it?
Do they think were some sort of thing to take apart and see how it works?
Were barely different.
They just dont seem to care, and follow the stereotypes, because they seem to think that it describes all of us.
Thats the farthest from the truth as they can get.
Its even ridiculous that I have to tell people this over and over again.
Whatever, no one is going to read this, and whoever does, Im sure theyre going to send a lot of "love" my way.
Thats fine, its all I seem to get anyways.
Im tired, and I have to take the love of my life to work in about 3 hours.
Whom I wish I could marry.
But I may as well be living on another planet, because no one gets us, they dont want to get us.
Wish I could be somewhere else.
Maybe theres a place for us somewhere, and straight people wont be allowed.
And no, I dont care about us populating anything.
As long as I can love, screw the next generation.
Its not like theres going to be a shortage of straight people anytime soon, they do all the work for us.
Why do things have to suck so bad?
A little note ahead of time, so I dont get flamed:
This does not concern everyone. I know I said all, but it only concerns those who actually do it.
For one, why dont the majority of people "get" gay people?
I mean, whats not to get?
Take away the nasty stereotypes, and were just like "you".
We live our lives, we love.
Our love is the same as "straight" love.
I mean, just because we dont have a p***s to fill our hole to have babies.
That argument is lame.
Most straight people, the majority of the time theyre having sex, they try to AVOID having kids.
Condoms, day after pill.
You claim its all about the "naturalness" of being able to have kids.
But then you avoid it, and only have kids when youre "ready", or want to have kids.
If youre all about the "naturalness" of being straight, then why use condoms?
That defeats the purpose of your KIND.
Yes, kind.
How does it feel to be singled out, and put into a group and labeled?
Hurts? Well that isnt even half of what we have to deal with.
You wonder why were so defensive, seem to be angry at the world?
Dont look any farther than yourself.
You make it this way.
You VOTE on our love.
YOU make it so we cant marry the love of our lives.
Its not your place to say who we can or cant get married to.
Giving us dirty looks, commenting on us.
We can only take so much.
And people then wonder what happened to that nice girl they knew in high school.
The people around us, mainly, the ones with sticks so far up their bums, religiously righteous in their own mind, thinking its their job to make ours miserable.
Thats not what OUR God teaches.
Yes, OUR God.
I believe in Him, love Him.
And thats what he teaches, love.
Thats His main commandment.
I just wish his followers would actually do what he wants us to do, LOVE, and not JUDGE.
Thats his place.
Ive had to deal with people ever since high school trying to "deal" with me, "figure" me out.
I was nothing to deal with or figure out before they knew I was gay.
It was simple, I was a nice, fun-loving, care-free girl.
Not to say Im not anymore, but I know that my light has dwindled over the past years, due to being hurt by close friends, family members, even strangers on the street.
All because Im gay.
My rants are what they are because Im mad, and I dont see why they feel they have to treat me the way they do.
Do they get pleasure out of it?
Do they think were some sort of thing to take apart and see how it works?
Were barely different.
They just dont seem to care, and follow the stereotypes, because they seem to think that it describes all of us.
Thats the farthest from the truth as they can get.
Its even ridiculous that I have to tell people this over and over again.
Whatever, no one is going to read this, and whoever does, Im sure theyre going to send a lot of "love" my way.
Thats fine, its all I seem to get anyways.
Im tired, and I have to take the love of my life to work in about 3 hours.
Whom I wish I could marry.
But I may as well be living on another planet, because no one gets us, they dont want to get us.
Wish I could be somewhere else.
Maybe theres a place for us somewhere, and straight people wont be allowed.
And no, I dont care about us populating anything.
As long as I can love, screw the next generation.
Its not like theres going to be a shortage of straight people anytime soon, they do all the work for us.

Community Member
I believe that if a friend treats you differently and such when they find out you're gay, then they weren't really your friend at all.
You're still the same person, who just happens to be gay.
Do I dislike all my friends because of their straightness, bi-ness, or even trans-ness? Because all of those words sound like diseases..
No..they're my friends who just happen to be straight. I could give a crap less if they have awkward fetishes..everyone is different. It's their body, their life..whatever makes them happy..do it.
You did not deserve the mistreatment you got from people when they found out you were gay. It shouldn't matter if you're gay or not..the most important thing is that you believe in God right?
Well the thing that bothers me is how God is automatically linked to being gay..it isn't fair that people drag religion into things.
Religion is just a way to get people to mindlessly follow rules..sometimes it seems like a false faith to me.
To me, God and religion are different things...they may be linked in some ways, but in no way are they the exact same idea.
Back on topic. I think that the people who try to figure us out, watch us walk around while we hold hands, and eye us like were some kind of walking sickness should take a step back and realize that not everyone is going to be attracted to the same gender they are.
If God didn't want us all to be different, then we'd all be robots..that's how I see it..robots that do nothing but wake up, eat, go to work, come home, eat, go to sleep..day after day after day.
I agree with you 928742635623509349%..