Yep. Finished. Finito. I am DONE with the harsh classes I was taking. No more 50 Page essays, no more hundred addition print series, NO MORE DRAWING TEACHER telling me how much she doesn't like my drawing style. Yes, I have another semester starting next month, but that's next month. I am taking the step back that I've needed for so long. In fact, I'll be headed home to the farm next week. Gunna spend a week there before coming back to Seattle to go spend christmas with my b/f's parent... After which I'll need a stiff drink. His folks drive me NUTS. (They're religious fanatics.) And then I'll be ready for some shows, some stereotypical college parties, and the sleep I was denied for several weeks through finals. Yep yep. The snow is calling, the city is bright with lights and color, and I am officially 21! blaugh
Now then, to start celebrating, I'm preparing a batch of my family's special recipe for "Apple Pie". It's a drink, and an awesome one at that. Family tradition is that we make a batch every year, and this year? It's my honor to make my first batch! ^_^ My folks are so proud. Haha! If my boyfriend's parent's knew what I was subjecting him to, they would order me hung. This is the break in pace I needed so desperately and I intend on utilizing it to the max!
Happy holidays everyone! And remeber: "Keep your stick on the ice!"
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Just a figment of your deranged imagination...

"No matter where you go, there you are"
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"No matter where you go, there you are"