yusuke: kuwabara??? w-what are u doing here?
kuwabara: *wearing red trunks w/ LIFEGUARD written on them* i work here...im the lifeguard.
crystal: wow, kazuma, this is ur job? thats so cool!
amber: im impressed..never thought ud work somewhere useful.....
kuwabara: crystal! amber! hi! *subtly flexes musceles*
kurama: *tightens grip on ambers legs (piggyback, remember?)* kazuma, we needed a tiebreaker judge, will u do it?
kuwabara: sure, i mean, im on break and ive got nuthin else to do..
amber: cool! now lets start!
yusuke: *pulls crystal into his lap* hn... the only rule is no murder!
crystal: uh yusuke, r u o---
yusuke: BEGIN!
*fight starts*
amber: *eyes blank* left! right! dodge! kick!
hiei: *counters every dodge and attack perfectly* now kyrin.. punch!
kyrins: *swings fist towards ambers face*
amber: move back! *fist grazes her cheek* hn.. kick now!
kurama: *kicks hiei squarely in chest* kah!
hiei: *falls back from force of blow* agh!
kyrin: aiieee!!
yusuke: (totally got back fighting spirit) woo! round one, team rose!
amber/kurama: *cheer*
hiei: *telepathically to amber* best two out of three?
amber: ur on!
hiei: my turn kyrin.
kyrin: okeydoke ishkabibbles! *lifts him onto her soulders* just remember, no murder!
hiei: *smiles at her* scouts honor kyrin! maybe.
amber: enuff yap, lets waste em kuramanamanama!
kuwabara: BEGIN! *puts arm around crystals waist and pulls her closer while yusuke is distracted*
crystal: redface
amber: *eyes blank* back! left! right! jump!
hiei: this is becoming a pain..... kyrin, hum. *starts humming*
kyrin: *does same*
amber: dangit...
hiei: *suddenly punches amber* hn..
amber: *flies back and takes kurama with her* sorry kurama, im saving my energy....
hiei: weaklings...
crystal: r-round two: team dragon!!!
kurama: its ok love, i understand...
hiei: *opens jagan eye*
amber: dear god, im blind..
kurama: what do u mean?
amber: i cant see any of his attacks.. dang it we're dead!
hiei: *smirks* that should make it fast then *fist glows* fist of the mortal flame!!!! *punches amber in face*
amber: *fist connects with temple* ack!!!
kurama: *stumbles but stays upright* careful amber....
amber: *temporarily dazed*
kuwabara: hey crys, u want some dr pepper? (heheh)
crystal: sure! thk u kazuma! *sips it*
yusuke: ya!!!! ko her runt!!! *notices kuwabaras hand on crystals waist and punches him* knock it off! *gets absorbed in the game again*
hiei: u dont even present a challange. one more hit should do it..*punches amber again*
kurama: *leaps back* no u dont! *kicks kyrin in shin*
kyrin: dangit!!! *stumbles*
hiei: hn...
crystal: *now totally out of it* yeah.....
kuwabara: hey crystal, can u get me one of those?
crystal: surre.....
kuwabara: *mutters to yusuke* bathroom.
yusuke: w/e AMBER, QUIT BEING A WUSS!!
amber: *snaps out of it* im....not...a WUSS!!! *beam shoots out of her eyes at hiei* woah....
hiei: *eyes widen* what the--- *flies back w/ kyrin*
kurama: thats the same type of energy u used on me the other day...
amber: *slumps over* ungh...
kurama: used too much energy....nice...
yusuke: WINNERS....TEAM ROSE!!
hiei: *wipes mouth* hn...that kind of aura is A class...but amber is only a C.....
kyrin: daaaang..... shes wiped after that though....
---at drink stand---
kuwabara: *pins crystal to wall*
crystal: kazuma.......
kuwabara: dont speak, u'll be using ur lips for something else... *kisses collarbone, then neck, then lips*
crystal: *looks shocked but then kisses back* (totally not there, remember?)
yusuke: *looks to where crystal was* crystal do you... *sees shes not there* CRYSTAL!!!!!!!! we have to find her!!!
hiei: calm down. *closes eyes and opens jagan and chuckles* well well well....
yusuke: WHERE IS SHE RUNT???
hiei: *raises eyebrows maliciously* concession stand.
yusuke: *runs to stand and sees kuwabara and crystal making out* WHAT THE?????
kurama: kazumas done it now....
amber: unh....
kurama: oh rite... *says incantation and herbs appear on ambers forehead*
kyrin: he mustve spiked her drink....
hiei: *rofl*
amber: *comes to* did we win? *tries to sit up but gets pushed back down by kurama* lemme up...
kurama: no, a knock like that shouldve killed u.
amber: i didnt mean to do it, it just happened...
kurama: ya i noe.. but hey we won!
amber: *smiles* yay! wheres yusuke crystal and kazuma?
kurama: *smirks and picks amber up and puts her piggyback on him* wanna see?
amber: *rests head on his shoulder* as long as im w/ u....
kurama: *follows kyrin and hiei to kiss site*
amber: uuhhhhhhh why r they.....
kurama: *places finger on her lips* shhh watch.
kuwabara/crystal: *continue ignoring yusuke and kissing*
yusuke: *pulls crystal off of kuwabara and punches him in the face* JERK!!! *punches* IDIOT!!!!! *punches* MORON!!!!!!!!
kuwabara: owwwwww!!!!
yusuke: *turns to crystal* r u ok babe?
crystal: *nods dizzily* unh huh.....
yusuke: he spiked her drink..... *kicks him as he tries to get up* ONLY I CAN DO THAT!!!!!!!
everyone but c/y/kuwa: *laugh*
hiei: *looks at amber angrily* one more thing while ur brain is under my control....*sends jolt of pain through her and releases powers*
amber: AGH!! ow! wth??????
kurama: *to hiei* BE NICE!
kyrin: heh, nice shock, i felt it from here!
hiei: i rock like that.
yusuke: *leaves kuwabara* u feeling better amber? it wont feel rite whupping someone whos not at top strength..
amber: *shakes head to clear it* ya im good enough to beat u!
kurama: the real question is how much shock is crystal gonna be in when she comes around fully..
crystal: *comes to* y-yusuke?
yusuke: im here crys...
crystal: yusuke! *pulls him down and kisses him* i-i wasn't...kazuma...he....
yusuke: dont worry, i believe u..u ready to whupp ambers sorry butt?
crystal: ok...
---back at pool---
kyrin: ROUND 1!!! COMMENCE!!!
hiei: i still think we shoulda won....
kyrin: ahh, so what if she fluked? that gives us more time to do this! *kisses*
amber: now that i can see again.... *eyes blank* back...left....kick!!
kurama: *jabs foot toward yusukes gut* kah!
yusuke: *grabs foot* hah!
amber: dangit... i hate how u act w/o thinking yusuke....it makes ur future cloudy...*backhands crystal*
crystal: ow! grr! yusuke, hold my waist!!!
yusuke: *tightens grip on her*
crystal: *kicks at ambers face* meanie!
amber: back kurama!
kurama: *jumps back just in time*
amber: *crystals foot comes literally this: --- close to ambers face* eep!
kurama: hmm.. amber, what if we...
amber: *sees what he anticipates* ok, but to the left instead...
kurama: got it! *kicks right foot at yusukes legs trying to make him trip* go.
amber: *leans forward and pushes crystal to the left*
*the force of both attacks at once knocks crystal/yusuke over*
crystal: aaaaiiieee!!!!!
yusuke: woah!!! *falls*
hiei: *rolls eyes* round 1 team rose....
kurama: one more...
yusuke: fat chance!!
amber: razz
crystal: *rubs cheeck* that hurt!
amber: *sarcastically* sorry crystal!
yusuke: ready for a swift dismantle of ur reign?
kurama: the king and queen of chicken fights dont go down that easily!
kyrin: ROUND 2! COMMENCE!!
kurama: ill handle this one amber...
amber: aww.. fine.
kurama: *fills area with a heavy scent of roses*
crystal: *dizzily* that stuff smells goood......
yusuke: idiot... u just gave us a cloud cover! *pops up behind kurama* FINGER BANG!!!
amber/kurama: agh!!! *fall*
kyrin: ROUND 2! TEAM BLUSH!!!
crystal: *stammers* i-i dont blush that much!!!
amber: mmmhmm... hey look!!! its that kid at school whos hitting on u!!!
crystal: *blushes and whips around* which one!?!?!?
a/k/h/k/y: *laugh* team blush.
amber: kurama, we're gonna have to rely on sheer instinct here... i can barely stay up...
kurama: ok, just stay concious honeysuckle..
yusuke: this should go by fast. *punches kurama*
kurama: *takes punch and stumbles a little* dangit u've improved yusuke....
crystal: hah!!! *keiko slaps amber (lol like the new title?)*
amber: *dizzy* oww...
kurama: we're going to lose...
yusuke: u got that rite!!!
y/c: *simeltaniously kick at their target (crystal-amber yusuke-kurama)
a/k: aah!!! *fall back*
amber: *in bad mood but still sportsmanlike* good job... *shakes (more like tries to break) yusuke and crystals hands* hey hiei, which one are u? juri or koto? i say juri...
kurama: i agree.
hiei: *stand up w/ "danger" look in hisi eyes*
crystal: uh oh....
kyrin: *laffs and restrains hiei* wait for it...
yusuke: FIGHT!!!
kurama/amber: *to eachother* run! *take off running*
kyrin: RELEASE THE HOUNDS!!!!! *releases hiei*
hiei: GRAAH!!! *dashes after them*
kyrin/crystal/yusuke: *laff* lol
(oh and just to even sumping out... *koenma suddenly appears next to amber*
koenma razz ACTIO!!!! *kisses amber*
amber: *kisses back*
koenma: *dissapears*
so there crystal!!! (its an inside joke for the rest of u))
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