The sun was bright and there were puffy white clouds in the sky. Luna was soaring through the flowers the sun on her face. Her short blond hair flying behind her. She stopped and landed on a yellow flower. Then all the other fairies fled to their homes. What was going on? Luna being adventurous flew up into the sky to see what was going on. Nothing ever happened in her forest and she wanted to keep it that way. There was a man, or more of a boy maybe 16-19 walking through the forest stomping on flowers and scratching up trees with a knife. Luna would not let this happen. She summoned all the magic she could muster and sparks of all colors started floating around her. She pointed her finger at the intruder and zapped him.
[[So what gonna happen next? What does the zap do? The person i Rp with would be the boy and I guess he would get to decide what the zap does. I personally think it should shrink them but i am already controlling enough of the character so xD]]
_ChoKlitBunnie_ · Wed Dec 31, 2008 @ 07:00am · 0 Comments |