Book 4:
The Battlefield Plains
“What is this?” Skie was dumbstruck. The scales of Libra were unchanging, their moving unthinkable for generations. Now, not only were the scales tipping endlessly back and forth, a third faction was added? A third mystic piece that threw the scales into complete and utter turmoil has been added?
“The scales of Libra are in complete turmoil. This could mean Ragnarok is sooner than we predicted.”
“Don’t toy with me, Secrecias! I want to know what’s going on, as hell’s warrior I demand it!”
There was a short pause before Secrecias sighed in defeat. “All right. I’ll tell you what I know. Tell me, Skie, have you ever heard of the Third Souls?”
“No, can’t say that I have.”
“Then that will make this a much longer story. This story is much like many others, with a beginning, middle and end. We’ll start in the middle.
“There was once a girl named Dienastol. She’d always been a curious sort, you could never tell which way she was going until she went there, unpredictable little sneak. So, at her death, we couldn’t decide where she was to go. Was she heaven-bound or hell-bound? Eventually this created a large confrontation between the two universes. You may know it as The Great Rift.
“Needless to say, it wasn’t pretty. Finally, to end the carnage, two ambassadors decided to send her to her own realm. They called it Limbo which, in their native language, means ‘the world in between worlds.’
“She was going to spend eternity there, alone and free from harm. This was the agreement of ‘The Contract.’ These guys could not come up with a single original name, could they?
“Dienastol was very highly opposed to the idea of spending eternity alone. So opposed, in fact that she created a new being, a super-race. She called them the Third Souls. However her experiment ended early when an angel came to check on his prisoner. He reported this to the gods. They were outraged she would even try something so dangerously insane.
“They were on her like flies on a dead rat. She had already made two but she had to hide them. One with pure white hair was born and became an angel. His brother-for-all-intensive-purposes was born with blood-red hair and became a demon. Sound familiar?”
“Wait a second. I’m a super-being?”
“That’s right. You were entrusted in my care by the demon lords themselves. They were not so opposed to the idea of having a super-demon around.”
Skie absorbed this quickly and all of it went straight to his ego. “So what’s the problem? Brother throwing a temper tantrum?”
Secrecias picked up on the mood quickly. “Don’t get a swelled head, stupid. The very nature of reality is being torn apart because now both of you know about your pasts. In fact, your brother, Valerus, is in Limbo right now! He’s speaking to your mother!”
By the time he finished his sentence Skie knew what to do. He was going to kill Mama’s boy Valerus. That would be easy to do. He disappeared in flash, sulfur filling his lungs in full force now. He forgot to do the incantation so he would have a rougher landing this time.
With a crack of thunder he was in a large gray fog. The impact of his feet hitting the ground jarred his teeth. He stumbled forward, cursing low under his breath before he saw the angel and the woman standing in front of him.
“Hello mom, little bro.”
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ravings of a mad man
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