simulation hige: hahahahah!! *slits a simulation kyrin's throat again*
amber: *slams fists into ground making a crack* WHY CAN'T I DO THIS?!?! *cries* why am i never strong enough? never fast enough... never good enough.... *cries harder* i can never save the ones i love...
kurama: *standing in tree on other side of meadow with a sad look* poor amber...
amber: *gets back up and restarts simulation* graahh!!!!! *slashes at simulation hieige*
simulation hige: *jumps out of way, runs behind amber, and wraps hands gently around her throat like in the picture below*

amber: *freezes and stops simulation* i hate not being able to beat my enemies..
kurama: *leaps down toward her* u'll beat him honeysuckle! u just need more training!
amber: i-i've never been able to beat anyone stronger than a pathetic street thug!! i cant win kurama!!! *goes to turn simulation again* one more try...
kurama: *takes her head in his hands* stop amber, ur going to kill urself if u keep training like this!! we need u for the fight, come on, lets go see--
amber: IM NOT GOING TO GO SEE THAT IDIOT TRICLOPS!!!!!! HE'S TOO DEPRESSED TO FIGHT RIGHT NOW, SO I HAVE NO REASON TO GO OVER THERE!!! *shrugs him off* leave me alone.. i have to train...
kurama: amber.....
amber: just go kurama... *turns on simulation* im busy! *starts fighting again*
kurama: *sighs* alright... will u be home by 7?
amber: *slashes sim. hieges arm* hah! maybe. now go.
kurama: ok.. *leaves*
sim. hiege: *comes behind amber and closes hands around her throat again*
amber: grr.. *turns simulation off but hands remain* what the..? agh!!!! *gets slammed into a tree*
?????: hello princess.
amber: *feels her arms twist into a lock* aaagh! wh-who are u?
?????: who are you training relentlessly to defeat?
amber: *gasps as she feels her arm snap* AAARGH!!! h-hiege?
hiege: correct! *spins her around so shes facing him but still pinned to the tree*
amber: *reaches for her sword* i-i'll kill u!! release me!!
hiege: *takes sword out of her hand* now lets not be hasty. i haven't come here to fight u princess. *snaps her other arm and kicks her shin* though it is quite amusing watching u scream...
amber: aagh! *slides down tree, unable to stand* then y r u here?!
hiege: i have a deal to make with u princess.
amber: why r u calling me princess?! its getting annoying!!
hiege: u r the daughter of the queen and king of pirates, are u not?
amber: y-yes...
hiege: that makes u princess. now back to our deal, if u join me.. i wont kill u.
amber: why would i do that?!? u just broke both of my arms!!
hiege: i find that it would be useful to have a telepath on my team. the stubborn triclops said no, and u saw what happened to him.
amber: *remembers hiei lying bleeding on the ground and shudders*
hiege: so unless u r as stubborn as him princess, u will live. so whats it gonna be *points her own sword at her* join the winning team? or die along with the losing one?
amber: i'll nev--urk! *eyes go blank*
kyrin: *telepathically* amber, can u hear me?
amber: *telepathically* yes but how are u---
kyrin: *telepathically* no time to explain, but if hige is there rite now, SAY YES!!
amber: *telepathically* but i--
kyrin: *telepathically* JUST DO IT!! ill explain more when u get here!! bye!
amber: *telepathically* but kyrin!!
kyrin: *already gone*
amber: *eyes return to normal*
hiege: what did u see??
amber: (thinks: might as well bluff my way through...) *smirks* hiei's not the only traitor on this team. i accept.
hiege: *smirks* perfect *closes eyes and ambers arms heal* now get up, we're leaving.
amber: *gets up* can i have my sword back?
hiege: *freezes* wait.. how do i know i can trust u?
amber: *smiles* how could u not? i have no buisness with the other side now. i could kill one of them if u wish, master heige. (im so good at manipulating egos! lol)
hiege: hmm master hiege.. i like that. yes. go kill one and bring back their body.
amber: as u wish. (thinks: crap! who am i gonna kill? oh wait! ya, that would work!) *runs toward school*
---at ambers school (dissmissal bell just rang)---
amber: keiko? kieko?
kieko: yes amber? what do u need?
amber: come with me, yusuke says he wants u back!
kieko: *gasps* really?!?! omg!!!!
amber: *drags her off towards field* ya.. hes waiting here! (thinks: man shes gullible!)
---back at field---
kieko: where is he?
amber: *pulls out sword* u really are gullible! *slits her throat*
kieko: aaah!! *dies*
amber: man i've always wanted to do that!!
hiege: im impressed. this girl, shes valubale to urameshi is she?
amber: extremely!
hiege: leave the body here. theyll come looking for u later so leave a note.
amber: *writes note and leaves it next to keiko*
~~~note says~~~
hey guys...
by the time u get this note, i'll be in heiges fortress. ive joined him. crystal, i took care of kieko for u as u can see. too bad u guys couldntve stopped me from crossing over but its too late now.
i luv u all.
~~~end note~~~
hiege: lets go then princess.
amber: yes master hiege.
hiege: but my fortress is top secret so.. *thunks her on back of head koing her*
amber: unh... *blacks out*
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