I've come to know a few good men over the years
of being on gaia and in real life.
I thought, without a doubt in my head,
that I should at least do something to tell
and show them that they
truly do mean something to me.
Let them know that they
have made a difference
and have made me smile
more than I have in the past months
than I have in a long while.
Without further ado.
I give you the special people in my life.

Oh my God.
There is nothing I can do
That youre not there with me.
nearly 6 years Ive known you.
we fought a few times
yet we've only gotten closer from the lot of it.
I know I would've died
if not for you in ROTC with me.
You have my life.
I would sacrifice myself for you
willingly at the drop of a dime.
I can truly say I love you and we will feel it.
I won't ever disappear from your side again.

Bloody hell.
There is nothing we can't conquer
If there are enough explosives,
and rabid fluffy penguin garden gnomes involved.
There are no words
to describe how much I love you.
IF you try to ask me,
I will probably cry trying to think of the right words.
I. ********. Love. You.
Do not ever doubt that.
You have the same sacrifice from me.
You know I would do so willingly.

The man that came back in time for me ;3
(well.. only a day back but its STILL like talking to the future!)
His voice can melt iron
with that beautiful accent of his.
Though he claims Ive already melted his heart
like the aliens acidic spit
through concrete 60 story building.
He is an ultimate joy to listen to
and he listens to weird music like me ♥
He calls me his princess..
and I actually let him get away with it.
I don't think I can thank him enough
for being one of my few dearest friends.