The story of how I got banned
It all started when I heard of gaia through one of my online friends (coughmyspacefriendcough). This was back around September 2004. I first made my account, the original name was "1Life2Hearts" However, It was hacked in 2005 shortly after I received the level 1 grombie avatar. My life continued without gaia (I make it sound so hard hahah), and I was again introduced to it by another friend (coughalsomyspacefriendcough). I joined in Feb 2006 on an account lifezdisease. There I mostly RP'd and did occational quests. lifezdisease then became haru suno, and the latter Natsu no Kaze (NnK). I later eloped from Natsu no Kaze to Sable Rain, for my own intentions (likeavoidingstupiddramabitches). I lost many items, but after all is said and done, they mean very little. I was in shock, when I tried to log on December 13, 2007 for a second time that day. First log in was fine. I logged off to play some Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne, and later came back to find that I had been perma banned. When I asked gaia why I was the answer was the same mindless garbage they give everyone else - "hacking and profiting from botted gold." I e-mailed them back asking for proof (IP logs, visits to a page per-day, anything at all really.) and got no reply back. If you knew any of the above Usernames, Don't be afraid to say hello, again. I had gotten my OMG back on Sable Rain, and thanks to my friend Tani, I got it back again! All of my friends on here are amazing, and you're the reason why I have not quit gaia, yet.
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God Sleeps On The Job
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I put the :// in http://
Haven't changed my avatar since September 1, 2011.
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